Sunday, September 29, 2013

op ed review 9/29

House Republicans will vote to pass a one-year delay of Obamacare in exchange for funding the government, a plan that drastically increases the chances of a government shutdown this Tuesday. Republicans will also pass a separate bill to fund U.S. troops if the government shuts down.

For daring to put conditions on raising the debt limit, White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer compared Republicans to arsonists, hostage-takers and suicide bombers.

Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women

Obama on Obamacare: “We did raise taxes on some things.” Some things means uninsured families, medical devices, flex accounts, small businesses, people with high medical bills and even charitable hospitals.
“(Sen. Ted Cruz’s) 21-hour pseudo-filibuster was an immensely stylish endurance stunt — a feat made all the more impressive by the rhetorical fluency that did not flag, the clarity of argument that was present in the first hour and the 21st and the unflappable demeanor…….. In the last hour (Cruz) found himself in a debate with Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin on the Congress’s generous health-care plan……Despite his marathon of speaking and standing and arguing, after nearly a day on his feet, Cruz — there is no other term for it — squashed Durbin like a bug….”

Cruz and his allies notched up the fourth longest occupation of the floor since precise record-keeping began in 1900.
Following the epic, 21-hour speech by Sen. Ted Cruz, either voters made so many calls to establishment Republicans that their phone lines melted, or those GOP leaders took their phones off the hook.

Americans Turn on Washington, 68% Say Wrong Track in Poll
Six in 10 Americans (60%) believe the federal government has too much power, one percentage point above the previous high recorded in September 2010.

Once the United States was among the most economically free nations on the planet, but now we barely crack the top 20.  Now ahead of us: Canada, Finland, Australia, Jordan, Denmark, Estonia, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has no Catholic right to be granted Communion, said the leading cardinal of the highest court at the Vatican. Mrs. Pelosi should be denied Communion until she changes her advocacy views on abortion, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke said.  That’s canon law, not opinion, he said.

Secretary of State John Kerry plans to sign a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation despite warnings from lawmakers that the Senate will not ratify the agreement. 

Scary:  Why are interest rates so low? Because we’ve reached the point that if they went back to a more historically normal level, all personal income taxes collected would go to servicing the debt. “One thing is clear: Based on CBO projections, if interest rates just rise to their 20-year average, we will have an untenable, unacceptable interest rate bill whose beneficiaries are China, Japan, and others who own our bonds. And if Americans find out that the lion's share of their income tax payments are going to service the debt, prepare for a new American revolution.”

So much for handshake diplomacy. President Obama’s bid to mellow 30 years of hatred and hostility blew up in his face at the United Nations when Iran’s new leader, Hassan Rouhani, snubbed him three times — and wouldn’t even meet him for a much-anticipated grip and grin.

An 800 lb. stone monument of the Ten Commandments that sits on a street behind the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington DC was toppled by vandals.
Vandals also set fire to a life-size statue of Ronald Reagan at a Southern California sports park that bears his name

A California youth football league has established a $200 fine and possible suspension of a any coach who allows his team to win a game by 35 points or more.

Isn’t that special?  The fifth-season premiere of ABC's Modern Family features a gay marriage proposal.

A New York teacher fired earlier this year for possessing a stash of heroin could get his job back after a judge found his firing to be “unduly harsh.” The penalty of termination is excessive and shocking to the court's sense of fairness."

The number of Dutch people killed by medical euthanasia has more than doubled in the 10 years since legislation was changed to permit it, rising 13 per cent last year to 4,188.


Joe Ashby, American Thinker, 9/25

"Dumbest idea I've ever heard."  "Can't happen."  "Picket had a better chance." So say some of the right's sharpest and most experienced political minds of the defund ObamaCare effort……The defund gambit carries risk; there is no way around that.  As long as Harry Reid and Barack Obama are willing to shut down the government rather than spare people from the added expense, reduced choice, and invasions of privacy that ObamaCare brings, things will get dicey.  Ironically, however, it will be the Democrats themselves who serve as the catalyst for conservative success. Here's how it can happen.

