Saturday, May 30, 2015

op ed review 5/31

The economy shrank at a 0.7 percent annual rate in the first three months of the year.
Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record….blame it on global warming?

Must be just coincidence:  Clinton Foundation Donors Got Billion $ Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton´s State Department
Clinton Foundation paid their friend Sydney Blumenthal $10,000 per month to advise on Libya
Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit.  God bless Larry Klayman’s Freedom Watch.

A United States Marine was convicted at a court-martial for refusing to remove a Bible verse on her computer – a verse of Scripture the military determined “could easily be seen as contrary to good order and discipline.” What was the verse?  “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”

The conservative Manchester Union Leader editorial board interviewed Carly Fiorina and was impressed: “CARLY SHINES...Rivals who underestimate do so at own peril...Ability to stay on message remarkable... More substance in fewer words than anyone else...
“Carly Fiorina Runs Circles Around MSNBC Host Andrea Mitchell, Blasts Hillary”
Carly Fiorina: “Big government is crushing Americans”

Gov. Scott Walker: Federal Government ‘Too Big To Fail,’ Next President Must Shrink It So It’s ‘Small Enough To Succeed’

As Obama Removes Cuba from Terrorism List – Castro Brothers Arrest 164 Activists & Artists

Paula Jones warns against voting for Hillary - 'Don't let Bill back in the White House, he abused women and he'll do it again.', and because she also lied about sex case which almost cost him presidency.

Anarchy in Baltimore:  Maryland Sheriff warns that police officers are “fearful” of doing their jobs…..” Once you disembowel your law enforcement officers, then you can no longer expect them to go out there and protect you, or protect your communities. This is very troubling….the worst I’ve ever seen in 31 years of law enforcement.

Iranian elite paramilitary force leader Major General Qassem Soleimani accused the United States of having “no will” to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and blasted President Barack Obama as not having “done a damn thing” to quell the terrorist insurgency.

Conservative columnist and 10-time New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter steamrolled Fusion host Jorge Ramos in an appearance filled with dramatic moments, none more interesting than where Coulter got Ramos to admit he doesn’t believe there should be a limit to how many Mexicans the United States will allow into this country—either legally or illegally. “We have taken in one quarter of the entire Mexican population,” Coulter asked him. “At what point will we have taken in enough, in your view?”

A federal appeals court on Tuesday denied the Obama administration’s request to lift a hold on the president’s executive actions on immigration, which would have granted protection from deportation as well as work permits to millions of immigrants in the country illegally.

The left is trying to bankrupt Sheriff Joe Arpaio with legal fees:  He’s turning to the public for money and the legal system for a new judge. 

“Unions Now Want An Exemption From The Minimum Wage Hike They Pushed”

Looks like ObamaCare premiums will skyrocket for many next year. So what do Democrats propose? New insurance mandates that will drive premiums up even higher. Which one is the stupid party again?

Victor Davis Hansen  5/7
Why did Rome and Byzantium fall apart after centuries of success? What causes civilizations to collapse, from a dysfunctional 4th-century-B.C. Athens to contemporary bankrupt Greece? The answer is usually not enemies at the gates, but the pathologies inside them.

What ruins societies is well known: too much consumption and not enough production, a debased currency and endemic corruption. Americans currently deal with all those symptoms. But two more fundamental causes for decline are even more frightening: an unwillingness to pay taxes and the end of the rule of law.

Al Sharpton is again prominently in the news, blaming various groups for the Baltimore unrest. But Sharpton currently owes the U.S. government more than $3 million in back taxes, according to reports. His excuses have ranged from insufficient funds to pay them to sloppy record-keeping and mysterious fires. Sharpton, a frequent White House guest, apparently assumes that his community-organizing provides him political exemption from federal tax law. He seems to be right, at least as long as the current administration is in power.

The Clinton Foundation is expected to refile its tax returns for 2010, 2011 and 2012 after failing to separate government grants from donations. If an average citizen tried to amend his taxes for such huge sums and from that long ago, he would probably be under indictment. News reports of undocumented donations from foreign governments caught the foundation underreporting its income. The well-connected Clinton clan apparently assumed that their political status ensured them immunity……

Under the current system, the very wealthy have the pull and capital to navigate around the 3.7-million-word IRS tax code. Billionaire George Soros, a proponent of big government and higher taxes, reportedly could face a tax bill of approximately $7 billion after years of deferrals.

