Sunday, June 29, 2014

op ed review 6/29

Speaker John A. Boehner announced Wednesday that he would introduce legislation next month allowing the House to sue President Obama over his use of executive actions.
Obama says he will ignore the threat of a lawsuit and continue to use executive actions.
White House Press Secretary:  “We’re not just going to sit around and wait for Congress to write laws.”
“Boehner Is Bringing a Whistle to a Gunfight”    A congressional lawsuit is precisely the wrong weapon to combat Obama’s lawlessness.
Krauthammer: If Obama Were Republican, He Would've Been Impeached Over These Abuses...

The Supreme Court on Thursday limited the president's power to fill high-level vacancies with temporary appointments, ruling in favor of Senate Republicans. The high court's first-ever case involving the Constitution's recess appointments clause ended in a unanimous decision holding that Obama's appointments to the National Labor Relations Board in 2012 without Senate confirmation were illegal.
“Biggest rebuke to any president since ... Watergate’”

The Supreme Court also struck down a 35-foot protest-free zone outside abortion clinics in Massachusetts. The justices were unanimous in ruling that extending a buffer zone 35 feet from clinic entrances violates the First Amendment rights of protesters.

According to a major new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net employment growth in the United States since 2000 has gone entirely to immigrants, legal and illegal.
President Obama is blocking several simple actions that would quickly stop the rising flood of migrant youths and adults crossing the Texas border, according to border officials and immigration reformers.
Feds Stand Down As U.S. Border Collapses:    “Border Patrol trucks sit in parking lots as surge of illegal immigrants flood America.”
Gallup Poll: Only 22% of Americans Favor Increased Immigration

The IRS comissioner insists his agency did not break the law or relevant statutes. But under questioning by Rep. Trey Gowdy, the IRS commissioner also admitted that he doesn't know the law or the relevant statutes:
The IRS has spent $4B on information technology contracts but still lost Lois Lerner’s email.

What’s the next target for the sensitivity police?  “Veterans aren’t happy with a recent op-ed by the Washington Post, which charged that the Apache, Comanche, Chinook, Lakota, Cheyenne and Kiowa military vehicles were a “greater symbolic injustice” than the NFL’s Washington Redskins’ name.”

The top U.S. official in charge of archiving federal records testified Tuesday that the IRS ran afoul of the law by neglecting to tell his office that a trove of emails from the woman at the center of the targeting scandal disappeared after an apparent hard drive crash.

A veteran could lose his home because of a small American flag he has placed in a flower pot in front of his home. Larry Murphree explained that his homeowners’ association in the Sweetwater community wants him to remove the flag because it violates home display rules. Furthermore, he is facing $8,000 in fines if he doesn’t take it out of his flower pot.

Welcome to the new Obama military: “A former member of SEAL Team Six has become the poster girl for a Pentagon effort to include transgenders — people who have undergone sex-change operations — in the ranks.”
Republicans are in the strongest position to win back the Senate since losing it eight years ago.

According to a new Pew Research Center study, only 40 percent of consistently liberal Americans say they often feel proud to be Americans. The other 60 percent say that doesn´t describe them.

Obamacare Exchanges Are ‘Disappointing’ With Fewer Than 4 Million Newly Insured. The Government Hoped for 26 Million.

Jihadists fighting in Syria's war put to use for the first time on Sunday American-made Humvees that they seized during a lightning offensive in Iraq this month, a monitor said.

A Montana judge struck down most of a 2012 voter-approved law requiring government officials to conduct immigration checks on anybody seeking services provided by the state — from unemployment benefits to crime-victim assistance. In Montana, nearly 80 percent of voters approved the state's law in a 2012 referendum, but it has not been enforced since an immigration-rights group filed a legal challenge.

The Clintons have received a total of $15,938,000 in federal money alone  since 2001.
Despite more than $100 million the Clinton family has reportedly earned in recent years Hillary said again this week that they're not "truly well off."

