Friday, May 11, 2018

op ed review 5/13

Job openings at record high of 6.6 million.
2.2 million fewer people are now on food stamps.
Trump administration approves New Hampshire’s waiver, becoming the fourth state to implement work requirements for Medicaid.
Trump winning over Democrats with his handling of key issues, CNN poll finds
The May IBD/TIPP poll finds that the public is increasingly happy with the direction of the country, as well as with their own quality of life and financial stress levels. They also give President Trump higher marks on leadership and on his handling of the economy.

DNC Deputy Chair wears t-shirt that says ”I don’t believe in borders.”

Former Sen. Joseph Lieberman on President Trump’s announcement on that the United States is pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal:   “I actually think it’s a great thing…..I think the president made the correct decision, and, frankly, it’s a courageous decision.”
List of US allies celebrating an and to the Iran nuclear deal.
IBD/TIPP Poll: Americans Support Tough Trump Stance On Iran Nuclear Deal

Senate Republicans overrided the need for “blue slips” and voted along party lines to confirm a judge to fill an opening on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The seat has been open for more than eight years, the longest for the nation’s appellate courts.

Hillary Clinton Shut Down a Pedophile Investigation at State Department in 2013, then it was hushed up.  No disclosures. No trial. No media frenzy. No charges filed. No punishment. No justice. Nothing. The Deep State covered it all up.  (NOTE: Robert Mueller was FBI Director at the time. Yeah, let that sink in…)

ICE has apprehended an additional 1,600 people attempting to illegally enter the country since April 15 as a result of the deployment of National Guard troops to the southwest border.
FAIR estimates a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member.
Bad news:  Half of all Americans now live in ‘sanctuaries’ protecting illegal immigrants

Lt. Col. Oliver North to become next NRA president

Following Tuesday´s primary loss by Congressman Robert Pittenger of North Carolina, there are now 63 open seats in the House in November. Republicans hold 44 of them, Democrats 19. Meanwhile, three of the eight Republicans up for re-election this year are leaving, and with John McCain preparing for his funeral, it is likely that there will four open Senate seats now held by Republicans. Given that open seats are the most likely to flip to the other party, Republicans are worried, and should be. But not necessarily for the reasons the experts give.

An Eagle Scout Explains the Fatal Folly of Taking the ‘Boy’ out of Boy Scouts
Scott Morefield  5/7

The first time I walked into a Boy Scout meeting as a boy of eleven is as ingrained in my mind as if it were yesterday. My Dad and I descended the moldy steps into the basement of an old Methodist church, opened the door, and walked in to the smell of freshly cut wood chips and the chopping sound of an axe hitting its mark. A group of ten or so boys around my age and older were gathered around a bearded, uniformed Scoutmaster who was showing them how to properly use a hatchet. We had arrived late, just to check out the goings-on. I wasn’t into sports, or much of anything really - except books - but a couple of my friends were Scouts and had invited me to their meeting.

“Want to give it a shot?” the Scoutmaster was looking at me and holding the axe out, handle first. Before walking over and taking it I tentatively looked at my dad, who pursed his lips and nodded approvingly. “Safety first,” the bearded man cautioned before he proceeded to show me how to cut the wood without cutting off any fingers in the process. As I performed that simple exercise, I remember thinking how cool it was to be trusted to wield what could be a pretty dangerous tool, and the responsibility made me feel bigger than my eleven years. But most of all I remember how doing what I perceived as “man-stuff,” surrounded by men and other boys, made me feel at least a little bit more like a man.

Those moments began what was to be a seven year adventure and the most significant non-school element of my pre-teen and teen-aged life. They were years filled with lots of “boy-stuff” under the watchful supervision of caring men and the camaraderie of other boys. Canoeing alone on a lake. Building campfires. Barely passing the ridiculously hard swim test at summer camp so I wouldn’t be the only kid not allowed on the water. S’mores. Dump cake. Hobo packets.

Campfire stories. Games, teasing, and general rowdiness. Sleeping alone in the middle of the woods as a part of the Order of the Arrow Ordeal. Peeling myself out of a semi-warm sleeping bag on a freezing February morning in 1986 to watch Haley’s Comet pay a rare visit to Earth’s orbit. Picking up and sorting food for the hungry as a part of our annual food drive. Lugging a wooden sled across town to compete with other troops in Scouting skills contests, all of which involved plenty of cool “boy-stuff” like tying knots and building things.