In order to score a political win in a government shutdown, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and others must portray the situation as intolerable.  That portrayal stimulates an incentive within the Beltway crowd, the media, and (to a lesser extent) the citizenry to end the shutdown. Once the demand to open non-essential government services reaches a fever pitch, the GOP (who have no incentive to extend the shutdown) can simply say, "Great, let's hammer out a deal and reopen government."  Once Obama's party comes to the table, the GOP will have won, because any negotiations will mean repealing, delaying, and/or de-funding ObamaCare -- not a 100% repeal/delay/defund, but something higher than 0%.

Certainly the Democrats will realize that negotiation will mean giving away some of their precious domestic "achievement," and thus they will resist coming to the bargaining table.  But Obama, Reid, et al. will be trapped by their own rhetoric.  If the shutdown is so bad, and the GOP want to end it, then the pressure to negotiate a deal becomes more and more intense.

Making matters more advantageous for Cruz, Lee, John Boehner, etc. is the long-arching media narrative that compromise is the holiest of all political rites.  This standoff puts the eager-to-compromise GOP against the Democrat position of "No way.  No how.  Not even going to talk about it."  That political ground becomes increasingly difficult to hold as time passes.

Despite the potential viability of this course of action, many on both left and right believe that a government shutdown is a guaranteed disaster for the GOP.  Shutdown-phobia has been the conventional wisdom in Washington for nearly two decades.  A close look at the evidence, however, reveals a not-so-shocking truth: Washington is wrong. There is zero measurable historical evidence that suggestions of shutting down the government will be electorally damaging to the Republican Party.  None.  Republicans held the House and Senate before the last partial shutdown.  They held it after.  Bill Clinton's approval ratings cratered from 53% when the first shutdown began to 42% by the tail-end of the second (a period of about seven weeks)….

Besides the utter absence of electoral damage done by the prolonged 1995-1996 shutdown, the Newt Gingrich-led Congress successfully wrested the agenda-setting power in Washington away from the presidency.  As then-Majority Whip Tom Delay said on the Mark Levin Show last week, "[the shutdown] was the most important thing we ever did," adding, "The result of that was for six years Bill Clinton did not get to sign one major bill that he initiated." 

Looking past the politics of the next election, we must recognize that there may be no "next time" for stopping ObamaCare.  Once the main subsidies begin, there is little doubt that the law's politics will only get more difficult.  And while some welcome the coming "train wreck," the do-it-and-see-how-bad-it-is approach is a satisfying retort but a poor practical theory.

Government programs don't come and go based on performance.  Social Security, for example, is popular not because it's a good way to provide for retirement; the opposite is true.  Social Security is popular because ending it would put people without other means of income in a dire situation.  Yes, those people could have made other provisions in the absence of the program (which would serve them better than Social Security), but the reality is that the program wasn't absent, and now many can't make other provisions.

The ObamaCare subsidies will lead to the same brand of dependency.  ObamaCare will be poorly run, unable to fulfill the promises made at its passing, but as long as millions of people are receiving billions of dollars based on the law's provisions, history cautions us that repeal becomes virtually impossible. Given a concrete path to victory and the shrinking prospects of future success, the defund effort is not only winnable, but the most urgent and realistic attempt yet at stopping the law.  It's time for the establishment to get in line.  It's time for conservatives to unite.  We are not guaranteed a win, but we have a strong game plan.  Now we need the whole team to buy in.

