Saturday, April 29, 2017

op ed review 4/30

President Trump vows to reverse Obama national monuments 'land grab', signs executive order telling the Interior Dept. to review predecessors’ designation of large national monuments under the Antiquities Act.
President Trump signed an executive order calling on the Education Department to study whether the federal government has overstepped state and local control of education.
President Trump announced Monday that the United States will impose a 20 percent tariff on all softwood lumber imported from Canada.  “We love Canada, but they have been very good at taking advantage of the United States through NAFTA,” When asked what that tax will mean for lumber production, Trump said, “It means we’re going to start doing lumber in our country.”
Border rancher says illegal crossings down 90% since Trump became president.

A new Washington Post poll that declares President Trump as "the least popular president in modern times," waits until the second to last paragraph to reveal another tidbit: He´d still beat Hillary Rodham Clinton if the election were held today and this time he would win the popular vote, not just the Electoral College.

Americans’ Dissatisfaction With Speaker Paul Ryan, Congress Overall Is Growing, Poll Finds
Nearly three-quarters disapprove of Congress’s job performance, up 12 points since February

This week we learned that the Obama Justice Department and the FBI did, in fact, use a grand jury in the Clinton e-mails probe. Mrs. Clinton was publicly claiming that the probe was “not a criminal investigation,” but rather “a security review.” This was a lie, but it was studiously adopted by the Obama Justice Department, then led by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who was plainly hoping to keep her job in a Hillary Clinton administration.

What if Donald Trump had unilaterally shut down every investigation into Russian espionage, released over 20 suspected Russian spies, struck a deal to get rid of sanctions against Russia—in return for honoring deals that had been signed years before—and then lied to the American people about the entire episode? That’s the Obama Administration’s Iran deal.
Networks Censor Blockbuster Expose on Obama’s Hidden Iranian Deal Secrets

Portland rose parade canceled after ‘antifascists’ threaten GOP marchers….Set to march in the parade’s 67th spot this year was the Multnomah County Republican Party, a fact that so outraged two self-described antifascist groups in the deep blue Oregon city that they pledged to protest and disrupt the April 29 event.

An estimated 346 employees in the Department of Veterans Affairs do no actual work for taxpayers. Instead, they spend all of their time doing work on behalf of their union while drawing a federal salary, a practice known as "official time."

Never-before-seen video showing a top Planned Parenthood executive haggling over the price of baby body parts from abortions. This is the same executive who, in a previous undercover video, was caught saying she wanted to buy a Lamborghini with the profits from fetal tissue.
In the 3 Months Since Trump´s Inauguration: Planned Parenthood Has Performed 81,567 Abortions

Federal Judge William Orrick III, who on Tuesday blocked President Trump´s order to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities, reportedly bundled hundreds of thousands of dollars for President Barack Obama.
60 Minutes reporter Lesley Stahl worries that courts aren't doing enough to thwart Republicans.

For ordinary Americans, the one way you draw a $400,000 paycheck is to do something to create value. This is the story of very hard-working small businesses everywhere. Then there´s Obama, fresh off his billionaire vacation over in Tahiti at Marlon Brando´s exclusive hideaway estate, now drawing his first $400,000 paycheck for a ... speech, from Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald.
 “When will Obama have made enough money?” He earned over $14 million for his first three books, and bidding for his next deal has run over $60 million. Obama flashback to 2010:  I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

The little tent of the Democratic Party just got smaller: DNC chairman Tom Perez declares that pro-life advocates are not welcome in the Democratic Party.
Study:  Mostly Democratic-run states are a total disaster, have the worst economies.
A new survey of students at Dartmouth College found that those who identified as Democrats are the least tolerant on campus.


Investor’s Business Daily  4/21

Organizers promised that hundreds of thousands would participate in an April 22 March for Science planned for hundreds of cities worldwide and an April 29 People's Climate March in Washington, DC. These events have no more to do with science or climate change than do UN programs or the Paris climate treaty. Their own leaders make that perfectly clear.
A climate website asserts that marchers intend to mark President Trump's 100th day in office "with a massive demonstration that shows our resistance is not going to wane." They intend to "block Trump's entire fossil fuel agenda," with Berkeley-style tantrums and riots, most likely.