Lloyd Marcus 6/26

Decades of socialist/progressive indoctrination in our schools, media, and culture, plus six years of Obama, have yielded a devastating unspoken consequence.  It is the loss of who we use to be as Americans.
In his 1961 Inaugural Address, President John F. Kennedy said, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”  Democrats have perverted Kennedy's inspiring challenge.  Their dispiriting goal is to have as many Americans as possible controlled by and dependent on government, even for life itself, which is at the root of ObamaCare.

I mourn the loss of the independent, self-reliant mindset that made our parents great, and of the pride and dignity it generated within them.  Welfare (government assistance) was a last resort and for the truly needy. Today, far too many Americans see no shame in living on government assistance or scamming the system.  The left's campaign, led by the Obama administration, to instill an entitlement mindset in many has proven successful.  The administration even campaigned targeting minorities, discouraging their instinct to be self-reliant.  Even worse, the administration portrays getting on welfare as the honorable thing to do.  Dear Lord, what kind of nation are we becoming?

An unprecedented 47 million Americans are on food stamps, which is riddled with fraud.  The Obama administration has added over 10,000 new oppressive job-killing regulations.  Consequently, 90 million are unemployed and on unemployment, which is also riddled with fraud.  Here's another first for America: over 11 million are receiving disability benefits...riddled with fraud.  Clearly, many believe that working is for suckers when the government is handing out freebies.

In his War on Achievers, Obama used his bully pulpit to deflate business owners by saying, “If you've got a business, you didn't build that.”  Obama and his operatives use compassionate-sounding terms such as “social justice” and “income inequality” to justify the government confiscating the earnings of achievers and redistributing it to non-achievers to win their votes.  Despicable.

My heart aches for my America, when character, excellence, and hard work were rewarded, celebrated, and respected. At 9 or 10 years old, I worked part-time for my neighbor, Mr. Buddy Roy.  I pulled the copper out of old motors for him to sell.  I still remember the pride I felt making my own money.

In the early 1950s, blacks were allowed to take the entrance test for the Baltimore City Fire Department.  My dad applied, and Mom helped.  My parents sought opportunity, not handouts.  Talk about a strong black woman – though compassionate and loving, Mom could be a tough, no-nonsense person.

I remember my parents sitting at the kitchen table, a glass turned upside-down between them, with mom tapping on the glass with a spoon.  She was simulating the different bell sounds that alerted the firefighters to various situations.  She would yell at my dad, “No, that's wrong, stupid!  Listen and get it right!”  Thanks to my drill sergeant mom, Dad was among a handful of blacks who became Baltimore City's first black firefighters.

Being a pioneer is never easy.  Dad endured humiliating work conditions and blatant racism.  Still, Dad relished the opportunity.  Thanks to his Christian faith, Dad won admiration and respect by fighting racism and hate with excellence.  He won “Firefighter of the Year” two times. That mindset of putting one's best foot forward and striving for loftier standards is what I fear we are rapidly losing as Americans.  Apparently, character is no longer expected in our leaders.  President Obama is caught repeatedly lying to the American people, and the response is ho-hum, let's move on.

The trend is to celebrate deadbeats, entitlement junkies, haters of achievers, and assorted lowlifes.  For example: the Democrats and mainstream media loved the Occupy Wall Street mobs.  People were assaulted and even raped at their angry mob gatherings.  Severely infected with an entitlement mindset, Occupiers dumped feces in a public building, demanding that the government redistribute wealth to them. Meanwhile, the left continues its shameful, relentless demonizing and slandering the Tea Party with unfounded allegations of racism.  The Obama administration has plotted to criminalize free speech (the Tea Party).  Folks, we are talking decent hard-working Americans who are simply pushing back against Obama's shock-and-awe assault on our freedoms, liberty, and culture.

Tax cheat Democrat Rep. Charlie Rangel compared the Tea Party to Hamas terrorists.  Mr. Rangel is either a loudmouth clueless idiot or a despicable, evil human being.  Leftists like Rangel who throw unfounded, irresponsible “hate” grenades at millions of Americans should be called on it.  Inciting racial division is extremely serious. 

