Saturday, October 26, 2013

op ed review 10/27

More of the “fundamental transformation” of America that Obama promised:  The Air Force Academy is contemplating the removal of "so help me God" from its Cadet Honor Oath. However, on the facing page in Contrails, the Cadet handbook, "so help me God" has already been removed from the Cadet and Officer oaths.
Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

The Democratic National Committee has narrowly edged its Republican rival in fundraising for the first time all year.

Almost the point of no return:   “49% of Americans Now Get Gov’t Benefits”

Most Americans accumulating debt faster than they’re saving for retirement

Senate majority leader Harry Reid says that "Everybody" is "willing to pay more" taxes.

NSA leaker Edward Snowden: “…no telephone in America makes a call without leaving a record with the NSA….Our representatives in Congress tell us this is not surveillance. They're wrong."
University students have been told not to wear "offensive" halloween costumes including cowboys, indians and anything involving a sombrero.

“There are smart people on both sides of this debate, of course, and it was clear back in the summer when the defunding Obamacare movement began gathering steam that it enjoyed less than universal support among conservatives. But Cruz critics appear to be forgetting that the government shutdown battle isn't over and the final verdict on its impact on the 2014 congressional elections, including especially Republican prospects for gaining a majority in the Senate, won't be known until the votes are counted.”

“World Is Spending $1 Billion Per Day To Tackle Global Warming”

"We have just concluded the 5th fiscal year since President Obama took office. During those five years, the federal government has spent a total $3.7 trillion on approximately 80 different means-tested poverty and welfare programs. The common feature of means-tested assistance programs is that they are graduated based on a person’s income and, in contrast to programs like Social Security or Medicare, they are a free benefit and not paid into by the recipient,"

British government removes signs on buses and vans telling illegal immigrants to go home….”too blunt an instrument."

Food stamp recipients are turning the government handouts into quick cash with ads on Craigslist, despite efforts to stem fraud.

The Obamacare program´s flagship website is so error-prone and user-unfriendly that Consumer Reports magazine has thrown up its hands in disgust, advising readers to ´stay away from for at least another month if you can.´

While the president of the United States pitched his crumbling healthcare program like a late-night infomercial barker, the Army´s chief of staff made a shocking admission about national defense. Gen. Ray Odierno told a Washington conference Monday that the U.S. Army had not conducted any training in the last six months....And, he said, there currently are only two Army brigades rated combat-ready.

CGI, the Canadian company whose U.S. subsidiary built the failed Obamacare website, was once contracted to build a federal gun registry for the Canadian government, which also failed. 

Maybe it’s just coincidence:  “First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the no-bid contract to build the failed Obamacare website.”

Jeff Kuhner  10/18

The debt deal simply hastens the day of reckoning

The conventional wisdom is wrong. The mainstream media — and their parrots in the Republican establishment — are claiming that President Obama decisively won the government shutdown battle. In fact, the narrative being peddled is that the GOP brand has been badly damaged, paving the way for a possible Democratic Party takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2014 elections. This is puerile nonsense. Tea Party Republicans, led by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, may have lost the battle, but they are poised for a major victory in the larger Obamacare war.

Liberal pundits and Republican moderates, such as Sen. John McCain of Arizona, are blaming one person for the partial government shutdown: Mr. Cruz. They argue that for all their attempts to defund or delay Obamacare, Mr. Cruz and his conservative allies accomplished nothing. The final deal reopens the federal government until Jan. 15 and lifts the debt ceiling into early February. In exchange, no significant reforms or revisions were made to Mr. Obama’s signature health law. As for the repeal of the medical devices tax, a one-year delay in the individual mandate and an end to the exemption given to Congress and its staff, none of these proposals were accepted by the Democrats. Hence, the political and media class are convinced Mr. Cruz’s obstructionist tactics backfired, fostering the public perception that “right-wing extremists” have hijacked the GOP. Mr. Obama now openly refers to the Tea Party as a “dangerous faction.”

This is myth and propaganda masquerading as analysis. The legislative deal simply does one thing: kick the can down the road. Yet the same, enduring problems remain — the very problems identified by Mr. Cruz and Tea Party Republicans. America is sitting on a ticking debt bomb, Obamacare — the most destructive law in modern memory — is a disaster, and our ruling elites are incapable of reining in out-of-control public spending.

