op ed review 9/25
Do people around the world have a right to move to the
United States? It´s a bedrock belief of most conservatives that there is no
such right. Now, Hillary Clinton says there is such a right, at least if a
tweet from her campaign headquarters can be taken for a policy pronouncement.
The latest vote projection from elections guru Nate Silver
has Republican Donald Trump just six electoral votes short of winning and one
point away from equaling Hillary Clinton's popular vote.
Trump is headed for a win, says professor who has predicted 30 years of
presidential outcomes correctly
Supporters of Candidate Trump have crushed all historic
fundraising records for small (under $200/per) “grass roots” donations. Over 2.1
million individual small donations in 3 months.
But due to Clinton’s advantage with wealthy donors, she is outspending
Trump by a factor of about five to one.
Even with that she has failed to put away Trump, and many anxious
Democrats are baffled as to why the race remains so close.
Hillary Clinton Shouts at Camera ‘Why Aren’t I 50 Points
Ahead’ of Donald Trump?
President Obama:
“…because Americans are sexist.”
Yuuuge list of Trump endorsements. Sen. Ted Cruz added his name Friday.
Tea Party Patriots officially endorse Trump for president
and will work to get their supporters out to the polls for the Republican
A new George Soros campaign, touted as the “October surprise
that will end Trump”, is seeking to mobilize a “secret swing state” of more
than 8 million mostly unregistered “global citizens” and “progressive”
Americans living abroad to vote in the U.S. election.
Hillary Clinton refuses to take a neurological test after a
video shows her unsynchronized eyes moving in different directions.
Short Hillary wanted to debate tall Trump on a STEP STOOL –
but was turned down – and she won't get commercial breaks for coughing fits or
fainting spells
A new authoritative study by the National Academies of
Science, Engineering and Medicine has found that immigration is a massive drain
on the government, with immigrants taking as much as $296 billion more in
benefits than they pay in taxes…..”record level of newcomers is straining the
can't find a job because I don't speak Spanish': Working class Alabama woman
says changing demographics brought on by illegal immigration has left her
struggling to find employment
Charlotte: How does
looting a Walmart or burning a truck advance your cause?
NASCAR´s Hall of Fame suffered heavy damage when the
Charlotte protests turned into rioting and looting.
Slain Charlotte man had lengthy criminal history.
Media tries to bury key fact: the police officer involved in
the shooting was black.
Charlotte Riots: 70% Arrested Have Out Of State IDs...(Soros?)
State Department spokesman acknowledges that Islamic State
terrorists are trying to mingle with refugee populations overseas in the hopes
of making it to the U.S. posing as refugees.
Sweden in chaos: Number of ‘no-go zones’ increased as police
lose control over violence…huge
surge in crime since the start of the migrants crisis in Europe with a rise in
sex assaults, drug dealing and children carrying weapons…….attacks on officers
were detailed, including police cars being stoned by masked groups.
Leftie Mayor of New York City Says Islamic Terror is ‘Vanishingly’
Rare. Just days after jihadist bombing
in New York, de Blasio touts 'diversity,' calls for more Muslim migrants.
New York
bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami said he received instructions from 'terrorist
leaders... to attack non-believers'
Somali 'ISIS fanatic' went on Minnesota knife rampage...Dahir
A. Adan, 22, is said to be a Somalian “soldier of the Islamic State” who
emigrated from Africa to the US with his family 15 years ago.
Feds Mistakenly Grant Citizenship to 800 Immigrants with
Security Concerns...
Money Laundering Scheme Exposed: 14 Pro-Clinton Super PACs & Non-Profits
Pay for play: The
company of a prominent Democratic donor has pulled in more than $270 million
worth of government contracts under President Barack Obama.
Progressive roadmap: A
lawyer hired by the Mount Vernon School District has advised officials to allow
the Satanic Temple of Seattle to start an after-school program at one of their
elementary schools.
at a college in New Jersey attempted to organize a themed barbecue to kick off
the new school year but administrators decided the theme — “American BBQ” — was
“not inclusive of the entire student population.”
Dr. Ben Carson: 9/13
In a very telling moment, Hillary Clinton
maligned me and millions of other Americans as racist, sexist, homophobic,
xenophobic and Islamophobic "deplorables."
I'm so tired of this line of attack that
normally taunts conservatives. Well let me be very specific in my response. I
believe in expanding opportunity, not welfare; that's not racist. I believe every life is worth protecting,
particularly the unborn; that doesn't make me sexist. I believe marriage is between one man and one
woman; that's not homophobic.