Amid the unbelievably long list of scandals, crimes, and misdemeanors of the Obama regime, the damage that this evil man and his minions have done to the internal make-up of many Americans is extremely disturbing and heartbreaking.  Please view me performing my song, “We Are Americans,” which I wrote to remind us of who we use to be – and I believe a majority still are – as Americans.  I have faith that the liberals', socialists', and progressives' toxic disease of entitlement thinking has not reached critical mass.

My fellow Americans, we are exceptional, a chosen people.  We are Americans!


“There’s a big difference between decline as a condition and decline as a choice. What we have with Obama is a president choosing decline…..We are in a position to dominate again, but we have a president who doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism, American greatness, and he has chosen for America to retreat from the Middle East, to not lift a finger in places like Ukraine, basically to make us one nation among others.”
            -Charles Krauthammer

Jonah Goldberg reviews “Mr. Piketty's Big Book of Marxiness”

What does Hillary think of Obama?  From Ed Klein’s new book “Blood Feud”:  After a few glasses of wine, Hillary told a friend in 2013:  “The thing with Obama is that he can’t be bothered, and there is no hand on the tiller half the time…..That’s the story of the Obama presidency. No hand on the f—ing tiller.” She continued, “Obama has turned into a joke. The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department’s seizure of AP phone records and [Fox reporter] James Rosen’s emails – all these scandals. Obama’s allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did.” She finished by saying Obama was “incompetent and feckless.”

When future generations try to understand how the world got carried away around the end of the 20th century by the panic over global warming, few things will amaze them more than the part played in stoking up the scare by the fiddling of official temperature data. There was already much evidence of this seven years ago, when I was writing my history of the scare, The Real Global Warming Disaster. But now another damning example has been uncovered by Steven Goddard’s US blog Real Science, showing how shamelessly manipulated has been one of the world’s most influential climate records, the graph of US surface temperature records published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

“The scandal of fiddled global warming data. “ The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record

Come to fabulous Las Vegas to meet leading scientists from around the world who question whether “man-made global warming” will be harmful to plants, animals, or human welfare. Learn from top economists and policy experts about the real costs and futility of trying to stop global warming. Meet the leaders of think tanks and grassroots organizations who are speaking out against global warming alarmism. Don’t just wonder about global warming … understand it! The 9th International Conference on Climate Change, presented by The Heartland Institute, Monday, July 7 - Wednesday, July 9, 2014, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Las Vegas

Hypocrisy:  “Greenpeace Chief´s ´Several Flights a Month´ Could Power the Average Household for 2 Years”

Children who illegally enter the United States must be granted a lawyer to help them stay and evade deportation because of “basic fairness,” demands the American Civil Liberties Union.

A bill introduced June 12 by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), would establish a special envoy at the State Department to coordinate America’s “global response” on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues and allow LGBT individuals “ seek protection in the United States.”

Senior White House officials and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew are set to meet this week with Tom Steyer, an environmental activist pledging to pump up to $100 million into the November midterm elections, as part of a new campaign to promote President Obama´s green agenda.

The feminist film critics can exhale now. Someone has finally concocted their dream movie: an "abortion comedy." Because apparently nothing sounds funnier than an unplanned one-night stand and a courageous destruction of God's most beautiful and most innocent creation. Feminists have been grumpy for years about movies like "Juno" and "Knocked Up" sending pro-life messages……. “If America laughs at this, America is beyond redemption.”

Longtime incumbent Thad Cochran beat Tea Party favorite Chris McDaniel in the Mississippi runoff primary vote 50.8% to 49.2%. The whole election between the Republicans was dirtier than a cup of Mississippi River water. Despite the millions of dollars national Tea Party groups poured into the state, Cochran won because he appealed to Democrat voters – who could vote in the runoff thanks to a lax voting law in the state – by bragging about his record of bringing pork spending into the state. McDaniel said he would contest the election results, saying, “[T]here is something a bit strange, there is something a bit unusual, about a Republican primary that’s decided by liberal Democrats.”

