Saturday, September 28, 2019

op ed review 9/29

“Democrat drive to impeach Trump over Ukraine call is hysterical, hyperbolic and hypocritical.”
Watch Biden brag in video about bribing Ukraine to fire investigator of son's business.
The media view:   “Biden Family Should Be Off Limits; 'People Feel Sorry for Joe!'”
Here’s when Hillary Clinton colluded with Ukraine
Obama’s US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election.

Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules on Hearsay Evidence to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed
Hypocrisy!  Democrat Senators Wrote to Ukraine in May 2018, Demanding It Investigate Trump

Dossier 2.0: 'Whistleblower' Complaint Relies on Soros-Funded ‘Investigative Reporting’ Group that Partnered with BuzzFeed
Soros brags: “Trump Will Disappear" In 2020, Or Even Sooner”
There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes, singed by Bill Clinton.

At The United Nations, Trump Enrages The Left By Calling For Patriotism
The speech they're trying to hide: President Trump's stellar UN speech

Pelosi says abortion bans ‘Ignore Basic Morality’

Man Who Gave $1 Million to Children's Hospital cancelled for racist tweets when he was 16.
Des Moines Register reporter involved in the controversy now out of a job, but the editor who asked him to do a “background check” still has hers.

Wall Street Democratic donors may back Trump if Warren is nominated
GOP Raises Approximately $1 Million On First Day Of “Impeachment”

U.S. Census Finds 22.1 Million ‘Not U.S. Citizen’ in survey.
NY Times: Muslim Refugees 'Distraught' by Trump's Immigration Reforms
WSJ/NBC Poll: Healthcare for Illegals 'Least Popular' Policy in 2020 Race
Obama Judge blocks Trump attempt to close illegal immigrant family 'loophole'

Mattel Releases Gender-Neutral Barbies In Efforts To Be ‘More Inclusive’

Idaho Legislator: State Considering Defunding Leftist Agenda on Boise State Campus

Amid Too Much Good MAGAnomic Data, Bloomberg Cancels the Recession

David Blackmon  9/28
“America’s Second civil War is Three Years Old

The whole strategy revolves around wearing you down. – Americans who inhabit what the coastal elites condescendingly refer to “flyover country,” that vast center of the nation that turned into a sea of red on Election Day 2016 to elect Donald Trump to the presidency, are being forced to make a choice when it comes to their President. The relentless, neverending coup efforts being led by the Obama-loyal Deep State are designed to force you ultimately get to the point where you will throw up your hands and say ‘go ahead, get rid of Trump, just give me some peace.’

Our nation today is in a different kind of Civil War, one that began in July, 2016 when James Comey’s FBI coordinated with John Brennan’s CIA to mount a spying and entrapment effort against the Trump Campaign. It is a war of attrition, a war built on the relentless pushing of Big Lie after Big Lie after Big Lie. It is a war being mounted by squeamish, disloyal Republicans, the entirety of the Democrat Party, vast pockets of treasonous corruption within the Justice Department, the FBI and the Intelligence Community, 95% of the nation’s news media and about the same percentage of the entertainment industry. The war is supported by most of our institutions of higher “learning” and even filters down into our public schools.

It is a war on our senses, a war on our stamina, a war on our minds and a war on our children and grandchildren. It is a war in which we now cannot watch an episode of a sitcom or a crime drama without being assaulted with anti-Trump messages that insult us and our intelligence. It is a war in which we cannot wear a red cap or put a bumper sticker on our car expressing the desire to keep our country great without fear of being assaulted on the street or in a restaurant.

It is a war in which the simple fact of being white and male, or African American and conservative makes you a potential target of publicly-condoned derision and personal peril. It is a war in which you can lose your business or job if you don’t refer to a man wearing gaudy make-up and a dress as “ma’am.” It is a war in which giant social media monopolies are allowed to discriminate against you if their 100%-leftist staff do not approve of your thoughts and words.

It is a war in which associates of President Trump have their homes broken into in the middle of the night, are perp-walked before CNN’s cameras and held in solitary confinement while awaiting trial on charges that the DOJ investigated and refused to prosecute years before. It is a war in which enemies of President Trump can have multiple criminal referrals levied against them by the Inspector General and walk away scot free to lucrative book deals and six-figure “contributor” contracts with leftist fake news cable channels.