There was a lot of “doing” in Scouting, but the ultimate goal was always the same. The Boy Scouts of America started in 1910 as a way to promote good citizenship and Christian morality, two years after Sir Robert Baden-Powell founded the movement in England. “We aim for the practice of Christianity in their everyday life and dealings, and not merely the profession of its theology on Sundays,” Baden-Powell wrote in Scouting For Boys.

The iconography was, in many instances, literally Norman 'Rockwellian,' from the chivalry of a crisply uniformed boy saluting the American flag or helping an old lady across the street to the Native American symbolism incorporated into the Order of the Arrow rituals. From the ceremonies to the symbols to the reading materials and skills learned - all were meant to teach, to prepare, but most of all to endear a heartfelt respect for our Creator, our family, our country, our environment, and the world around us.

In Scouting, progressing from rank to rank felt like it meant something, and I knew that becoming an Eagle Scout would be something I would cherish the rest of my life. Neil Armstrong was an Eagle Scout. So was former President Ford and our then-Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander. “Former Scouts have walked on the Moon, become President, and won the Heisman Trophy,” said President Reagan at a luncheon commemorating the group’s 75th anniversary in 1985. “Today they serve as Cabinet Secretaries, as my Press Secretary, and in the Congress. In fact, about two-thirds of the Members of the Congress have been in the Boy Scouts.”

I was proud to be a Scout, prouder still to earn my Eagle rank just before my 18th birthday.
But of course, as we all know, once social justice warriors gets their slimy tentacles into something their thirst is never quenched until that something is entirely destroyed, and such has it been with Boy Scouting ever since its clueless national leaders began leading the organization down that perilous cliff. From openly gay scout leaders to transgender members to just last Wednesday, when the organization officially announced a name change to Scouts BSA because, well, Boy Scouting isn’t just for boys anymore.

“We’re trying to find the right way to say we’re here for both young men and young women,” said hapless Boy Scouts Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh. Because everyone is the same, don’t you know. Because little boys and little girls are, as far as today’s liberals are concerned, identical to each other in every possible way except a few ‘easily changeable’ body parts.
Of course, anyone with half a brain knows that boys and girls are different, but reason and common sense has never stopped a rabid social justice warrior from wanting to impose their twisted view of reality on the rest of us.

Ironically, their attack on Boy Scouting has also hurt the other group founded by Baden-Powell and his sister, Agnes - Girl Scouts. Though the decision to allow girls was applauded by various progressive and feminist groups, Girl Scout representatives themselves are less than amused. "The Boy Scouts' house is on fire," Girl Scouts told ABC News in a statement last October when the decision to allow girls was first announced. "Instead of addressing systemic issues of continuing sexual assault, financial mismanagement and deficient programming, BSA's senior management wants to add an accelerant to the house fire by recruiting girls."

Imagine, girls wanting a place to come of age and be themselves without the immaturity and awkwardness of gross boys. Imagine, girls wanting to do "girl-stuff."

Granted, some of this “boy and girl stuff” overlaps. Obviously, girls can canoe, camp out, and do pretty much anything a boy can, if she wants. But whether it’s a sports team or Boy or Girl Scouting, groups formed based on gender can provide a healthy, nurturing place for kids to come of age, not suppressing their God-given instincts and preferences but rather celebrating them and learning how to express themselves and function socially within the training wheels of those of their own gender.

Because try as liberals might to erase it, gender is and will always be “a thing.” “The benefit of the single-gender environment has been well-documented by educators, scholars, other girl- and youth-serving organizations,” writes the Girl Scout blog, and they couldn’t be more on point. Check out this list of advantages of single-sex schools, a privilege only available to the rich. Sports teams provide similar life experiences, of course, but that wouldn’t have been an option for 80’s me. Sadly, ‘2018 everybody’ will no longer have the option, at least as far as Boy Scouting is concerned. 