President Obama is now reaching terminal velocity, like a skydiver plunging toward earth. Except he doesn’t have a parachute. There’s a mighty splat coming soon. With his approval rating at 40 percent, down 6 points from early June, and just 29 percent of Americans convinced the country is on the “right track,” the president is doubling down on his strategy of blaming Republicans for his failures. And he’s shifting into hyperpartisan drive, traveling the country to campaign for Democrats, many of whom wish he’d just stay away.

“Isis is a “group more radical than al-Qaeda, better organized, better financed, commanding the loyalty of thousands of dedicated fanatics including many with Western and even U.S. passports? And this group now controls some of the most strategic territory at the heart of the Middle East? Welcome to President Obama’s brave new world. After six years in office pursuing strategies he believed would tame the terror threat and doing his best to reassure the American people that the terror situation was under control…Obama now confronts the most powerful and hostile jihadi movement of modern times, a movement that dances on the graveyard of his hopes.”

Few in the mainstream press seem interested in tracing the full and ugly course of the six years of continual failure that dog the footsteps of the hapless Obama team in a region the White House claimed to understand. Nothing important has gone right for the small and tightly knit team that runs American Middle East policy.

“Marine Corps Pilot Pulls off Harrowing Landing after Gear Malfunction”

The most pampered dogs in America

"[A] mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits of the several departments, is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands.”
                      -James Madison,

Saturday, June 21, 2014

op ed review 6/22

President Obama’s approval rating has dropped to 41 percent, a majority of Americans disapprove of his handling of foreign policy issues, he has lost support from the Hispanic community and Americans actually think his administration is less competent than the Bush White House post-Hurricane Katrina, according to a new survey from the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. The survey would appear to be so bad, in fact, that NBC News' Chuck Todd said Tuesday that the poll basically means the public has declared the Obama presidency to be over".  On the issue of do you believe he can still lead? A majority believe no. Essentially the public is saying your presidency is over," Todd added.
“After prisoner deal, Obama´s job approval soars among Taliban”
Republican Rep. Lou Barletta said Monday that President Barack Obama would 'probably' lose an impeachment vote in the House of Representatives 'He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances.’
Despite record revenue of almost two trillion dollars the federal government still ran a deficit of $436.382 billion in the first eight months of the fiscal year.

Tired of waiting for the Keystone pipeline, Canada's government on Tuesday approved a pipeline proposal that would bring oil to the Pacific Coast for shipment to Asia.  525,000 barrels of oil a day from Alberta's oil sands to the Pacific to deliver oil to Asia, mainly energy-hungry China.

Director of National Intelligence Celebrates LGBT Pride Month: “What The Intelligence Community Is About”.
The administrators at the Veterans Administration have been so busy “going green”,  installing solar panels and windmills, they didn’t have time to help old soldiers waited to see the doctor.  “….paying more attention to greening the department and saving the polar ice caps than to health care.”
A staggering crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border has left federal officials scrambling to provide basic human necessities to thousands of undocumented immigrants — most of them unaccompanied children — who have flowed over the divide….some have scabies or chickenpox.
Central American migrants are on a word-of-mouth exodus to the U.S.
The plan to turn Texas Blue:  Largely from Central America, illegals are now arriving in Texas at a rate of more than 35,000 a month.
“The White House is incompetent and the dumping of illegals is intentional.” says Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The Obama administration  claims to be surprised by the new wave of children flooding our borders, but back in January the federal government posted an ad seeking bids for a vendor contract to handle 65,000 “Unaccompanied Alien Children“.
Only 31% Approve of Obama Handling of Immigration

Meanwhile, “Obama Meets Giant, Talking Robot Giraffe at the White House Today”

Last weekend Obama played his 175th and 176th rounds of golf as president.

The Department of Homeland Security is set to pay for illegal minors up to the age of 17 to be escorted into the United States, according to a new solicitation posted at FedBizOpps.
U.S. Border Patrol will put in place new policies to restrict the use of force by agents.

A Texas man says his apartment complex manager told him his American flag was a “threat to the Muslim community,” and that he has to take it down.