America is increasingly dominated by one seminal reality: We are the most indebted nation in history. The national debt is approaching $17 trillion. By 2016, the debt is expected to hit $20 trillion. That will be Greece-like levels, a debt load so crippling that Washington will have trouble simply paying the interest on the debt payments. Our creditors will realize we are sliding toward the United States of Argentina — a fiscal basket case unable to live within our means. The value of the dollar will plunge. Interest rates will soar. Taxes will have to be increased. The social safety net will be shredded. Unless Congress immediately confronts the reckless spending and near-record trillion-dollar deficits, the United States will go bankrupt. The question is no longer if, but when.

Mr. Obama’s massive health care overhaul is precipitating the impending economic collapse. Nearly every aspect of Obamacare has turned out to be a lie. The real price tag is not less than a $1 trillion; rather, it is a multitrillion-dollar entitlement program that America cannot afford. Rather than lowering premium costs for the average family, it dramatically raises them — sometimes by thousands of dollars a year. Millions of citizens have lost their health benefits or are unable to keep their doctor. People seeking to enroll in Obamacare’s marketplace exchanges are stunned at the high costs of the health insurance plans. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office acknowledges that the law will not achieve its stated goal: universal coverage. Instead, about 30 million Americans will still not have health care. Hence, one-sixth of the U.S. economy will have been revolutionized essentially to put only 17 million new recipients on the Obamacare rolls. The complex law also undermines economic growth and job creation, compelling employers to either slash employees’ hours or not hire new workers. In short, Obamacare is a cancer, slowly devouring our economic dynamism, individual liberties and medical care.

As the law is implemented, its devastating effects will be increasingly felt. By next year, the government shutdown will be a fading memory. What the public will remember, though, is that a band of Tea Party patriots sought to thwart the oncoming disaster. Mr. Cruz, along with Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah, represent the future. The question is no longer ideological — small government versus big government, free-market-based health care versus nationalized health care, or capitalism versus socialism. Rather, it is about something more simple — and profound: basic arithmetic.

The United States is a giant bus that is rushing toward an economic precipice. A few more years of Mr. Obama’s borrow-and-spend policies and America will crash upon the rocks of fiscal reality and national insolvency. The Democrats are keeping their foot on the gas pedal, full speed ahead. The Republican establishment thinks we may need to slow down — at least a little. The bus, however, will still go off the cliff. Only the Tea Party is saying — in fact, yelling — to hit the brakes. They’re right, and they will be vindicated. The only question is this: Will Americans wake up before it’s too late?

More good reads:
“In the recent internecine conservative donnybrook over the government shutdown, the insurgents insisted they were in an ideological struggle with the establishment. But there was precious little ideology involved. Instead, it was a fight over tactics and power. The Republican Party almost unanimously opposed Obamacare, and the Republicans who’ve been in office far longer than Cruz & Co. have voted more than three dozen times to get rid of the disastrous program. And yet, the latecomers to the battle talk as if the veterans in the trenches were collaborators the whole time. … But the real source of that frustration is not the insufficient conservatism of the establishment; it’s the insufficient power and popularity of conservatism coupled with the very real failures of the GOP to reverse conservatism’s fortunes over the last two decades.”
                         -Jonah Goldberg

“We have just endured six weeks of contentious debate between Republicans and Democrats and, worse yet, four weeks of fratricidal infighting between conservatives and moderates within the Republican Party. Given the chronically rancorous tone in Washington since Barack Hussein Obama took office -- a tone often punctuated by periods of acute acrimony as in recent weeks -- inevitably the din can temporarily obscure all the good that is America, both historically and today. Consequently, some grassroots folks either resort to reckless box-canyon politics or retreat in surrender.

Fortunately the vast majority of American Patriots who will read these words are not among them. But if you know others who have become so frustrated that they have lost sight of the prize, please share these words of encouragement with them.

Greet every sunrise as "morning again in America," every dawn as affirmation that, in the words of Ronald Reagan, "America's best days are yet to come. Our proudest moments are yet to be. Our most glorious achievements are just ahead." (Indeed, the Reagan model for restoration was based on the sum total of our nation's history, and it is as applicable today as ever.)