I am grateful for Scouting and what it meant to me growing up. But I am also angry at what liberals have turned the group into, as well as the fact that, a decade from now, it very likely won’t exist. Because tragically, the Boy Scouts’ stubborn march to ‘inclusivity’ at any cost has managed to gut the organization of what made it special in the first place, which inevitably reminded me of this key quote from the movie The Incredibles - 
“If everyone is special, no one is.”


“The Iran Deal in tatters, three American hostages safely returned from North Korea, which now offers to denuclearize and end the Korean War after 68 years, five top ISIS leaders captured — and that’s just this week.”
                -Michael Knowles

How’s that global warming working out for you? Coldest April in 20 years across the United States…

“King County sues big oil companies for downplaying global warming”

Here’s a study you won’t hear about:  “No impact on groundwater from fracking”

Hypocrites:  A study by Cornell and the University of Michigan researchers found that those “highly concerned” about climate change were less likely to engage in recycling and other eco-friendly behaviors than global-warming skeptics.

5 Reasons The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Hate-Mongering Scam

Leftie billionaire Tom Steyer Mother's Day Ad: All Young Republicans Are Charlottesville White Nationalists

A union-backed activist group says Amazon should be charged with a crime for its threat to roll back job growth if the Seattle City Council imposes the “ head tax” on companies to pay for services for the homeless.

“Major Democratic donors in New York have discreetly formed a new political alliance to raise roughly $10 million that would be injected into as many as two dozen key House battlegrounds in an effort to wrest control of Congress from Republicans.”

More education failure:  “200 George Washington University students have signed a petition calling on the school to adopt a new mascot and nickname, saying the current "Colonials" moniker "has too deep a connection to colonization."

The Democrats' War On Capitalism

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., wants the federal government to guarantee a job for every American willing and able to work. The proposal sounds compassionate and enlightened, but in practice, it would almost certainly be a disaster. The fact that it's taken seriously is evidence that many Democrats, like Republicans before them, embrace loony economic agendas that are more public-relations gestures than sensible policy.

One of the talking points Democrats and the left often drag out to justify reversing the Trump tax cuts is that the U.S. is "undertaxed" compared with other nations. A new study shows that's false.

If you thought conservatives could “make nice” with liberals, that “both sides have the country’s best interest at heart,” you were wrong.

For eight years, the sane-minded of America suffered under a socialist-minded Barack Obama who scoffed law, mocked the Constitution and destroyed all that mattered on pretty near all matters tied to virtue, tradition, humble service and competent leadership. Now Donald Trump has come and with just over a year of leadership, has steadily and surely begun to repair what Obama broke.

Astonishing story of the search for the remains of the Apostle Paul:  Why few know of Texas oilman, agnostic archaeologist and historic find.

“If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded; and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined within proper and moderate bounds.”
            -Alexander Hamilton

Sunday, May 6, 2018

op ed review 5/6

President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize, says South Korean President Moon for helping to broker an end to hostilities with North Korea.
House lawmakers formally nominate Trump for 2019 Nobel Peace Prize
“A Rebirth Of Self-Reliance? Food Stamp, Welfare, Medicaid, Disability Rolls All Dropping Under Trump”
Unemployment rates for African Americans and Hispanics have fallen to the lowest levels ever recorded in the history of the report
Number of Americans receiving unemployment is the lowest since 1973
Kanye West retweets Thomas Sowell quotes.
Black male support for President Donald Trump doubled in just one week, according to a Reuters poll on presidential approval.
Trump addresses the NRA

One judge finally gets it: accuses Mueller's team of 'lying,' trying to target Trump.

Chicago doesn’t care whether you are a citizen anymore: issuing new city ID cards.  Can be used for voter registration, no need to prove citizenship.

The latest leftie "big idea" is the Universal Basic Income — a guaranteed income for all. Progressives of course like the idea, but even some conservatives and libertarians do, too. Only one problem: It doesn't work. Ask Finland, a highly progressive Scandinavian country that has an ongoing guaranteed income experiment, but is abandoning it.

It's been a bad couple of weeks for environmentalists who want to force Americans into battery-powered econoboxes. First, the Trump administration said it will likely freeze fuel economy standards. Then Ford announced plans to drop most of its passenger cars in favor of trucks and SUVs. Both are good news for consumers.
Since we are no longer allowed to celebrate the differences between males and females, the Boy Scouts are set to admit girls into their organization, and with the new moronic confusion between "equality" and "sameness" comes a brand new politically correct name: Scouts BSA. "We wanted to land on something that evokes the past but also conveys the inclusive nature of the program going forward."