Last year, scholars at the Manhattan Institute ran a 49-state analysis of individual market healthcare rates under Obamacare and found a 41 percent increase on average. Their follow-up study of more than 3,100 counties across the country pegs the average hike at 49 percent.

HUH?  Senate majority leader Harry Reid claims that Democrats—don’t “have any" billionaire backers:

Bill and Hillary Clinton have long supported an estate tax to prevent the U.S. from being dominated by inherited wealth. That doesn’t mean they want to pay it.

Mexican Embassy says Mexicans 'Illegally' Crossing U.S. Border 'Are “Not Committing a Crime'”

In one of the Obama administration´s most shameless weekend news dumps, the IRS claimed that a hard drive glitch erased many of Lois Lerner´s emails sent between 2009 and 2011.
Hardly anyone accepts the IRS’ claim to have lost two years of Lois Lerner’s emails. Those most familiar with government record retention requirements, and the technology used, probably are the most skeptical.
“This is the lamest and most transparent "dog at my homework" excuse since Richard Nixon lost several minutes of tape during the Watergate scandal.”

John Hawkins  6/21
20 Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In An America Controlled By Liberals Like Obama

The only thing more disturbing than the arrogance, incompetence, and lawlessness of Barack Obama's administration is that most liberals are perfectly fine with everything he's doing. It's shocking that there are so many Americans who don't care about the Constitution, the rule of law, or even what happens to the country just as long as someone they agree with ideologically is in charge. In fact, the only time liberals seem to get really upset these days is if someone criticizes Barack Obama or tries to put ANY KIND of restraint on his power. Want to know how America would look if liberals like Barack Obama had complete control of the country?
1) Abortion would be the only "choice." Almost everything else including light bulbs, TVs, health care plans, cars, and the schools your child goes to would be chosen for you by people in D.C.
2) You could be sued for failing to warn people that you are about to say something that could conceivably be offensive to women, gays, transsexuals, or minorities.
3) Every sports fan of teams like the Redskins, Braves, Chiefs, Indians, Blackhawks, and Seminoles would be branded as a bigot and all of those teams would be forced to change their names.
4) We would have open borders and anyone who walks across would be welcome to sign up as a citizen and collect welfare, food stamps, and Social Security.
5) It would be illegal to say the Pledge of Allegiance or fly an American flag because it might "offend people."
6) All criticism of black and Hispanic politicians would be shrugged off and treated as racism.
7) Government investigations of liberal wrongdoing would be handled by friends, associates, or campaign contributors of the liberal being charged.
8) So many nuclear and coal plants would be shut down that we'd end up with regularly scheduled blackouts in many parts of the country.
9) Anyone could choose not to work and get a monthly stipend from the state -- well, until the money runs out.
10) Cities, states, and even well-connected big businesses that spend irresponsibly and go broke could always be bailed out by the federal government.
11) Women would have to get mandatory abortion counseling from Planned Parenthood before giving birth just to make sure they are ready to have a child.
12) Conservative talk radio, blogs, websites and especially Fox News would be regulated out of existence and only government-approved media sources would be allowed.
13) Christians and conservatives would have to hide their beliefs to get government jobs.
14) The IRS would be allowed to audit people solely for contributing to conservative candidates or being a member of conservative groups.
15) Men who have sex with women who are drinking would be treated as rapists by default.
16) Merit and even basic competence would be secondary in importance to hiring people who are the right race or sex for a job.
17) Any child who plays with a toy gun would be considered a potential psychopath and expelled from school.
18) Americans would only be allowed to buy tiny, overpriced electric cars that don't work very well.
19) It would be illegal to oppose gay marriage.
20) Guns would be confiscated from everyone except the criminals, the cops, the military, and the bodyguards for rich liberals.