Approach every sunset in the spirit of a Patriot from Reagan's generation, John Wayne: "There's a lot of things great about life. But I think tomorrow is the most important thing. Comes in to us at midnight very clean, ya know. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."
                            -Mark Alexander

“We are on course to becoming the first nation of negative-millionaires. … In Australia, each citizen’s share of the debt is $12,000; in New Zealand, it’s $15,000 per person; in Canada and Spain, $18,000; in the United Kingdom, $28,000; in Germany and France, $38,000; Italy, $44,000. And in the United States it’s $54,000 per person – twice as much as Britain, thrice as much as Canada, closing in on five times as much as Oz. On this trajectory, America is exiting the First World. And that’s before counting the ‘unfunded liabilities’ that Washington keeps off the books but which add another million bucks per taxpayer. Nor does it include Obamacare, with which the geniuses of the ‘technocracy’ have managed to spend a fortune creating the Internet version of a Brezhnev-era Soviet supermarket. … Either you think those numbers above are serious or you don’t. And, if you do think they’re serious and you’re a ‘lawmaker’ … when are you going to get serious? Next month? Next year? Or shall we all sportingly agree to leave it till 2015 after the bipartisan deal on a $20 trillion debt ceiling?”
                       -Mark Steyn

Things That Matter is a collection of Charles Krauthammer’s extraordinary writings over the last 30 years.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), a liberal firebrand known for his controversial comments, compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan in an email to supporters that features a photo of a burning cross

Ann Coulter:  One of the most effective ways of discouraging people is to make them think there’s absolutely nothing they can do about something, anyway. Thus, liberals have tried to insinuate that Obamacare is impossible to remove, hoping conservatives will despair. But with only one-half of one branch of government, Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and the House Republicans have made it absolutely clear that Republicans are not giving up on repealing Obamacare. Inasmuch as “bubonic plague” is polling higher than “Obamacare,” I’d say this is a brilliant marketing strategy for the GOP.”

In what rational world is trying to get the government of, for and by the people under the people's control equated with "hating government"?  The same one in which 1) being opposed to reverse discrimination and special privileges for certain racial groups is 'racist' 2) being opposed to gay 'marriage' is equated with 'hating gays' 3) favoring the enforcement of immigration laws is equated with 'hating immigrants' 4) favoring security measures that factor in the prevalence of Muslims involved in terrorism is equated with 'hating Muslims’.
Greenfield: “Beating Obama:  Obama can only be beaten in the popular arena. In his mind, he derives his power from the bully pulpit. He is a creature of the media age and popularity is his only law and the only verdict that he will accept. The Republican Party is still playing this game by Washington rules while Obama is playing it by Chicago rules where the only rule is to do whatever you can get away with for as long as the people let you. Obama isn’t just challenging a few laws, he is challenging whether the government has any hard limits that can’t be overcome by asserting popular will or the force of history. And the Republican Party is not only unable to answer his challenge, but is unable to even understand that it is being made.”

According to recent data compiled by the CDC, people who eat organic and "natural" foods are eight times as likely as the rest of the population to be attacked by a deadly new strain of E. coli bacteria.  Organic food is more dangerous than conventionally grown produce because organic farmers use animal manure as the major source of fertilizer for their food crops. Animal manure is the biggest reservoir of nasty bacteria that are afflicting and killing so many people.
Genetically modified food can greatly increase yields and feed a hungry world. They are safe, say doctors, food scientists, and plant biologists:  National Academy of Sciences, The World Health Organization, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, The American Medical Association, The International Council for Science ___________________________________________________________________________

Top Five ObamaCare Catastrophes the Media Refuse to Cover

From making babies to being struck by lightning, a new map has revealed the surprising things that countries are best at. The map is based on statistics gathered from across the internet - ranging from sources as diverse as the World Bank to the Guinness World Records. Created by online comic and website DogHouse Diaries, the map shows what each country leads the rest of the world in and the words picked - which are written across the country´s geographical territory - are in many cases surprising.

Leno:  People have been speculating lately about what President Obama will do when he leaves office in 2016. The one thing I think we can safely rule out — website designer……..Some marketing experts are comparing the Obamacare website rollout to a Ford Edsel filled with New Coke. But they are making progress. They said today that if you find yourself getting too frustrated trying to log on, they’ve added a link to a suicide hot line. …….What the president should do is put the NSA in charge of the website. That way there’s nothing to fill out. They already have all our information. You just put your name in.