More wisdom from Dr. Ben Carson, professor emeritus of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University.  “Today, the freedom of Americans to control their own health care needs is being threatened by massive governmental interference. Those attempting to fundamentally change America are attempting to take control of the most important thing any of us possesses: our health……..Those representatives and senators who insist on pushing through Obamacare against the will of the people should be clearly identified so they can be appropriately dealt with by their constituents. The authority of officeholders, after all, is dependent upon the ballot box……We have an opportunity to re-establish a government in which freedom of speech is cherished. As Thomas Jefferson once famously said, “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” We must remember that our representatives work for us; we don’t work for them. Whenever they forget that, we must act to re-establish proper order. Those who wish to fundamentally change America are happy with the trends we see. However, those of us who love the Judeo-Christian values upon which our country was founded and under which it flourished in the past, must not dwell on past mistakes, but learn from them. We must not capitulate to secular progressives, and unlike them, we should be loving and kind. But most importantly, we must never give up. ________________________________________________________________________

“[Y]ou would think that Republicans will sweep in 2014 – increase their hold on the House, and take the Senate. But that isn’t what voters have in mind. Rasmussen … finds that currently, Democrats lead Republicans in the generic Congressional preference poll by 40%-37%. It’s a paradox: voters prefer Republicans on the issues, but still lean toward voting for Democrats. One could speculate about why that is true; I think it is obvious that the press’s ceaseless attacks on Republicans are part of the explanation. That is a longstanding problem, but the numbers suggest that Republicans will do best if they keep pounding away on the issues, especially the ones where voters are predisposed to favor them.”
                     -John Hinderaker

Groundbreaking books about the history of communism are never written by "professional" historians. Indeed, historians typically meet those books with remarkable hostility.  Yet, non-academic history books certainly have their advantages. For one thing, they are readable. More often than not, they are better researched too. Above all, they are intellectually honest, free from the unspoken taboos of the academic world and from allegiances to theories and to colleagues that tie the hands of many an academic. Where a professional historian pursues an academic career, the amateur seeks after the truth. Ignorant of taboos, the amateur can follow the trail of evidence to wherever it leads and discovers things which, according to the academic conventional wisdom, are best left untouched and unsaid.  That is what Diana West does in “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character.” By her own admission, she started that book with no intention of writing much about the Cold War. She started not as a historian, but a simple mortal puzzled and disturbed by the obvious question: how on earth could this great civilization of ours have degraded into such a hypocritical nonsense as political correctness? Having written her previous book about the death of the civilization of grown-ups, now Mrs. West, in her own words, attempts a post mortem--only to discover unmistakable signs of a murder.

An exhaustive United Nations report that claimed with 95% certainty that humans are responsible for global warming left out data that found the planet has stopped warming over the last 15 years, because it did not fit with the climate change agenda it wanted to advance. Judith Curry, professor and chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, said if the "if the pause continues beyond 15 years they are toast.”

Muslim terrorists behind the Kenya shopping centre massacre planned to attack high-profile British targets including The Ritz hotel and Eton public school. Members of the Al Shabaab terror group also set their sights on ­London suburbs such as Golders Green and Stamford Hill. They listed targets in a training manual which contained a blueprint for this week’s gun and bomb rampage at Nairobi’s Westgate shopping mall.

“The West´s strange silence on the martyred Christians of the Muslim world”

In Western news-making and opinion-forming circles, there’s a palpable reluctance to talk about the most noteworthy thing about modern Islamist violence: its barbarism, its graphic lack of moral restraint. Across the commentating board, people are sheepish about pointing out the historically unique lunacy of Islamist violence and its utter detachment from any recognizable moral universe or human values. We have to talk about this barbarism; we have to appreciate how new and unusual it is, how different it is even from the terrorism of the 1970s or of the early twentieth century.

President Obama lied to us. It wasn’t a white lie. It wasn’t a fib. It wasn’t a half truth. It was a bold-faced lie. “No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise,” President Obama told the American Medical Association in 2009. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.” That statement turned out to be a lie. Period.

Liberals hold that “hate crimes” are worse than crimes involving the same conduct but not the same attitude. But the application of this doctrine may depend on which group the perpetrator hates. If he hates a group that liberals desire for their political base, his crime will be viewed as particularly heinous. If he hates a group that liberals dislike, it may earn him an expression of ideological solidarity from the sentencing judge and perhaps even a break on the sentence.

An adult at 18? Not any more: “Adolescence now ends at 25 to prevent young people getting an inferiority complex.”