This should concern us all: 46% Favor Government Guaranteed Jobs for All
Maybe this has something to do with it:  Thanks to the intrusion of far left ideology by unions and progressive "curriculum experts" into our education system, we have turned our public schools into academies of political correctness that poorly teach the tough subjects and rigorous thinking that kids need to thrive in an increasingly competitive world.
Meanwhile,  65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient in Math

But there is hope: “Why Are Millennials Turning Against Democrats? The Answer Is Simple”

Backlog of illegal immigration court cases over 1 million, delayed deportations 684,000
Soros-Funded Group Launches App to Help Illegal Aliens Avoid Feds
Governor Cuomo of New York is threatening to sue ICE to stop its ongoing raids to detain illegal immigrants wanted for serious crimes like assault and rape.

Since the 2016 election Facebook has been cracking down on conservative and pro-Trump content…….Final Remaining Conservative Voices on Facebook Will Be Eliminated by Election Day?

Hillary’s latest excuse: “Being a Capitalist ‘Probably’ Hurt Me in Primary Because Many Democrats Are Socialists”  ??

IBD  5/2/18
Nearly Half Of Americans Embrace 'Guaranteed Jobs' — An Idea Straight Out Of The Soviet Union

"Guaranteed jobs" is fast becoming the latest rallying cry for Democrats. And a new poll finds that 46% of Americans approve of it. Don't read too much into that poll result.

Last week, we noted that a liberal policy group urged Democrats at a leadership meeting to adopt "guaranteed jobs" as a pillar of their economic plan. In short order, Bernie Sanders said he would soon unveil his plan to achieve that. Under it, anyone who "wants or needs" a job but couldn't find one on their own would be guaranteed a government job paying $15 an hour and generous benefits. Other prominent Democrats have latched on to this plan, including those with presidential ambitions like Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker.

Maybe they are on to something? When Rasmussen asked about the idea in its latest poll, it found that 46% favor it.

The idea of government-guaranteed jobs isn't exactly new. The Senate proposed such a guarantee in 1977. The far-left Nation magazine resurrected it in 2014, saying the country could "easily afford" to guarantee every American a job. That same year, the Huffington Post ran a poll and found that 47% favored the idea — with 22% strongly favoring it. The only thing lacking here — besides common sense — is context.

Like, say, what would it cost those with actual jobs to support millions of guaranteed-for-life make-work jobs? The liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities figures the annual price tag at $543 billion — roughly equal to the entire defense budget. That would be enough to fund 9.7 million full-time jobs, which would cover those currently unemployed plus those "marginally attached" to the workplace.

That's almost certainly a lowball estimate. In addition to the 9.7 million the CBPP counts as unemployed, there are nearly 10 times as many people who aren't officially in the labor force because they aren't looking for work. The prospect of easy money would no doubt bring millions, if not tens of millions, of them back. Nor does the CBPP factor in the likelihood of rampant waste, fraud and abuse. Yet the pollsters don't ask about cost, or the massive tax hike required to finance it. No doubt that would push approval rates down.

Nor do the polls — or the politicians pushing this idea — mention how the Fed might react negatively to the sudden surge in wage inflation generated by this jobs guarantee.
But there's another bit of context that Bernie Sanders and Co. would probably rather you don't know about. And that is the fact that the idea has already been tried — in the Soviet Union.

In fact, the Soviets wrote a jobs guarantee into the USSR's constitution in 1936. Article 118 said: "Citizens of the U.S.S.R. … are guaranteed the right to employment and payment for their work in accordance with its quantity and quality. "The right to work is ensured by the socialist organization of the national economy, the steady growth of the productive forces of Soviet society, the elimination of the possibility of economic crises, and the abolition of unemployment." When the Soviet government updated its constitution in 1977, it moved the jobs guarantee up to Article 40, and rephrased it a bit to make it clear that they meant a right to "guaranteed employment," with pay at or above the "state established minimum" wage.

We all know how well that experiment in guaranteed employment turned out.