I believe in borders, the rule of law and
our sovereign right to decide who to let into our country; that's not
xenophobic. I believe radical Islam is a
mortal threat to America and Western civilization; that is common sense, not
My nationwide ‘Fight for the Court’ project
is about explaining and protecting our Constitutional values. As you can see,
they're under constant assault, and if we allow the Left to institutionalize
their vision of a European-style, government-dominated, secular society through
our courts, we are going to lose our country for a generation.
If you're tired of being vilified for
believing in the Constitutional, Judeo-Christian values that made America
great, please help me send a message by signing up to join me now. We must use
moments like this as opportunities because this is not just name-calling. The
Left is using every tool at their disposal to whitewash our history and
undercut our institutions.
The difference is that I believe in our
nation as it was founded. I believe in "We the People," but it
requires us to constantly reach out, inform, and mobilize conservatives. There
are a lot of challenges before us and a lot of problems to solve. I've decided
to concentrate on a few. ‘Fight for the Court’ is about protecting our
Constitutional values.
Elections every few years are our
opportunity to correct course if necessary, but the Supreme Court can be lost
for a generation or more. I ask you to
join me by signing up and helping us to continue this fight. Thank you for your
“…..we have a commander in chief who cavalierly sends soldiers
to the battlefield without a clear definition of victory or realistic rules of
engagement, regards military strategy as an unnecessary evil, and doesn't mind
leaving erstwhile allies in the lurch because Mother Earth may or may not be
one degree Celsius hotter at some unspecified time in the future. We've come a
long way from the days of peace through strength.”
: "[J]ournalists need a refresher course on the plain
meaning of English words. Breaking windows, stealing cigarettes, Red Bull and
drugs, attacking journalists and other innocent bystanders is not a protest.
That is a riot. It has no relationship whatsoever to a black police officer
shooting an armed black man. But most media continued to refer to the violence
as 'protests.'"
-Gary Bauer
“Since 9/11, hundreds
of immigrants and their children have been implicated in terrorist activities
in the United States……My opponent has the most ‘open borders’ policy of anyone
to ever seek the office of president…”
Hillary in for a new walloping with ´Clinton, Inc.´ movie
that digs deep into her psychology – and Bill´s – as it prepares to hit 1,000
screens in October
In socialist Venezuela, 15% of the population has to eat
garbage to survive
Trump endorsements by thousands : Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Don Rumsfeld, Tommy
Thompson, Ben Carson. 41 sitting senators, 168 sitting congressmen…..Generals
Boykin, Flynn, Bell, Brady…25 sitting governors, Business leaders: Sheldon Adelson, Carly
Fiorina, Steve Forbes, Roger Ailes, Jenny Craig, Rupert Murdock, Carl Icahn,
Martin Selig, Peter Theil, Jack Welch, Steve Wynn, Radio hosts: Limbaugh, Prager, Levin,
Ingraham, Hewitt, Savage, Hannity, religious:
Dobson, Falwell, Reed. Activists: Alveda King (niece of MLK jr), Joe the
Plumber, Michael Reagan, Dr. Milton Wolf (Obama’s cousin), Grover Norquist. Actors:
Kirstie Alley, Scott Biao, Gary Busey, Larry the Cable Guy, Dennis Miller,
Jerry Lewis, Chuck Norris, Randy Quaid, Jon Voight, Stephen Seagal, Jean-Claude
Van Damme. Sports, Mike Ditka, George Brett, Hulk Hogan, Don King, Mike Leach,
Jack Nicklaus, Terrell Owens, Richard Petty, Dennis Rodman, Fran Tarkenton,
Mike Tyson. Others: Phil Robertson, Loretta Lynn, Wayne Newton,
Kenny Rogers……..
Obama lie #994:
“…..we assume that there are going to be—out of four, five, six hundred
people that get released—a handful of them are going to be embittered and still
engaging in anti-U.S. activities and trying to link up potentially with their
old organizations," Obama said.
That wasn't true. When Obama made this claim, 653 detainees had been
released. Of that group, 196 had been confirmed (117) or suspected (79) of
returning to jihadist activity upon their release. Those numbers came from the
office of the director of national intelligence and represent the U.S.
government's official count of Guantánamo recidivism. Nearly one-in-three
former detainees returned to the fight, not a "handful," as the
president suggested.
Obama releasing jihadists against advice of military...
The most recent revelation to show the duplicity and
outright lying of Hillary about the email scandal was the discovery that her
outside tech specialist sought help on a public forum to delete email addresses
from the files of a "very VIP" client before shipping them to
others. "These
records, as a consequence of their ownership by Secretary Clinton, are federal
records. In essence, Paul Combetta, a private citizen, was seeking assistance
for how to modify federal records before export to an unknown entity…. Altering archived
government records is against the law.”
Lots of “Deplorable and Proud of It” merchandise now:
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only
those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws
make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve
rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be
attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
-Cesare Beccaria