It is a war in which elected members of congress willingly do everything they can to prevent a duly-elected President and his administration from being able to conduct the nation’s foreign policy. It is a war in which the nation was held captive for three years by a “Russia Collusion” narrative tirelessly pushed by the fake news media and investigated by multiple congressional committees and a “special counsel” who conducted himself like the head of the American Gestapo. It is a war in which the special counsel’s report fully exonerates the President of any wrongdoing, only to have the Democrats and the fake news media double down on the Big Lie and pretend that it convicted him.

It is a war in which the Intelligence Community is now coordinating with the Democrats, the media and the entertainment industry in the next Big Lie, this one having to do with a phone call between the President and his peer in Ukraine. Even though it is now transparently obvious that this is just another Big Lie, we can count on the Democrat/media complex of propaganda to double down on their latest false narrative.

We can expect them to do that because the strategy here is not to have you actually believe any of the nonsense they’re pushing. The strategy is simply to wear you down, to ultimately make you bend the knee and give up on this silly quest to keep America a great and independent nation.

When this latest coup/impeachment effort crashes and burns in spectacular fashion, we can expect the forces aligned against Trump and his supporters to simply make up another false narrative and keep the coup going.

The same thing is happening right now in Britain, where Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister elected to complete the Brexit effort the voters approved three long years ago, is under a similar relentless assault by that country’s deep state, disloyal lawmakers and fake news media. As I wrote in one of the earliest Campaign Updates way back in 2016, Brexit and Trump are essentially the same political movement, a movement that pits those who love their country and want it to remain a strong, independent nation against the forces of globalism and one-world-government.

The Brits who support Brexit have held firm through all that time and grown stronger. Trump’s base of support has also held firm and grown larger. That base has remained unshakable not because they necessarily approve of every aspect of Trump’s personal behavior, but because they understand what is at stake here, and whose side Trump is on.

Because at the end of the day in this tiresome Civil War, Trump is on the side of Americans and America. I don’t know about the rest of you, but they won’t ever wear me down. That is all.

More good reading:  “Chutzpah hardly describes what the deranged Left has been doing the past few days. Leftists' collusion-with-Russia gambit failed miserably, so they've invented a desperate new narrative, that Trump asked the president of Ukraine to look into the corruption of Biden and his son that occurred in that country and that this is somehow illegal!  Never mind that the president can say whatever he wants to the leader of any foreign nation, in private, or that Biden is on the record bragging that he demanded that the prosecutor investigating his son be fired or U.S. funds would be withheld from Ukraine.  As usual, the Democrats have accused Trump of what Democrats have themselves been doing for decades: getting rich in office by any and all means that present themselves.”

“[Bernie] Sanders often falsely claims that Scandinavia demonstrates the success of his socialist schemes, even though Scandinavian countries are home to some of the freest economies in the world. The confusion arises because many of Sanders talking points haven’t been updated since the 1970s, when these countries were conducting disastrous experiments in government expansion. News of several decades of reform and revival hasn’t yet reached Sanders campaign headquarters.”
             -James Freeman

“I don’t want to hear one more word from the Democrats about the Ukrainian transcript till we get to read what Obama told Iran when he gave them $150 billion in sanction relief and $1 billion in cash.”
             -Charlie Kirk

“Exonerated: The Failed Takedown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp” by Dan Bongino

It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal alien”, “when motivated by hate.”

New letter signed by more than 500 prominent scientists sent to the UN, completely ignored by mainstream media.  “There is no climate emergency…..The general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose. Therefore, it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions on the basis of results from such immature models.”
Another top-level climate modeler goes rogue, criticizes ‘nonsense’ of ‘global warming crisis’
The Secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization:  “Climate change is not yet out of control, but the debate is – It has the features of a religious extremism.”     “3,500 years ago, there was also a climate-related group which took advantage of children. Called “Baal,” it was wide-spread in the Middle East where it was based on climate related to food production.  At the center of Baal was the human sacrifice of children to supposedly achieve some change in the weather.”