Don't get us wrong. We're not trying to be red-baiting McCarthyites here. Everyone's entitled to their beliefs, even if they are foolish. And, sure, just because something showed up in a communist country's constitution doesn't make it a bad idea. But the sudden embrace by leading Democrats of a huge new government-guaranteed jobs program is yet another indication of just how far to the left the party has drifted. They're now pushing ideas that even Finland has rejected.

It's also an unfortunate indicator of how many people in the U.S. are ignorant of basic economics that — context or not — they'd lend any measure of support to this idea.


“Reagan never got a Nobel, but he is remembered as the president who brought about the peaceful collapse of the Soviet Union and won the Cold War. Barack Obama, by contrast, won a Nobel Prize just nine months after taking office for doing nothing (except not being George W. Bush). Simply by forcing North Korea to the negotiating table, Trump has already done more to deserve the prize than Obama did.”
                    -Marc A. Thiessen

“When Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards walked out of her office for the last time Monday, fans gushed that her legacy wouldn’t be forgotten. They’re right — because Richards’s legacy is the brutal slaughter of 3.5 million unborn lives. In her 12 years at the top, Planned Parenthood destroyed a population bigger than Chicago’s — and somehow managed to convince Congress to help.”
                   -Tony Perkins

Another study has "substantially lower[ed]" the U.N.'s forecasts of potential temperature increases, the authors of the study concluding that climate change is "not as bad as we thought."

L.A. Antifa Group Hangs Trump in Effigy, Calls for 'Revolutionary Violence' Against 'the Capitalist State'

Protesters marking International Workers' Day hold rally in London's Trafalgar Square - with some marchers holding banners of STALIN

Hundreds of masked and hooded anarchists smashed shop windows, torched cars and hurled cobblestones at riot police in Paris,

In socialist Venezuela, inflation quadruples to 18,000 percent in two months, with no end in sight
How socialism ruined Venezuela.

Harvard Extension School Now Offers 'Social Justice Certificate' Program

“The Boy Scouts of America has long been the target of leftists bent on reshaping American culture. First, it was lawsuits to attack and obstruct the BSA. Then it became a strategy to undermine the Scouts from the inside. The latter has been far more successful, as the Scouts allowed homosexual boys in 2013 and leaders in 2015, and it wasn’t long before the ranks were opened in 2017 to girls and transgender kids. Now, after 108 years, the BSA’s Boy Scouts program is changing its name so as to eliminate “Boy” altogether. It will soon be rebranded “Scouts BSA,” though the parent organization will remain Boy Scouts of America. At least until rebranding as the “Social Justice Warrior Scouts of America….the BSA’s transformation has been driven by its National Board, which is “under the ‘leadership’ of wealthy corporate-types completely out of touch with grassroots Scouting values.”

How political correctness killed the dodge viper. “The Corvette now reigns as America’s only supercar. But there used to be two American supercars — the second one being the Dodge Viper. It was, arguably, more super. More outrageous, certainly….”  Then along came airbag regulations.

There’s a big “God gap” between Republicans and Democrats — 70 percent of Republicans believe in the God of the Bible compared with 45 percent of Democrats — but there’s an even larger God gap within the Democratic party. Only 32 percent of white Democrats believe in the God of the Bible, compared with 61 percent of nonwhite Democrats — an almost 30-point gap:

Last week NeverTrumper David French scolded Christian evangelicals for defending President Trump in a National Review article.  This is Don Surber’s response to French.

Trump aide Michael Caputo: “In 2009, my wife and I moved to my hometown of East Aurora, New York to have a family. Making far less money back home, we had a far better quality of life. That is, until the Trump-Russia narrative took off. Today, I can’t possibly pay the attendant legal costs and live near my aging father, raising my kids where I grew up. 'Your investigation and others into the allegations of Trump campaign collusion with Russia are costing my family a great deal of money – more than $125,000 - and making a visceral impact on my children..'Forget about all the death threats against my family. I want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you lost an election. 'I want to know because God Damn you to Hell.'

“It is the duty of parents to maintain their children decently, and according to their circumstances; to protect them according to the dictates of prudence; and to educate them according to the suggestions of a judicious and zealous regard for their usefulness, their respectability and happiness.”
                 -James Wilson