A science march website says this is "explicitly a political movement, aimed at holding leaders in science and politics accountable" for trying to "skew, ignore, misuse or interfere with science." That pious language really means they intend to allow no deviation from climate cataclysm doctrines. It means everyone must accept claims that fossil fuel emissions, not powerful natural forces, now govern Earth's climate; any future changes will be catastrophic; despite growing wealth and technological prowess, humanity will somehow be unable to adapt to future fluctuations; and mankind can and must control the climate by regulating emissions of plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide, regardless of costs.

Equally revealing, former UN climate convention director Christiana Figueres has said the UN goal is to "intentionally change the economic development model" that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution. " Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection," former IPCC mitigation group co-chair Ottmar Edenhofer has stated. It is about negotiating "the (re)distribution of the world's resources."…..Developed nations must de-carbonize, de-industrialize, and reduce their growth, job creation and living standards – while sending trillions of dollars over the coming decades to ruling elites in developing countries that are not required to decrease oil, gas and coal use or greenhouse gas emissions.

The Insurance Journal says the worldwide climate change and renewable energy industry is now a $1.5-trillion-per-year business empire. McKinsey & Co. says the world must spend $93 trillion by 2031 to build "climate-resilient, socially inclusive, sustainable, low-carbon" infrastructures. Millions of politicians, bureaucrats, scientists, activists and corporate executives clearly have a huge stake in advancing this agenda. However, billions of people have other, more vital, even life-or-death interests that must be protected.

Free enterprise capitalism and fossil fuels have lifted billions out of poverty, disease, malnutrition and early death. They must continue doing so. Indeed, says the Energy Information Administration, carbon-based fuels will provide 75-80% of worldwide energy through 2040 – when total energy consumed will be at least 25% greater than today.

The marchers seem determined to block this progress, regardless of the consequences. In the United States, their "green" energy policies would send gasoline prices soaring and at least double electricity costs – from Ohio rates to California rates. The cost of heat, lights, AC, goods and services would skyrocket for families, hospitals, schools, factories and businesses. Living standards would decline, jobs disappear, drug and alcohol abuse climb, and people die needlessly and prematurely.   330,000 German families had their electricity cut off in 2015, because they could not pay soaring bills. In Britain, 20,000 elderly people die from illness and hypothermia each winter, because they cannot afford proper heat. Across Africa and India, over a billion impoverished people still have no access to electricity for lights, cooking or refrigeration. Instead, they burn wood, charcoal and dung in open fires. Millions die every year from breathing indoor smoke, drinking contaminated water, eating bacteria-infested food and having primitive healthcare.

The marchers and climate industry ignore this green energy poverty and death. They dismiss hundreds of scientists who present persuasive evidence that humans are not causing climate disasters, as CFACT detailed in its documentary film, "Climate Hustle." Danish environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg calculates that implementing all provisions of the Paris accord would prevent a virtually undetectable 0.306 degrees Fahrenheit of global warming by 2100. Doing so would cost up to $946 billion annually, from 2030 to 2100 – another $66 trillion in total!

That money should be spent on electricity, clean water, modern housing and agriculture. Free enterprise capitalism will gradually devise reliable, affordable fossil fuel replacements.
The marchers claim they represent "social, economic and climate justice." It's nothing more than a twisted joke.