Climate Worship Is Nothing More Than Rebranded Paganism

The canonization of 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and the child marches held around the world last week demanding “climate action” are the apotheosis of this indoctrination campaign. Children, after all, do not conduct peer-reviewed science – they mostly repeat what they’re told. The adults who filled them with dread then offer them as proof of a crisis.
Scoldilocks, Or the Story of Greta Thunberg
Hollywood Pours Praise on Greta Thunberg: Put Her in Charge of Everything

Climate change protesters who marched through Manhattan leave a ton of litter strewn across the city

Forget the Green New Deal — the private sector has solved climate change

The Death of American Citizenship “Multiculturalism has reduced the idea of e pluribus unum to a regressive tribalism. Americans often seem to owe their first allegiance to those who look like they do. Citizens cannot even agree over once-hallowed and shared national holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July….the concept of citizenship is being the legal blending of mere residency with citizenship.”

Socialism, Not Climate Change, Is the Real Threat

Barack Obama, the real king of the quid pro quo

Political Realignment Is Coming to America   “Many Trump supporters cheered his election not because of his pugnacity (about time), or his policies (also about time), but because when you hate the china shop, you love the bull. Trump has exposed the Democrat versus Republican, Right versus Left, liberal versus conservative paradigms as, if not obsolete shams, then at least models that have lost most of their dialectic vitality. They remain real and represent important differences, but they are overshadowed by a new political polarity, worthy of urgent and vigorous dialectic—globalism versus nationalism.”

Interesting theory: Sarah Palin and the Collapse of the Democrats
For two and a half years, Trump Derangement Synrome has raged within the Democratic Party like gangrene.  It festers and erupts.  It is ugly, it stinks and it will eventually kill the body.

Long list of examples of Democrat corruption ignored by the media.

The classic Western film High Noon, released in 1952, offers a compelling analogy to the Trump presidency.

Trump campaign doubles down on Biden-Ukraine allegations in new TV ad.. It’s good!

The Free Online Courses that Cultivate the Mind.

The tiny AOC impersonator, Ava Martinez, who had been driven off the internet due to threats and harassment is back with a brand new hilarious parody video — saying that it “looks like politics are no longer off limits for children thanks to Greta.”

"This is Extraordinary! This is Unprecedented!" - Liberal Fake News Media Ignores Indian Prime Minister Modi's amazing introduction of President Trump in Houston.

“They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men.”
          -John Adams

Sunday, September 22, 2019

op ed review 9/22

Ukraine’s government has been trying since summer 2018 to hand over evidence about the conduct of Americans they believe might be involved in violations of U.S. law during the Obama years. The Ukrainians say their efforts to get their allegations to U.S. authorities were thwarted first by the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, then by US attorneys in New York……allegations involved both efforts by the DNC to pressure Ukraine to meddle in the 2016 U.S. election as well as Joe Biden’s son’s effort to make money in Ukraine while the former vice president managed U.S.-Ukraine relations.

Bernie Sanders: 'I Would Be Positively Disposed to' Expanding Asylum to Include Climate Refugees
Yang: Climate Change May Require Elimination of Car Ownership
Buttigieg Doesn’t Want His Ties To Horrifying Abortion Doctor Politicized
Beto O'Rourke demands banks, credit card giants 'cut off' firearms sales to law-abiding citizens
Biden promises more jobs for women than there are U.S. citizens
Democrats promote unionizing entire industries with 'sectoral bargaining'
Poll: 3-in-4 Swing Voters Oppose Democrats' Driver's Licenses for Illegals
Never Trump Republicans plotting to back Biden

The Church of the Environment:  NBC News Asks Americans To Confess Their Climate Change Sins
New York’s non-denominational Union Theological Seminary held a ceremony where members of the community placed plants in the center of the chapel and confessed their sins to them.
Alaska government meeting allows  ‘Pastafarian’ pastor with a colander on his head to lead opening prayer on behalf of the “Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster”. The Pastafarian invocation is the latest episode in a bizarre saga that stems from a state supreme court ruling allowing fringe religions to participate.

China forces churches to replace Ten Commandments with Xi Jinping quotes.

School cancels football game days after cheerleaders are punished for pro-Trump banner

Number of Unaccompanied Alien Children Entering US Reaches Highest in History
Data: At Least Quarter of a Million DACA Anchor Babies Living in 37 States
Illegal Aliens Sue Trump Administration To Ensure They Can Get Taxpayer Money Via Welfare

Hispanic Americans Side with Trump on Immigration: 'I Believe in the Wall'

Duke denies Young Life student organization for LGBTQ policy
House Democrats call for stripping tax-exempt status from 60 ‘hate groups’, mostly socially conservative organizations, anti-immigration entities, and religious groups.
Twitter suspends entire leadership Team of Latinos For Trump

Critics blast new 'Rambo' movie as “racist and pro-Trump” for daring to show border violence and drug cartels.