"You cannot win a battle against radical Islamic terrorism if you´re unwilling to utter the words ´radical Islamic terrorism,´"
                   -Sen. Ted Cruz

"Obama has an interesting view on wars and how they end. Most presidents bring troops home when the war's over. Obama thinks he can end wars by bringing troops home. In fact Obama seems to think leaving is winning..."
                 -Brit Hume

“The IRS tea-party audit story isn't Watergate; it's worse than Watergate,…..The Watergate break-in was the professionals of the party in power going after the party professionals of the party out of power. The IRS scandal is the party in power going after the most average Americans imaginable.”
                 -WSJ editorial page editor Daniel Henninger.

Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her”, has been in bookstores for three weeks but is mysteriously missing from the New York Times Hardcover Nonfiction Bestseller List. Sales show that America should be ranked higher than 13 of the 25 books on this week's list, yet it is nowhere to be found. The book aims to answer the questions: "Is America a source of pride, as Americans have long held, or shame, as Progressives allege? Beneath an innocent exterior, are our lives complicit in a national project of theft, expropriation, oppression, and murder, or is America still the hope of the world?"

 “….in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data.”

Al Gore: “Climate crisis a threat to human future”

At a time when debate is swirling over the assertion that 97 percent of scientists endorse man-made global warming, Secretary of State John Kerry nudged the figure up to “at least 98, 99 percent.”

Emily’s List will spend $3 million to elect women supporting abortion.

Confirmed: Las Vegas Cop Killers Were Members of Far Left Occupy Movement

Oh dear, someone called former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "feisty" and now ThinkProgress is out crying sexism. CNN host Christiane Amanpour – a woman, if you didn’t know – said that Clinton "got quite feisty" during her interview Tuesday with Diane Sawyer – another woman (just making that absolutely clear). Wolf Blitzer – who is not a woman – agreed, and also said the word "feisty." This sent ThinkProgress into a tizzy (wait, is that sexist?) and allowed the liberal website to bring up a 2012 "guide" from the Women´s Media Center that details more than 100 words and phrases that are apparently sexist.  Feisty is one of them.

Leftie actor George Clooney is planning to run for Governor of California, according to his friends.

VDH:  What we can say for sure is that Obama has nullified U.S. immigration law, made it clear that deportations were de facto over, praised the arrival of young illegal aliens, and thereby prompted a surge northward of thousands more kids without their parents. The apparent thinking of the crusading children was that the U.S. border would open, as the Mediterranean once was supposed to have done. Kids would become near-instantaneous citizens. And they would then be anchors for their patient parents, who had sent them ahead with the promise they would all soon be reunited in the north. This latest cruel episode — What sort of parent sends his children across the desert unaccompanied? What sort of country allows its youth just to walk away en masse? What sort of country facilitates their transfer across its own territory into the U.S.? And what sort of American administration tolerates this human tragedy as a way of building a future political constituency? — reminds us that almost everything we are told about illegal immigration is both a lie and amoral.

5 Reasons Hillary Won't Run
“… of the Obama administration’s most appalling scandals has gone largely unremarked. In the Fall of 2010, as part of its effort to stem the conservative uprising that was occurring at that time, the Internal Revenue Service, under the direction of Lois Lerner and Sarah Ingram, sent the FBI 21 disks containing 1.1 million pages of taxpayer filings. The IRS’s purpose was to give the FBI ammunition with which to investigate and prosecute conservatives. The IRS covered up this transaction. “

With the ongoing collapse of Iraq, the endgame for the worst foreign policy in American history has begun.

President Obama racked up $2.5 million in hotel and rental car costs for just one night in Brussels, Belgium for the G7 summit-- 141 rental vehicles and a total of 399 lodging, meeting and conference rooms.

“Stand-by for the most enjoyable 30 seconds you will spend today sitting upright. Generation Opportunity, which seeks to reach young adults, has produced a terrific new TV commercial that makes the fiscal problems of the nation – normally a dry and abstract topic – vividly real.

Are you sure you’re registered to vote?  AFA has a lookup tool:

Astronomy picture of the day.  “Lisbon honey moon”

Weird gizmos and gadgets:

"It has been said that all Government is an evil. It would be more proper to say that the necessity of any Government is a misfortune."
                     -James Madison