The GOP is factionalizing, with the conservative base backing the Cruz-Lee strategy to defund Obamacare, and the GOP establishment attacking it directly but mostly indirectly. It is a remarkable moment, crystallizing the long-simmering revolt against the leadership for its failure to fight on the principles the base cares about passionately. They seek a champion, and Ted Cruz grabbed what he saw as the opportunity to spearhead the opposition to Obamacare, a new program which the public also dislikes and fears. By mobilizing the base, Cruz was able to overcome the resistance of Speaker Boehner, pillar of the GOP establishment…..

Another view from an unimpeachable source:  “Though we fully support Sen. Ted Cruz, he now appears unable to see the battle beyond his trench, and he keeps digging himself into procedural holes.”

“Options are not a luxury we conservatives have.  We have been under siege, and are now surrounded, awaiting the coming salvos of Obamacare implementation which will decimate American liberty.  Government bureaucrats stand ready to sign up millions of new dependents to the government healthcare rolls, whose only job will be to vote for Democrats in the coming elections to ensure continued benefits -- which by hook, crook, or Democrat-organized bussing to the polls, they will do.  IRS agents are standing by, ready to lay down the fiscal hammer of "social justice" on small business owners and individuals with the audacity to not conform to a bill so convoluted that no member of Congress read it before passage, and navigating its intricacies is the subject of a New York Times bestseller.”
One man's ObamaCare nightmare

Henninger:  “Let Obamacare Collapse”  “What the GOP´s Defund-ObamaCare Caucus is failing to see is that ObamaCare is no longer just ObamaCare. It is about something that is beyond the reach of a congressional vote. As its Oct. 1 implementation date arrives, ObamaCare is the biggest bet that American liberalism has made in 80 years on its foundational beliefs. This thing called "ObamaCare" carries on its back all the justifications, hopes and dreams of the entitlement state. The chance is at hand to let its political underpinnings collapse, perhaps permanently. If ObamaCare fails, or seriously falters, the entitlement state will suffer a historic loss of credibility with the American people.  It will finally be vulnerable to challenge and fundamental change. But no mere congressional vote can achieve that. Only the American people can kill ObamaCare.

It is mindboggling that so many people are totally unaware of ObamaCare, have no interest in discussing it, and are dismissive and rude if someone attempts to have a rational conversation about a law that will drastically change the landscape of this country. This deliberate ignorance continues to beget denial. Consequently, we find America on the verge of a system that apparently only African and Eastern European acquaintances of mine instantly understand, since they ran away from the very draconian worldview that we will all face in a matter of days if ObamaCare is not stopped dead in its tracks. Daily, one

“The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office.”
                    -Ludwig von Mises

"If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people … must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify."
                     -Federalist No. 33

Leno:  President Obama is now making his case for raising the debt limit. He said raising the debt limit does not increase debt. You know, like raising the speed limit does not increase speed… …Tomorrow night AMC will begin airing a "Breaking Bad" marathon that will show every episode of the show leading up to Sunday's series finale. This is how it ends: Walter White dies in a hospital waiting room while filling out all the paperwork for Obamacare.…. There's a new issue of "Cosmopolitan" that explains Obamacare to women. The article is called "10 pre-existing conditions to drive your man crazy."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

op ed review 9/22

Real Median Income Down $2,627; People in Poverty Up 6,667,000; Record 46,496,000 Now
Households on Food Stamps Now Outnumber All Households in Northeast U.S.
After 5 years of Obama, the gap in employment rates between America´s highest- and lowest-income families has stretched to its widest levels since officials began tracking the data.

A large number of Americans continue to adamantly oppose the nation’s new health-care law and believe it will produce damaging results, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

The Republican Study Committee in the House of Representatives will unveil a healthcare bill Wednesday that would replace Obamacare. The bill, titled the Republican Study Committee’s American Healthcare Reform Act, “dramatically opens up options for families, and dramatically lowers costs” compared to the Obamacare law,

A CIA employee who refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement barring him from discussing the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, has been suspended as a result and forced to hire legal counsel, according to a top House lawmaker.
Democrats walk out and refuse to listen to the testimony of families of Benghazi victims. Like “spitting on their graves.”