Texas mass shooting survivor lobbies Congress for less gun control. "I reached for the gun in my purse on the floor next ot me…..then I realized that my gun was 100 yards away, dutifully left in my car to obey the law because at that time in the state of Texas, carrying a handgun was illegal.”
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'

Prosecutors now say American Airlines mechanic accused of sabotaging flight has ties to ISIS.  It was first reported that Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani was just frustrated over stalled union contract talks.

Hillary Clinton Donor Ed Buck Arrested After ANOTHER Male Overdoses in His Seedy LA Apartment.   Weinstein, Epstein, Buck, nice donors!

The city of Phoenix cannot compel an art studio owned by two Christians to design wedding invitations for same-sex couples, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled Monday in a 4-3 decision. “…the guarantees of free speech and freedom of religion are not only for those who are deemed sufficiently enlightened, advanced, or progressive."
Mormon leader reaffirms church's opposition to gay marriage
Distinguished Johns Hopkins Professor of Psychiatry who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, believes that patients suffering gender dysphoria need psychological care – not gender reassignment treatment.
California adds Iowa to 'travel ban' over refusal to fund gender transitions
“Transgender Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century”

No question it's alive': In a California courtroom, an abortionist exposes Planned Parenthood's deceit

Chick-fil-A has more than doubled sales since critics called for boycott

Victor Davis Hansen  9/19  “Trump’s Total Culture War”

Donald Trump is waging a nonstop, all-encompassing war against progressive culture, in magnitude analogous to what 19th-century Germans once called a Kulturkampf. As a result, not even former President George W. Bush has incurred the degree of hatred from the left that is now directed at Trump. For most of his time in office, Trump, his family, his friends and his businesses have been investigated, probed, dissected and constantly attacked.

In 2016 and early 2017, Barack Obama appointees in the FBI, CIA and Department of Justice tried to subvert the Trump campaign, interfere with his transition and, ultimately, abort his presidency. Now, congressional Democrats promise impeachment before the 2020 election.
The usual reason for such hatred is said to be Trump's unorthodox and combative take-no-prisoners style. Critics detest his crude and unfettered assertions, his lack of prior military or political experience, his attacks on the so-called bipartisan administrative state, and his intent to roll back the entire Obama-era effort of "fundamentally transforming" the country leftward.
Certainly, Trump's agenda of closing the border, using tariffs to overturn a half-century of Chinese mercantilism, and pulling back from optional overseas military interventions variously offends both Democrats and establishment Republicans.

Trump periodically and mercurially fires his top officials. He apparently does not care whether the departed write damning memoirs or join his opposition. He will soon appoint his fourth national security adviser within just three years.

To make things worse for his critics, Trump's economy is booming as never before in the new 21st century: near-record-low unemployment, a record number of Americans working, increases in workers' wages and family incomes, low interest rates, low inflation, steady GDP growth and a strong stock market. Yet the real source of Trump derangement syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback -- politically, socially, economically and culturally -- against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.

Contemporary elites increasingly see nationalism and patriotism as passe. Borders are 19th-century holdovers. The European Union, not the U.S. Constitution, is seen as the preferable model to run a nation. Transnational and global organizations are wiser on environmental and diplomatic matters than is the U.S. government.

The media can no longer afford to be nonpartisan and impartial in its effort to rid America of a reactionary such as Trump, given his danger to the progressive future. America's ancient sins can never really be forgiven. In a new spirit of iconoclasm, thousands of buildings, monuments and statues dedicated to American sinners of the past must be destroyed, removed or renamed.
A new America supposedly is marching forward under the banner of ending fossil fuels, curbing the Second Amendment, redistributing income, promoting identity politics and open borders, and providing free college, free health care and abortion on demand. An insomniac Trump fights all of the above nonstop and everywhere. In the past, Republican presidents sought to slow the progressive transformation of America but despaired of ever stopping it.

No slugfest is too off-topic or trivial for Trump. Sometimes that means calling out former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick for persuading NFL stars to kneel during the national anthem. Huge, monopolistic Silicon Valley companies are special Trump targets. Sometimes Trump enters cul-de-sac Twitter wars with Hollywood has-beens who have attacked him and his policies. Trump variously goes after antifa, political correctness on campus, the NATO hierarchy, the radical green movement, Planned Parenthood, American universities and, above all, the media -- especially CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times. For all the acrimony and chaos -- and prognostications of Trump's certain failure -- a bloodied Trump wins more than he loses. NATO members may hate Trump, but more are finally paying their promised defense contributions.