Nonparticipation in the tax system and noncompliance are recipes for social and cultural disaster — as we see with the current climbing tax rates, huge deficits and unsustainable national debt. Our laws are becoming as politicized as our tax system.

Whatever one thinks of illegal immigration, it's undeniable that under the Obama administration, federal immigration law enforcement is now predicated on politics. The law as it was written suddenly has ceased to exist — at least for particular groups at particular times and places.

In the last six years, the enforcement of federal laws has depended on their apparent political utility. If elements of the controversial Affordable Care Act were deemed politically risky, then their implementation was ignored until after an election. If the Environmental Protection Agency could not see its agenda passed through Congress as federal law, then it implemented its green policies by fiat.

If the Obama administration reaches a controversial agreement with Iran that will not meet the constitutional test of ratification by two-thirds of the Senate, then it will not be called a treaty and instead be imposed by presidential executive order…..

In the tragic Freddie Gray case, Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby all but assured an angry crowd that she had provided them indictments for murder and manslaughter and thereby expected calm in the streets in return. She indicted six Baltimore policemen on charges that are likely to be reduced or disproved in court, but those charges served the short-term purpose of defusing unchecked rioting and looting. Warping the law was thought to be more effective in easing tensions than enforcing it.

Increasingly in the United States, the degree to which a law is enforced — or whether a person is indicted — depends on political considerations. But when citizens do not pay any income taxes, or choose not to pay taxes that they owe and expect impunity, a complex society unwinds. And when the law becomes negotiable, civilization utterly collapses.

Michelle Obama urged another class of college graduates Monday to work aggressively to change American society and not be deterred by noisy or obstructionist opposition. The 51-year-old first lady spent her Memorial Day not with her husband honoring the fallen military at Arlington National Cemetery, but urging graduates at Ohio´s Oberlin College to become persistent, determined agents of change in their communities. She warned them about the evils of American society outside academia, requiring constant change, not support. And she urged them to "shape the revolutions of your time" by becoming community activists …

The ISIL terrorist group claims that it has enough money to buy a nuclear weapon from Pakistan and carry out an attack inside the United States next year.

A sign was hung in a public square in Antwerp, Belgium threatening Mayor Bart De Wever with death if he did not convert to Islam.

The Islamic State has issued a threat against Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez and her Chilean counterpart Michelle Bachelet in a menacing email sent to the former last month.

Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage” by Paul Kengor.  “……the vast majority of today’s proponents of same-sex marriage have friendly motives. Their goal is not to tear down but to “expand” marriage to a new form of spousal partner. They do this with the intent of providing a new “freedom” and “right” to a new group of people. I get that. Unfortunately, there’s so much that they are not getting. Today’s advocates of same-sex marriage need to be aware of the quite insidious deeper historical-ideological forces they are unwittingly serving. Sure, that knowledge still will likely not change their minds, but it’s something that a well-informed, thoughtful person should at least be willing to learn before urging the unprecedented action that our culture and court may be about to take.”

“Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole,” by Ann Coulter.  Ann Coulter is back, more fearless than ever. In Adios, America she touches the third rail in American politics, attacking the immigration issue head-on and flying in the face of La Raza, the Democrats, a media determined to cover up immigrants' crimes, churches that get paid by the government for their "charity," and greedy Republican businessmen and campaign consultants—all of whom are profiting handsomely from mass immigration that's tearing the country apart. Applying her trademark biting humor to the disaster that is U.S. immigration policy, Coulter proves that immigration is the most important issue facing America today.