“If you have any doubts that President Obama’s handling of Syria is an utter debacle, witness the embarrassing spectacle this morning as his top aides scramble to place blame for it at their boss’s feet.”

Newly uncovered IRS documents show the agency flagged political groups based on the content of their literature, raising concerns specifically about "anti-Obama rhetoric," inflammatory language”, "emotional" statements”, and "propaganda."

why we cling:  While the next few weeks will invariably bring out the same cavalcade of charts, graphs, and statistics purporting to explain either how the United States is the most violent nation in the world or how more gun ownership actually helps make us less violent, the gun-control debate has moved well past statistics and into much deeper matters of family, morality, and political culture. We simply speak different cultural languages, and these languages are rooted in choices that go far beyond the decision to own a gun. Do you live in a rural or urban community? Were you raised around firearms?

Leadership sources tell me the House GOP will soon vote on a continuing resolution that simultaneously funds the federal government and defunds Obamacare. Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor are expected to announce the decision at Wednesday’s closed-door conference meeting. This means the conservatives who have been urging Boehner to back a defunding effort as part of the CR have won a victory, at least in terms of getting the leadership to go along with their strategy. But getting such a CR through the Democratic Senate and signed into law will be very difficult — and many House Republican

Huh?  Raising the debt ceiling doesn't increase the nation's debt, Pres. Obama declared in a speech.

What a concept:  A bill has passed in the Michigan Senate that would require those receiving public assistance to do some “volunteer” work. Another bill, which passed the House Commerce Committee, requires drug testing, revoking benefits for welfare recipients who refuse the test or who test positive.

A Tennessee high school has decided to revise its field trip policy after a group of freshmen were taken to an Islamic mosque where they were given copies of the Koran and while a student who opted out of the trip was given a worksheet that alleged Muslims treated their conquered people better than the United States treated minorities.

“White House full of vermin.”  Obama's Roach Problem.  As in cockroaches.

The Huffington Post assessed the "dramatic toll" that recent pro-life laws have taken on abortion clinics, with Arizona leading the way. Meanwhile, the abortion battle has gone digital as more states ban abortions by telemedicine.

For its foreign editions this week, Time magazine features a picture of contented-looking Russian president Vladimir Putin, complete with a black background and a damning caption that declares “America’s weak and waffling, Russia’s rich and resurgent.”  But for the USA edition, Time’s editors are shielding Americans from the demoralizing picture, putting a cheerful, sky-blue photo on the covers of magazines distributed in the United States. “It’s time to pay college athletes,” says the chirpy, non-political U.S. cover, which shows a ball-carrying football player with arm outstretched.

Starbucks Flip-flop:  Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has asked customers to no longer bring firearms into the stores, even in states where they are legally permissible to carry. He notes that this is not a "ban" on guns, but rather a request.

Dr. Ben Carson  9/19

I have been interested in the political atmosphere of our country since my preteen years. It has been particularly interesting to observe the political shenanigans adopted by many of those wishing to obtain or maintain power. Fortunately, there have also been many who were truly interested in serving the people who put them in office. Looking at one’s life, voting record and words can provide significant insight into which of the aforementioned categories a political figure fits.

In the 1960s, John F. Kennedy wrote a book titled “Profiles In Courage,” which was very inspiring, as he examined the lives of individuals who had enough daring to go against the flow and make a real difference in society. As a young, very intelligent president of our country, he was faced with many daunting problems, not the least of which was an attempt by the Russians to supply Cuba with nuclear weapons, which would have been situated just 90 miles off of our shores.

Although there have been many attempts to rewrite the history of the Cuban missile crisis, the bottom line is that Kennedy had the necessary backbone to stand up to Nikita Khrushchev and avert an enormous detrimental shift in the power structure of the world while enhancing America’s international image. Some readers are probably already irritated that I have said something positive about someone who is not a member of their political party. It is my belief that if JFK were alive today, advocating personal responsibility and patriotism, he might find his views at odds with many in the Democratic Party.