: “[Bill] Nye is a fellow denier of one of the most irrefutable facts about mankind: Human ingenuity overcomes demand. … Talking about humans as if they were a malady that needs to be cured is, at its core, immoral. And listening to a man who has three residences lecture potential parents about their responsibilities to Mother Earth is particularly galling. Although many thousands of incredibly smart and talented people engage in real scientific inquiry and discovery, ‘science’ is often used as a cudgel to browbeat people into accepting progressive policies.”
               -David Harsanyi

"Bill Nye isn’t interested in a scientific debate about global warming — how much is occurring, the measurement techniques at issue, the sensitivity of the climate to carbon emissions, the range of factors that affect the climate. He wants you to accept his version of the truth — not just that global warming is happening, but that massive government intervention is necessary in order to avert imminent global catastrophe.”
                -Ben Shapiro

Left wing protesters stormed the offices of the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday.

In the past week, vandals have repeatedly defaced property at the University of Texas-Austin, spray-painting a hammer and sickle symbol and words like “rapist,” “racist” and “kill frat boys” on at least four fraternity houses.

Bill Nye The Eugenics Guy: “Maybe We Should Penalize People With "Extra Kids"
The New York Times has hired former Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens.  His first article has Times readers choking on their morning coffee. “Climate of Complete Certainty”

What does it say about environmentalists that a stand-up comic made famous in the 1970s by listing seven dirty words you couldn´t say on TV has far more insight about the Earth than one of the green movement´s most influential leaders?

Can Islam ever be reformed? “The reform Islam movement is nothing new and Muslims have attempted to reform Islam for fourteen hundred years and always failed. Leaders of such movements were often beheaded for apostasy. Jihad and sharia are foundational principles of Islam and no mincing of words will change that……But the so-called reformers tell us they can and that keeps American media happy and that is all that counts.”

Terrence Jeffrey:  Will GOP Fund Planned Parenthood But Not Border Wall?
Rush Limbaugh explains consequences of Trump “caving” on wall funding. “We know that the threat of a government shutdown, once it’s even whispered in the Drive-By Media, paralyzes the Republican Party…..not having a shutdown has been the single focus of Republican policy for I don’t know how many years now. And it has translated into the Democrats being able to deny Republicans most of what they want and Democrats to get what they want…”

Pat Buchanan:  "The Ideas made it, But I didn´t"

Here’s the cover of the new issue of National Review, which comes out Friday, featuring David French’s cover story on Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

“[T]he true key for the construction of everything doubtful in a law is the intention of the law-makers. This is most safely gathered from the words, but may be sought also in extraneous circumstances provided they do not contradict the express words of the law.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)

Saturday, April 22, 2017

op ed review 4/23

The Trump administration put nine of the country’s top sanctuary cities on notice Friday that they could soon have to give up some federal funds unless they can prove they are no longer thwarting Homeland Security’s efforts to deport illegal immigrants. The entire state of California is being targeted, as are the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Las Vegas, New Orleans and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low.  “strongest U.S. labor market in years.”
President Donald Trump and Congress have saved an additional $60 billion in regulatory costs by rolling back Obama administration rules, according to a new report.
Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Hits 50 Percent In Rasmussen Poll

President Trump has received by far the most hostile press treatment of any incoming American president, with the broadcast networks punishing him with coverage that has been 89% negative. The networks largely ignored important national priorities such as jobs and the fight against ISIS, in favor of a news agenda that has been dominated by anti-Trump controversies and which closely matches what would be expected from an opposition party.
After all three broadcast networks celebrated left-wing Tax Day protests over the weekend, on Monday morning, NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America continued to revel in the anti-Trump hate, touting footage of demonstrators launching nasty attacks against the President while applauding how “determined” they were to “get their message out.
Media Do Their Best To Turn Trump´s 100-Day ´Honeymoon´ Into Hell

The FBI last year used a fraudulent dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump´s campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate.
“Entire Western World Helped Obama WIRETAP Trump”
More confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s. Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.
So where is Obama CIA Director Brennan’s politics?  Brennan once voted for the Communist Party presidential candidate.
Obama Political Spying Pattern: Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets

One reason we need a Wall:  over 2000 murders a month in Mexico.

New DNC chair says Republicans “Don’t Give a Sh*t About People!”
DNC even turning this line into a t-shirt.