"Sure I wave the American flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? Sure I love my country with all her faults. I'm not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be."
                     -John Wayne

“Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."
                    -John Quincy Adams

"Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity, and hardihood -- the virtues that made America. ... We can have no 50-50 allegiances in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all."
                  -Teddy Roosevelt

"In the words of Thomas Paine: 'These are times that try men's souls.' We need more than summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. ... We must draw anew on the individual strength, ingenuity, and vision that built America. But our gaze is not set on the past; it's firmly fixed on tomorrow. ... You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children (America), the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
                  -Ronald Reagan

Sunday, October 20, 2013

op ed review 10/20

Rassmussen:  Only 13% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

The launch of federal government´s Obamacare insurance exchange,, has been plagued with delays, errors, and poor website design, even prompting USA Today to call it an "inexcusable mess" and a "nightmare". Now comes another example of why the website´s reputation is in tatters. Buried in the source code of is this sentence that could prove embarrassing: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system."

“The White House set low expectations for the Affordable Care Act´s October 1 debut, so anything remotely competent should have seemed like a success. But three weeks on, the catastrophe that is and the 36 insurance exchanges run by the federal government is an insult to the "glitches" President Obama said were inevitable. This isn´t some coding error, or even the Health and Human Service Department´s usual incompetence. The failures that have all but disabled ObamaCare are the result of deliberate political choices, which HHS and the White House are compounding with secrecy and stonewalling.”
A New York Times investigative article reveals that the catastrophic $500 million Obamacare rollout "has deeply embarrassed the White House" and has the technology companies involved "publicly distancing themselves" from the Obamacare fiasco. "These are not glitches. The extent of the problems is pretty enormous," an insurance executive who participated in Obamacare conference calls told the Times. "At the end of our calls, people say, ´It´s awful, just awful.´"
“If Apple launched a major new product that functioned as badly as ObamaCare’s online insurance marketplace, the tech world would be calling for [CEO] Tim Cook’s head.” That searing indictment of Obamacare didn’t come from a conservative. Those were the words of the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein — yes, liberal Ezra Klein —and Evan Soltas in a blog post on Oct. 4, just three days after the online Obamacare marketplace opened. They were right. Now, two full weeks since its launch, the website still isn’t functioning.”

Something very strange is going on behind

The Obamacare exchange website does more than merely register you for an insurance program. According to a report from the MacIver Institute, once you complete the process, you are then immediately asked to register to vote – a propagandistic strategy designed to make government beneficiaries into lifetime Democratic voters.

Another ObamaCare ‘Glitch’: $30B blown on non-operational medical record system

Bureaucracies in the Obama Administration have thus far published approximately 11,588,500 words of final Obamacare regulations, while there are only 381,517 words in the Obamacare law itself. That means unelected federal officials have now written 30 words of regulations for each word in the law.

Colorado Governor Democrat John Hickenlooper, still stinging from a recall vote that saw his party lose seats in the state senate last month after members of his party followed him off the cliff with radical gun control measures, is advising anti-2nd amendment activists to stay out of Colorado politics.

American Crossroads, a Republican super PAC, commissioned polls of four red states where Republicans can pick up Senate seats in 2014, and more than a year away from the race and before the real campaign’s even begun, the situation is looking good for GOP candidates in all four states.

Four upstart clergymen have invited more than 100 churches to knock Rev. Al Sharpton off his Harlem political throne.

The American Indian leader spearheading the campaign to change the name of the Washington Redskins is not a legitimate member of the tribe he leads, according to a New York State Assemblywoman, but rather an Obama crony who is raking in casino money and paying back only small stipends to his tribe members.

France´s mainstream political parties were Monday scratching their heads over what to do about a surge by the Front National (FN) after a breakthrough by-election win for the far-right party. The ruling Socialist party and the centre-right Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) face humiliating reverses in municipal and European elections next year if the FN can sustain its current standing in the eyes of an electorate thoroughly fed-up with record unemployment, rising taxes and a perceived increase in crime and insecurity.

Former President Ronald Reagan is about to weigh in and offer a path to improving the nation based on the successes he helped create. Starting with military policy and then moving to economic and domestic issues, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Library is embarking on a legacy building project that is also aimed at offering a model for today’s leaders.