Perhaps it is time to de-emphasize political affiliations and labels, and instead concentrate on the philosophies that define one’s beliefs and actions. The direction of our country is not good, and “we the people” — not we the Democrats or we the Republicans — are in desperate need of courageous leadership, guided by an understanding of our Constitution.

Our divided government was formed by diligent men who had studied the history of governmental structures throughout the world and wanted to design a system that would not succumb to the temptation to continuously expand its size and scope at the expense of the people. An important concept was the separation of powers with checks and balances among the three branches of government. It was a rather ingenious idea to invest each of the three branches of government with enough power to check unwarranted power grabs by the others.

There is, however, a breakdown in this system when officeholders are more concerned about their legacy or their re-election than they are about the proper functioning of government. Our Founders were most concerned about the possibility of the executive branch seizing power and disregarding constitutional constraints.
I suspect they would have been horrified to witness the manipulative and secretive strong-armed techniques utilized by the current administration to push through Obamacare. I’m sure they would also be shocked to see an administration that picks and chooses the laws it wishes to enforce, thereby diminishing the power of the legislative branch of government.

This practice in some ways resembles that of the centralized government system that swept the Soviet Union, whose notorious founders wrote that it was sometimes necessary to force ideas on a populace that will eventually come to accept and endorse the ideas. Similarly, our current leadership is certain that Americans will eventually see the wisdom of governmental oversight in almost every aspect of their lives.

If we are to pass a free and prosperous nation on to our progeny, it is imperative that the legislative branch of government exhibit the courage to exercise the check function it possesses. Lawmakers cannot be afraid that they will be blamed for a government shutdown if they defund Obamacare. They have the ability to separate the health care law from the rest of the federal budget and fund one without funding the other. In doing so, they need to make it abundantly clear that they are willing to fund the government and its essential functions, but they feel that Obamacare is detrimental to the future economic health of America.

If the Democrat-controlled Senate reattaches the law, or if the executive branch makes the decision to fund Obamacare at the expense of other vital national functions, the electorate must take notice and act decisively in 2014. Many say that those who want to restore constitutional restraints are fighting a useless battle, but we must remember that freedom is reserved only for those willing to fight for it.

I am confident that the people will awaken from their apathy and vigorously support whoever has the backbone to stand up for them. ________________________________________________________________________

“[G]overnment bureaucrats create the official definition of poverty, and they do so in ways that provide a political rationale for the welfare state – and, not incidentally, for the bureaucrats' own jobs. … There is nothing mysterious about the fact that most people start off in entry level jobs that pay much less than they will earn after they get some work experience. But, when minimum wage levels are set without regard to their initial productivity, young people are disproportionately unemployed – priced out of jobs. … Minorities, like young people, can also be priced out of jobs. In the United States, the last year in which the black unemployment rate was lower than the white unemployment rate – 1930 – was also the last year when there was no federal minimum wage law. … In 1948 the unemployment rate of black 16-year-old and 17-year-old males was 9.4 percent. This was a fraction of what it would become in even the most prosperous years from 1958 on, as the minimum wage was raised repeatedly to keep up with inflation. Some ‘compassion’ for ‘the poor’!”
                 -Thomas Sowell

“My friend and colleague Steve Grammatico is out with his new book, “You Hear Me, Barack?” a collection of his mordant, satirical takes on President Obama and his extended family of zany, lovable characters, including the First Lady, the vice president and a host of other comic-opera Public Enemies currently adored by the collection of circus clowns known as the White House Press Corps.”

On being a Duckhead:  “The liberal elites can demean the "duckhead" phenomenon and act as if this type of entertainment is beneath them, but the numbers don't lie, whether it's the show's ratings or its merchandise sales. Apparently, a large segment of America loves the ideas expressed on this show that humbly emanates from the swamps of Louisiana; as opposed to the figurative swamp we call the entertainment industry. Hey, Republican establishment, you could also learn a thing or two about messaging from the show's style and presentation.  In this day and age, when we need more Walton's on television and less South Park, more Mike Brady's and fewer Miley Cyrus', the Robertson family and "Duck Dynasty" are a breath of fresh air in the swamp that is television today.