Why the Fifth Circuit Smacked Down Obama’s Immigration Appeal

“In spite of the best efforts of our Border Patrol agents, drugs and humans keep coming across our border with Mexico. I recently returned from my seventh trip to the border. Our Border Patrol agents are trying to do their job, but they are being hampered by bureaucrats and “open border” initiatives put in place by President Barack Obama’s administration.” ……..On our second day we caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure disappearing down the back of a mountain inside the U.S. border; it was a cartel “scout.” The “scouts” operate on the mountains and monitor the movement of the Border Patrol and let the smugglers know when it is safe to bring across drugs and human cargo. Keep in my mind they operate in the mountains on U.S. soil as far as 100 miles inside our border.

Ben Shapiro: “The Big Tent Collapses”:  While the Democratic Party has moved toward leftist purity in which Hillary Clinton’s policy positions are virtually indistinguishable from socialist Bernie Sanders’, the Republican Party has become to political positions what COEXIST bumper stickers are to religion…..

Amazing photo:  Amateur photographer Frank Glick was on his way to work when he drove through Fort Snelling National Cemetery early one morning. He spotted a bald eagle through the mist, perched on a gravestone, and snapped shots with his aging but ever-present camera. Nice shot, he thought….Then it began.  Mail and calls from Minnesota, then Chicago, Florida, Arizona, North Carolina and finally, Afghanistan. The picture and story had gone viral. I noticed 11,000 people had recommended it on Facebook. I forwarded scores and scores of requests for reprints to Glick. Unfortunately, he had become ill and has been in the hospital off and on since the column ran. (To reach Glick about the photo, e-mail him at Be patient.)

"The best service that can be rendered to a country, next to that of giving it liberty, is in diffusing the mental improvement equally essential to the preservation, and the enjoyment of the blessing."
                  -James Madison

Saturday, May 23, 2015

op ed review 5/24

Smartest President Ever Says Weaponized Chlorine Is Not a Chemical Weapon

Isis ´controls 50% of Syria´after seizing historic city of Palmyra
The US Lost 1,335 Soldiers in Anbar – ISIS Just Took it Back …Thanks Obama!
Finally, President Obama addressed what he sees as the nation´s worst security threat, just days after the fall of Ramadi to ISIS and North Korea´s declaration that it has miniaturized a nuclear warhead to fit on an ICBM capable of reaching the United States. In a speech to graduates at the Coast Guard Academy, Obama said, yes, yes, terrorism is a grave danger. But there´s another one. "We cannot, and we must not, ignore a peril that can affect generations," the commander-in-chief declared ominously. That threat? Global warming.

Feds Spent $100 Billion on Food Assistance Last Year: 109,930,090 Americans participated in overlapping programs.
Soon it could be possible to apply for food stamps over the phone, with proponents arguing that in-person interviews add too much extra administrative cost.

Immigration: 445,000 awaiting a court date, which might not come for 4 years

Hillary Rodham Clinton is running as the most liberal Democratic presidential front-runner in decades, with positions on issues from gay marriage to immigration that would, in past elections, have put her at her party’s precarious left edge.

The Clinton foundation took in more than $140 million in donations in 2013, but spent a comparatively paltry $9 million on direct aid.

ABC News faces credibility crisis over Stephanopoulos donations, failing to disclose $75,000 in donations  to the Clinton Foundation.
NBC Universal, News Corporation, Turner Broadcasting and Thomson Reuters are among more than a dozen media organizations that have made charitable contributions to the Clinton Foundation in recent years,
A controversial state-owned Moroccan mining firm that has poured money into the Clinton Foundation has received more than $92 million in U.S. taxpayer support, public records show.
Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton earned in excess of $25 million for delivering more than 100 speeches since the beginning of 2014, a huge infusion to their net worth as she was readying for a presidential bid.
Former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell said that he believes some foreign intelligence agencies possess the contents of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
Clinton told a roomful of supporters (behind closed doors) that as president she would require her Supreme Court nominees to pledge in advance to overturn the 2010 Citizens United decision. That’s the case where the high court upheld the right of a conservative group to air its anti-Clinton documentary, “Hillary: The Movie,” and run ads for it during the 2008 Democratic primaries
A cyber security expert wrote of Clinton’s email use that “You can liken this to the CFO of Chase taking billions of dollars in cash home and storing it in the mattress. It’s so inadequate to meeting the risks that it would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.”