Jeff Kuhner  10/18

The debt deal simply hastens the day of reckoning

The conventional wisdom is wrong. The mainstream media — and their parrots in the Republican establishment — are claiming that President Obama decisively won the government shutdown battle. In fact, the narrative being peddled is that the GOP brand has been badly damaged, paving the way for a possible Democratic Party takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2014 elections. This is puerile nonsense. Tea Party Republicans, led by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, may have lost the battle, but they are poised for a major victory in the larger Obamacare war.

Liberal pundits and Republican moderates, such as Sen. John McCain of Arizona, are blaming one person for the partial government shutdown: Mr. Cruz. They argue that for all their attempts to defund or delay Obamacare, Mr. Cruz and his conservative allies accomplished nothing. The final deal reopens the federal government until Jan. 15 and lifts the debt ceiling into early February. In exchange, no significant reforms or revisions were made to Mr. Obama’s signature health law. As for the repeal of the medical devices tax, a one-year delay in the individual mandate and an end to the exemption given to Congress and its staff, none of these proposals were accepted by the Democrats. Hence, the political and media class are convinced Mr. Cruz’s obstructionist tactics backfired, fostering the public perception that “right-wing extremists” have hijacked the GOP. Mr. Obama now openly refers to the Tea Party as a “dangerous faction.”

This is myth and propaganda masquerading as analysis. The legislative deal simply does one thing: kick the can down the road. Yet the same, enduring problems remain — the very problems identified by Mr. Cruz and Tea Party Republicans. America is sitting on a ticking debt bomb, Obamacare — the most destructive law in modern memory — is a disaster, and our ruling elites are incapable of reining in out-of-control public spending.

America is increasingly dominated by one seminal reality: We are the most indebted nation in history. The national debt is approaching $17 trillion. By 2016, the debt is expected to hit $20 trillion. That will be Greece-like levels, a debt load so crippling that Washington will have trouble simply paying the interest on the debt payments. Our creditors will realize we are sliding toward the United States of Argentina — a fiscal basket case unable to live within our means. The value of the dollar will plunge. Interest rates will soar. Taxes will have to be increased. The social safety net will be shredded. Unless Congress immediately confronts the reckless spending and near-record trillion-dollar deficits, the United States will go bankrupt. The question is no longer if, but when.

Mr. Obama’s massive health care overhaul is precipitating the impending economic collapse. Nearly every aspect of Obamacare has turned out to be a lie. The real price tag is not less than a $1 trillion; rather, it is a multitrillion-dollar entitlement program that America cannot afford. Rather than lowering premium costs for the average family, it dramatically raises them — sometimes by thousands of dollars a year. Millions of citizens have lost their health benefits or are unable to keep their doctor. People seeking to enroll in Obamacare’s marketplace exchanges are stunned at the high costs of the health insurance plans. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office acknowledges that the law will not achieve its stated goal: universal coverage. Instead, about 30 million Americans will still not have health care. Hence, one-sixth of the U.S. economy will have been revolutionized essentially to put only 17 million new recipients on the Obamacare rolls. The complex law also undermines economic growth and job creation, compelling employers to either slash employees’ hours or not hire new workers. In short, Obamacare is a cancer, slowly devouring our economic dynamism, individual liberties and medical care.

As the law is implemented, its devastating effects will be increasingly felt. By next year, the government shutdown will be a fading memory. What the public will remember, though, is that a band of Tea Party patriots sought to thwart the oncoming disaster. Mr. Cruz, along with Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah, represent the future. The question is no longer ideological — small government versus big government, free-market-based health care versus nationalized health care, or capitalism versus socialism. Rather, it is about something more simple — and profound: basic arithmetic.

The United States is a giant bus that is rushing toward an economic precipice. A few more years of Mr. Obama’s borrow-and-spend policies and America will crash upon the rocks of fiscal reality and national insolvency. The Democrats are keeping their foot on the gas pedal, full speed ahead. The Republican establishment thinks we may need to slow down — at least a little. The bus, however, will still go off the cliff. Only the Tea Party is saying — in fact, yelling — to hit the brakes. They’re right, and they will be vindicated. The only question is this: Will Americans wake up before it’s too late?