The special election held in Georgia on Tuesday was supposed to a blockbuster event showcasing the anti-Trump wave sweeping the nation. Instead, it was an overhyped dud. So sure that Georgians shared their loathing of Donald Trump, Democrats from around the country poured more than $8 million into the campaign of 30-year-old political novice Jon Ossoff. Celebrities endorsed him. The media showered him with free publicity. And he was running against 11 Republican candidates. But even with all that support, Ossoff wasn´t able to win a majority.

Three dead in Fresno shooting rampage, shooter’s name is Mohammed, hatred towards white people,  screams “Allah Akbar”
Associated Press tries to conceal the Islam references in the story.

A student repeatedly destroyed a pro-life display at Washington State University last week because it made him “angry.”

NBC Sports Announcer goes nuts: “Calls US Flag and Air Force Flyover a “Political” Stunt that Should Be “Kept Out of Sports”

Investor’s Business Daily  4/22

This Earth Day, protests around the country will focus on "science." What they won't focus on is facts, because the facts show that the U.S. has made huge strides in cleaning up the environment.
Given the trends in air quality, water quality, toxics and, yes, even CO2 emissions, you'd think Earth Day would be a grand celebration of a monumental achievement that has allowed this country to produce vastly more goods and services for millions more people while sharply cutting pollution.

The fact is that by any important measure, the environment is cleaner and healthier today than it was 60 years ago, 40 years ago, or even 20 years ago. For example, data from the Environmental Protection Agency show that, from 1995-2015, levels of every air pollutant it monitors saw steady declines, to the point where they are at or below national standards. Carbon monoxide levels plunged 72% over those years; nitrogen dioxide fell 45%; ozone, 24%; soot, 37%; sulfur dioxide, 73%; and lead declined 93%.  The sharp reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions "significantly reduced damage to water quality in lakes and streams, and improved the health of ecosystems and forests," according to the EPA.

The share of children tested who showed high levels of lead in their blood dropped from close to 8% in 1995 to just 0.5% by 2015.

Water quality overall has improved, with once severely polluted lakes, rivers and streams clearing  up. Per-capita water use has declined 30% since 1975, notes the U.S. Geological Survey.
Vast improvements in farming technology mean farmers use less water and far fewer pesticides to grow more crops.  Improvements in crop yields has let the country reclaim vast acres of forestland. In fact, forest acreage has climbed 6% since 1920, despite the tripling of the U.S. population, according to the Department of Agriculture.

But what about global warming? Surely we're pumping more CO2 in the air than ever before?
Wrong. In 2015, CO2 emissions were below where they stood in 1996. That's despite the fact that there are 52 million more people living in the U.S., and despite the fact that the nation's economic output was 61% bigger, after adjusting for inflation. CO2 emission have dropped 9% since 2005, according to EPA data.

It is true that at least some of these gains are the result of environmental regulations. But not nearly all of them. The CO2 reductions, for example, came before the Obama administration imposed any meaningful federal regulations. They were largely due to the vast increase in natural gas supplies that resulted from fracking, which let numerous power plants switch from coal to gas and cut CO2 emissions. Other gains were also driven by the free-market economy's relentless demand for greater efficiency. Energy use costs money, so companies will always be looking for ways to use less of it. And pollution is a waste, which means companies will — without any push from government — tend to produce less of it.

But whatever the relative contribution of regulations and market competition, the fact is that the environment is remarkably cleaner. And if the EPA never issued a single new regulation, these gains would continue.

So, the question is, why aren't environmentalists celebrating this fantastic victory? Why do they still wear long faces and act as if the country is headed for an ecological disaster? Is it possible that the real interest of environmentalists isn't so much a cleaner environment as it is being able to exert greater control over everyone else? Sure seems that way.

Another good editorial from IBD:  “Is Global Warming Science Just A Fraud?”