“Remember the protests (and riots) in Ferguson last summer? It looks like at least some of the protestors were told they would be paid to show up and now they’re upset the checks haven’t arrived yet,”

The mother of a West Virginia middle schooler who was suspended for wearing a National Rifle Association t-shirt to school is suing the Logan County Board of Education for allegedly violating her son’s constitutional rights.

The Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine in a new treaty finalized Wednesday, immediately sparking Israeli ire and accusations that the move hurt peace prospects.
Pope Francis’ closest adviser castigated conservative climate change skeptics in the United States, blaming capitalism for their views.

South Carolina High School gives in on Flag Ban When Student Shows Up With Squad Of Veterans

Gates Says Boy Scouts Must Preemptively Surrender  5/22
Nate Jackson

Robert Gates, president of the Boy Scouts of America, told the organization Thursday at its annual national meeting that the time has come to end the ban on homosexual adult leaders in the organization. Citing the wave of cultural changes taking place under threat from homosexual activists, including same-sex marriage edicts in the courts and anti-discrimination laws in several states, Gates insisted, “The status quo in our movement’s membership standards cannot be sustained.”

“The one thing we cannot do is put our heads in the sand and pretend this challenge will go away or abate,” Gates added. “Quite the opposite is happening.” Translation: Abandon traditional values in the face of pressure from the Rainbow Mafia.

Far from putting "our heads in the sand," however, defending both traditional Judeo-Christian values and religious liberty itself is called standing on principle.

Gates did not call upon BSA leaders to make a decision on the matter forthwith, but he did caution that if the organization doesn't change on its own the homosexual lobby and its allies in the courts are likely to force the issue. “If we wait for the courts to act," he warned, "we could end up with a broad ruling that could forbid any kind of membership standard,” including belief in duty to God and specifically serving the needs of boys.

So he argued for change, leaving it up to individual troops and councils and the churches who sponsor them ... for now. However, such a change would only leave troops and councils across the nation susceptible to legal assaults by the Tolerance Brigade. Gates, a former secretary of defense and CIA director, has a track record of knuckling under to homosexual activists. He was at the helm of the Pentagon for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in 2010, justifying his actions at the time as an end to discrimination rather than calling the change what it was: an attempt by gays and lesbians to remake yet another institution to suit the needs of a small but vocal fraction of the population.

(On that note, homosexuals and their allies have managed to erroneously convince more than half of Americans that gays make up at least 20% of the population. The true number is more like 3%, but it helps the agenda if it appears there are far more of them.)

When Gates took the job as president of the BSA in 2014, he said he had no intention of allowing openly homosexual scout leaders. The BSA was already reeling from a 2013 decision that summarily dropped the ban on openly homosexual youths. The vote was passed by 60% of the 1,400 delegates in attendance, which may seem like a landslide but is hardly a representative cross-section of the national organization. Scout membership nationally is already down more than 10% since the last encroachment of gay activists — but the prospect of homosexual leaders overseeing troops will most assuredly lead to a much more significant decline.

Gates is correct that the homosexual lobby isn't done reshaping the 103-year-old organization to suit its agenda. Scouts for Equality and Human Rights Campaign issued statements after Gates’ speech Thursday saying they were heartened by his words, but wanted to see more action. HRC President Chad Griffin said, “It’s time for BSA leaders to show true leadership and embrace a full national policy of inclusion that does not discriminate against anyone because of who they are.” Unless of course you want to discriminate against someone for their religious beliefs — that’s perfectly acceptable to HRC and other members of the homosexual lobby.

And never mind that the "tolerant" thing to do would be to live and let live. Set up another scouting organization to advance and promote leftist values, and leave the Boy Scouts alone. Yet proponents of the homosexual agenda have convinced the courts and the Leftmedia to go along with their plan to dismantle every institution in this country for the sake of accommodating, promoting and advancing their own lifestyle. Submit to homosexual leaders, don't oppose same-sex marriage, bake the cake — whatever the demand, you will comply. Or else. So-called tolerance is a one-way street.