“Since the 80s, there has been a 300 percent increase in disability claims for hard-to-prove illnesses like back pain, stress and other ‘non-exertional restrictions.’ Over the past two decades, the number of people receiving Social Security disability benefits grew from 4 million to 11 million. … We all want to help the genuinely disabled, but a wide range of subjective ailments are affected by attitude. Labeling people victims, telling them they need help, teaches some to think like victims. Social scientists call that ‘learned helplessness.’ Private charities are pretty good at separating real victims from malingerers. But government is not. Its one-size-fits-all rules encourage people to act like victims. Whether people have real physical ailments or just see the economic deck stacked against them, the most damaging thing say to them is: Give up. You can’t make it on your own. Wait for help. Pessimism changes what we think is possible. It shrinks our horizons. … America is full of success stories. But if we obsess over stories about victimhood, that is what we’ll get.”
                         -John Stossel

’2013 ranks as one of the least extreme U.S. weather years ever’….bad weather events at ‘historically low levels’

Al Gore didn’t get the memo.   “fingerprints of man-made climate change are now increasingly visible in extreme weather events.”

Soros-Funded Group Plans 'Fly-In' to Push House Republicans on Amnesty

Monday, after MSNBC´s "Morning Joe" spent two about hours blasting the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, and Ted Cruz as bubbled, dangerous, and stupid -- in other words, a typical Monday on "Morning Joe" -- the show hosted Bill Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist. To no one´s surprise, hosts Mika Brzezinski and Time´s Mark Halperin treated the co-founder of the Weather Underground and friend of Barack Obama with extraordinary deference as he hawked a new book. The "Morning Joe" crew was even allowed Ayers to describe his terrorism as "extreme tactics," as opposed to what it really was: a bombing.

Jonah:  Perhaps raising awareness about Obamacare alone was worth it. I certainly think the prognostications of GOP doom are almost as overblown as the Beltway hysteria over the government shutdown was in the first place. So maybe hammering home the message that the GOP is foursquare against Obamacare — and that Obamacare is a disaster — is a sufficiently valuable long-term message that it was worth going through all of this.

Heritage Action President Michael Needham:  “any large scale repeal of Obamacare will have to wait until the GOP has recaptured the Senate and the White House three and a half years from now”

While the defund/delay strategy pushed by Senator Ted Cruz and others ultimately failed, the alternative approach, embraced by the GOP establishment, will also fail. “To repeal Obamacare on the establishment plan, the GOP needs sudden and sustained electoral success — despite the high hurdle of media bias…... it is repeatedly said that the crusade to defund Obamacare was delusional, that it never had a chance. That is an overstatement. Hail Mary passes are tried because they occasionally work. A lot of things have to go right, and the success rate is low. But a Hail Mary is a ray of hope when the clock nears zero, when something has to be done, and when you are out of better options. So, were we out of better options? I think so. To my mind, if the defund plan was delusional, the GOP establishment’s “repeal Obamacare by winning elections” alternative is delusional squared…….To buy it, you first have to believe that the GOP is suddenly going to become an electoral juggernaut…..”

The man who could have saved us from Obama now regrets his punt.

The Republican establishment despises Ted Cruz. And that’s great news for the senator from Texas: It’s the most prominent sign that he’s the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination. Conservatives are deeply frustrated with the party’s presidential politics. In their telling—and it’s a story they tell a lot—the establishment has blown it the last two elections by demanding the party accept moderate squishes as their nominees.

Pruden:  “No other American president in anyone’s imagination would instruct the National Park Service to evict veterans of World War II, many arriving in wheelchairs or moving with unsteady gait on walkers and walking canes to see the long-awaited memorial to the celebration and sacrifice of their unselfish generation. The veterans had run afoul of the instructions to the Park Service rangers to “make life as difficult for people as we can.” Then, only days later, thousands of illegal aliens were invited to rally for privilege and amnesty on the very soil where the veterans, American citizens all, were forcibly told they were not welcome.”

Obamacare is imploding. But thanks to the government shutdown, everyone is talking about the implosion of the GOP instead.

Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare is the "worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery."

“The character that takes command in moments of crucial choices has already been determined by a thousand other choices made earlier in seemingly unimportant moments. It has been determined by all the ‘little’ choices of years past – by all those times when the voice of conscience was at war with the voice of temptation, [which was] whispering the lie that ‘it really doesn’t matter.’ It has been determined by all the day-to-day decisions made when life seemed easy and crises seemed far away – the decision that, piece by piece, bit by bit, developed habits of discipline or of laziness; habits of self-sacrifice or self-indulgence; habits of duty and honor and integrity – or dishonor and shame.”
                    -Ronald Reagan

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me for five years, I’m an Obama voter.”
             -Charlie Martin