In retrospect, many Americans concede that the Iran Deal was flawed and that the Paris climate accord mere virtue signaling. China was long due for a reckoning. Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation proved fruitless and was further diminished by Mueller's bizarrely incoherent congressional testimony. Some of the most prominent Trump haters -- Michael Avenatti, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Antony Scaramucci and Rep. Adam Schiff -- either have been discredited or have become increasingly irrelevant.

Trump has so enraged his Democratic adversaries that the candidates to replace him have moved farther to the left than any primary field in memory. They loathe Trump, but in their abject hatred he has goaded the various Democratic candidates into revealing their support for the crazy Green New Deal, reparations for slavery, relaxed immigration policies and trillions of dollars in new free stuff.

In a way, the left-wing Democratic presidential candidates understand Trump best. If he wins his one-man crusade to stop the progressive project, they are finished, and their own party will make the necessary adjustments and then sheepishly drift back toward the center.


“As for critics saying Pope Francis is “too communist,” I shall leap to the Pope’s defense in this dispute. He is not “too communist.” He is a standard-issue Peronist. He subscribes to the same garbage can of economic and class beliefs as Juan Perón did years ago when he bankrupted Argentina. Argentina was once a prosperous, productive country. Now it is a basket case producing greedy minds like Pope Francis, who apparently believes wealth is created by passing the collection plate. Any other way of creating wealth is utterly beyond him.”
         -Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

“Justin Trudeau at one point chastised a young woman at a townhall for saying ‘mankind’ instead of ‘people-kind’ when asking a question — but didn’t think twice about dressing up in blackface at age 30. Just let that sink in for a minute everyone…”
         -Meghan McCain

Self-described communist group torches US flag in protest of Trump’s Los Angeles visit., chanting “America was never Great”.
Self described communists Protest at ICE Warden's Home: ‘No Borders, No Nations!’

NYT Has Become A Dangerous Misinformation Tool Of The Left
The New York Times’ vile lies about Justice Brett Kavanaugh were so flimsy, they couldn’t last the day. Yet even after the Times’ correction (which amounted to a retraction), Democrats kept shooting the fake ammunition. That’s because their target isn’t actual investigations or impeachment proceedings. The lie itself is the goal. Once out, even if retracted, it serves their purpose: to smear and intimidate. Truth need not apply.

Media Bias: Pretty Much All Of Journalism Now Leans Left, Study Shows

The Newest Craze On College Campuses Is Barring White People From Having A Voice While Claiming To Be For 'Diversity And Inclusion'

Unmasked: Secretive Arabella Advisors Really Behind ‘Grassroots’ Protest Movement Opposing Trump’s Judicial Nominees

A California bank robber could get extra time in prison because social justice warriors said his mask was offensive

MUST SEE, best concise presentation ever on climate: :  “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics on Climate”…how the alarmists cherry pick the data to fool the public.  Send this link to your friends.

What is the ulterior motive of the environmental movement?  “To further understand, we must examine the career of Canadian businessman Maurice Strong (1929–2015).  Strong once posed the rhetorical question: "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?  Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?" 

Climate 'Experts' Are 0-41 with Their Doomsday Predictions

Canada’s global warming models threw out actual historical data and substituted models of what the temperature should have been

Democrats Invite Teen Activists to Testify on ‘Climate Crisis’: “They Know The Science …”

10,500 Steaks at Democrat Steak Fry Despite Meat Consumption Concerns

Affirmative Action and NASA

More Americans working their way out of poverty - Effective Compassion

The US Export-Import Bank is China's cash cow

Analysis: Young White Liberals Helping to Turn Red State Cities Deep Blue

Salon is worried:  New study: Trump's Electoral College win was no fluke — and is likely to happen again

Perspective:  Just last month, 53 Americans died in mass shootings…while 40,000 died from obesity

Lewandowski: ‘Fake Russia Collusion Narrative Is the Greatest Crime Committed Against’ Americans

Why Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream is dead

“Foreign influence is truly the Grecian horse to a republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its influence.”
          -Alexander Hamilton