What takes place between consenting adults is one thing, but when did it ever become necessary to force other people to condone that behavior? “We must deal with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be,” Gates declared. Well, the world as it is right now is being reshaped by an aggressive minority who want little more than the power to reshape the culture and its institutions in its own image.


Some hardcore liberal ghouls came out of the woodwork shortly after the overnight crash of an Amtrak train near Philadelphia, saying Republicans are to blame for failing to fund infrastructure spending and increasing the federal train agency’s budget.

“It seems a little idiotic to me.” Those were the words of Seattle City Councilman Bruce Harrell at a hearing discussing the aftermath of the Seattle May Day riots. The words were greeted with a great howl of laughter and applause from the assembled audience. Harrell wasn’t castigating the black-clad vandals that delayed traffic, vandalized property, smashed windows, and assaulted police officers. He was castigating the Seattle Police Department (SPD) for arresting one of them — and Councilman Harrell is the Chairman of Seattle’s Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology Committee.

According to a new report released by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, just “walking into or sitting in” a classroom full of white people is a “microaggression”.

Name calling of climate skeptics skyrockets...
Term 'denier' appears 3,183 times in media...

Graduation day at Rutgers University is a chance for students to relax after four years of college and celebrate with family and friends before entering the real world.  Or, when Bill Nye is the keynote speaker, it's a reminder that the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is rising and its future may be a "no-way-out overheated globe."

Teacher assails practice of giving passing grades to failing students.  A college professor and policy analyst decided to try teaching math in the D.C. schools. He was given a pre-calculus class with 38 seniors at H.D. Woodson High School. When he discovered that half of them could not handle even second-grade problems, he sought out the teachers who had awarded the passing grades of D in Algebra II, a course that they needed to take his high-level class. There are many bewildering stories like this in Rossiter’s new book, “Ain’t Nobody Be Learnin’ Nothin’: The Fraud and the Fix for High-Poverty Schools.”

“Mad Max and the Dream-Work of Homosexuality: “there is a deep-seated but suppressed anxiety running rampant in Hollywood about just how horrible our society will become if gay men are uncritically awarded everything they demand.”

Kristol:  Assuming a Republican wins the presidency in 2016, his top domestic priority will be—and should be—to repeal and replace Obamacare. The health care overhaul is the cornerstone of President Obama’s project to transform America into a top-down administrative state. The effects of repealing Obamacare, and replacing it with a conservative reform that moves us away from government control even by comparison with the pre-Obamacare status quo, would be hugely consequential. The reverberations from its defeat would be felt across the American political landscape. Such a profound rejection and reversal of the progressive worldview and agenda would strengthen the resolve of

“I’m a Ted Cruz fan. At the same time, I find myself increasingly intrigued by Carly Fiorina. She speaks like no one else in the field. Perhaps, in part, because she’s not a politician…. In just a few short minutes, Fiorina manages to interweave personal stories with core values that include faith in God, limitless human potential, and the greatness of America. Her speeches don’t sound like they have built-in applause lines. She simply speaks. If people clap, that’s fine. She doesn’t appear to expect it or revel in it. She is articulate as she speaks on a wide array of topics…”

Clinton is running for president as a "topple the rich" champion of "everyday Americans," and Bill is just tryin´ to pay the bills, y´all: Hillary and her husband made at least $30 million over the last 16 months, mainly from giving paid speeches to corporations, banks and other organizations….

The countdown is on for the very first Republican presidential debate, set for August 6 in Cleveland - to be moderated by Fox News anchors Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace….The requirements seemed geared to keep the conservative base locked out and the RINO's in play

It’s 6-foot-2, with laser eyes and vise-grip hands. It can walk over a mess of jagged cinder blocks, cut a hole in a wall, even drive a car. And soon, Leo, Lockheed Martin’s humanoid robot, will move from the development lab to a boot camp for robots, where a platoon’s worth of the semiautonomous mechanical species will be tested to see if they can be all they can be.

Texas tenors sing God Bless the USA.

Map shows the most distinctive causes of death, state by state.

Fed up with your current job? Feel you´re not properly challenged? Bored of the 9-5 routine? Al-Qaeda has a job application for you…..

"[W]hen all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another."
             -Thomas Jefferson,