Remember the media's account of Matthew Shepard's torture and murder in Wyoming for being a homosexual, peddled to curry public favor for gay rights?  . Thanks to a new book by a homosexual journalist, much of this meme turns out to be an outlandish hoax.

Dialing Back the Alarm on Climate Change  A forthcoming IPCC report lowers estimates on global warming.

“Wind farms and renewable energy: a modern version of a medieval scam….. It is not the opponents of wind farms that are backward looking and atavistic, but those who champion them. It is difficult to think of a more medieval technology than wind mills. They were cutting edge when Henry II was king and Richard the Lionheart was launching crusades.”

Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea Ice In 2013 — ‘Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record’

A former top Clinton Foundation official is also a senior Muslim Brotherhood official who has just been arrested for inciting violence in Egypt.

Obamacare’s Useful Idiots:  “The “leaders” of the CHA, Big Pharma, the AMA and the AFL-CIO constitute but a sample of the useful idiots exploited by the President and his congressional accomplices in order to foist Obamacare on the American public. The list of dupes goes on and on. They got presidential pens and photos of themselves grinning at the man who took them in. If they have any capacity for introspection, they also feel shame. Some have publicly repented of their support for Obamacare. Most still pretend they did the right thing. It may be an insult to the intellectually impaired to elevate such people to the level of “idiot.”

It’s easy for conservatives to write off college campuses as impenetrable liberal strongholds and to regard women students in particular as a lost cause. But three efforts to reach young women with conservative ideas — a magazine, a speaker recruitment, and a campus-based organization — demonstrate that conservatives can make some headway. Conservatives should be emboldened by these successes and use the lessons from them to develop more ways to influence the experience of college students today.

Media Buries Psychiatric Drug Connection to Navy Shooter:  Despite every indication that Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis was on SSRI drugs that have been linked to dozens of previous mass shootings, the mainstream media has once again avoided all discussion of the issue, preferring instead to blame the tragedy on a non-existent AR-15 that the gunman didn’t even use.

Ann Coulter:  “There’s been another mass shooting by a crazy person, and liberals still refuse to consider institutionalizing the dangerous mentally ill. The man who shot up the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, Aaron Alexis, heard voices speaking to him through the walls. He thought people were following him. He believed microwave ovens were sending vibrations through his body…..But Alexis couldn’t be institutionalized because the left has officially certified the mentally ill as “victims,” and once you’re a victim, all that matters is that you not be “stigmatized.”

It is claimed that the Navy shooter was a Buddhist.  “CNN, among other media outlets, expressed shock that a Buddhist like Alexis could be responsible for the Navy Yard massacre.”   Explanation:  “Buddhism lacked the power and substance to civilize him. As a non-judgmental, navel-gazing religion, it asks little of its adherents and accommodates all sorts of wild contradictions, producing not a holy fear of God but sometimes just emboldened self-indulgence and a frantic search for fulfillment through willy-nilly negation. There is a reason why nihilistic and hedonistic Hollywood stars love Buddhism. It appears to have appealed to Alexis not in spite of his world-hating aggression but because of it. As G.K. Chesterton pointed out, it is a religion particularly well-suited to a modern world on the verge of mental collapse: “He who does not climb the mountain of Christ does indeed fall into the abyss of Buddha.””

“The Idiots Guide to Defunding Obamacare”

The 25 Most Influential People on the Right For 2013

The NSA's secret org chart

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
                     -Winston Churchill

 “Property is surely a right of mankind as real as liberty….The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”
                      -John Adams

“Speak seldom, but to important subjects, except such as particularly relate to your constituents, and, in the former case, make yourself perfectly master of the subject.”
                        -George Washington

Leno……USA Today had a big front-page feature on the new health care law, and said that the opposition to ObamaCare is at an all-time high. In fact, it’s gotten so bad the president’s now calling it BidenCare