And another one from the Manchester Union Leader:  “Earth Day: Celebrating pseudo-science”


“Do you have march fatigue yet? The Left, apparently, does not, so we’re in for some street theater on Earth Day, April 22, with the so-called March for Science. It’s hard to think of a better way to undermine the public’s faith in science than to stage demonstrations in Washington, DC, and around the country modeled on the Women’s March on Washington that took place in January. The Women’s March was an anti-Donald Trump festival. Fine. I found it vulgar and demeaning to women, but it’s a free country. Science, however, to be respected, must be purely the search for truth. The organizers of this ‘March for Science’ — by acknowledging that their demonstration is modeled on the Women’s March — are contributing to the politicization of science, exactly what true upholders of science should be at pains to avoid.”
            -Mona Charen

“If the president walked across the surface of the Potomac River this afternoon, the morning headlines would read, ‘Trump Can’t Swim.’”
            -Gary Bauer

“JetBlue is holding a sweepstakes where if you owe money to the IRS, you can enter to win a free flight. And get this, United’s offering is just to drag the tax collector out of your home.”
            -Jimmy Fallon

The editors of The Wellesley News, the student newspaper of Wellesley College, threatened their peers who refuse to conform to the campus’ progressive orthodoxy, in a column that was published this week.

The University of California, Berkeley, where the modern New Left student movement began with the Free Speech Movement of 1964, has come full circle, and has surrendered to the anti-free speech fascists of the left.

UC Davis student leaders say American flag display should be optional at meetings

Fresno State reports it’s own professor for ´Trump Must Hang´ Tweet.

Left wing protesters heckled a minister offering an opening prayer at a Town Hall meeting

More Than 70 Liberal Groups Partnered for Anti-Trump Tax Day Protests

Communist Party membership numbers climbing in the Trump era

They’ll probably get it too. Outraged Muslims are reportedly planning a May 1 demonstration at the Amazon headquarters in Seattle, Washington. The company is under fire after several Muslim security guards demanded time and space to pray five times a day, while on the job.

You can find many timelines that follow allegations of Russia tampering in the U.S. election and alleged involvement of Trump officials. But I couldn’t find any comprehensive timelines cross-referencing Obama-era surveillance of whistleblowers, journalists and other U.S. citizens with Russia surveillance allegations. So I built one.

Herein lies a cautionary tale. If publicly funded higher education can be hijacked in America’s most conservative state, under the noses of a legislature with lopsided Republican majorities in both houses, and with a Republican governor and Republican lieutenant governor, it can (and likely will) happen in your state—if you let it.

Yes, Trump Goes To Church. He Goes To My Church. Here´s What Happens When The President Sits Next To You

After eight years of Barack Obama’s pathetic fecklessness, America has got its feck back.  And the whiny progressives who prefer our woman-enslaving, gay-tossing, toddler-crucifying enemies to the guy who beat their designated heir to the Crown are in a tizzy.

Huffington Post Accidentally Destroys The Left's Entire 'Tax Fairness' Argument

Once upon a time, David Brooks was considered the house conservative at the New York Times. But in his April 21 New York Times column, he put President Donald J. Trump on a list of "strong men" that includes Turkey´s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and North Korea´s Kim Jong-un.

We now have it on very good authority that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a genuine phenomenon, widespread among DC journalists…."One friend's doctor jokingly called it Trumporrhoea – they [the reporters] are all exhausted, coming down with insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders…..physiological reactions….”  Of course, they are using a name the likens the President of the United States to foul excrement, a psychological tactic that allows them to feel good about admitting their own state of mental disturbance. However, given the fact that the source of these physical symptoms is psychological, she is admitting to a form of mental impairment resulting from an election outcome. Is Trump Derangement Syndrome deserving of inclusion in the next edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)?

Chart:  How we got to 20 trillion in debt.

Despite Record Collections, 52,062,499 Filers Paid No Income Taxes in 2014. Interesting tables.

“The collection of taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to the public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny. The wise and correct course to follow in taxation is not to destroy those who have already secured success, but to create conditions under which everyone will have a better chance to be successful.”
              -Calvin Coolidge