Sunday, August 26, 2018

op ed review 8/26

Bad week for President Trump.  Manafort convicted of tax issues, Cohen forced to plead guilty to a campaign violation that may not even be a crime.  Pat Buchanan sums it up: “we are in for a hellish year.”

Giddy CNN and MSNBC say the word ‘Impeachment’ 222 Times in One Day!  Watch the funny video.

What they think of you:  NYT columnist: “Donald Trump's 'beastly base' is 'enemy of the Republic.'”
For some reason The Hill thought this was a good headline for their readers:  “Voters must eradicate the Trump plague from American politics.”
Democrat congressman jokes about President Trump drowning in the Potomac River.

MSNBC, CNN ignore bombshell development in Mollie Tibbetts case on day of bad news for Trump: Tibbets murdered by illegal alien.
Elizabeth Warren To Tibbetts’ Family: You Need To Focus On ‘Real Problems’ Like Immigrant Family Separations
“How Many Dead Americans Will Make Liberals Care?”

In a blow to Obamacare, a five-state coalition won an $839 million judgment against the federal government.
But this is not good:  “Fox poll finds Obamacare more popular than tax cuts”  ???

Turns out the FBI never examined vast majority of emails on Weiner's laptop, despite Comey's assurances……"There was no real investigation and no real search."
Guess who was in charge of the email examination:  Clinton fixer and Trump hater, Peter Strzok.

Trump administration cuts aid to Palestinians by more than $200 million after they refused to stop the “martyr’s fund”:  rewards to families of suicide bombers.
Target CEO raves about the state of the economy: “This is the best consumer environment 'I've seen in my career'”
“Trump's policies could enable America's economy to outpace China's”
U.S. Steel to Invest $750M at Indiana Plant Thanks to Trump Tariffs: ‘We Are Experiencing a Renaissance’
New study shows the U.S. is leading the world in reducing CO2 Emissions, while Paris Accord nations break promises.

Obama appointed federal court judge who just turned a room full of foreigners into American citizens tells them to “take a knee.”  First piece of advice to them is boycott the American flag they have just been handed.

Parents fight back after school drops Pledge of Allegiance for student-authored oath to ‘global society’

3 weeks after 75 people were shot in Chicago's most violent weekend in 2018, only one alleged shooter has been charged..  Reasons:  failure of witnesses and victims to cooperate, distrust of the police, and the challenges of entrenched gang warfare.

Welfare generation:  52.1% of Kids Live in Households Getting Means-Tested Government Assistance.

“Democrats seek to make Republican scandals an election issue” with help from the mainstream media.

44% of all Federal criminal convictions are to “non-citizens.”
More Than 700,000 Overstayed Visas in 2017

Muslims Hold Massive Rally at Vikings USBank Stadium — Chanting “Allahu Akbar”

Was Hillary The Real Colluder?

It's beginning to look as if claims of monstrous collusion between Russian officials and U.S. political operatives were true. But it wasn't Donald Trump who was guilty of Russian collusion. It was Hillary Clinton and U.S. intelligence officials who worked with Russians and others to entrap Trump. That's the stunning conclusion of a RealClear Investigations report by Lee Smith, who looked in-depth at the controversial June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between officials of then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign staff and a Russian lawyer known to have ties with high-level officials in Vladimir Putin's government.

The media have spun a tale of Trump selling his soul to the Russians for campaign dirt to use against Hillary, beginning with the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting. But "a growing body of evidence ... indicates that the meeting may have been a setup — part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials," wrote Smith.

Smith painstakingly weaves together the evidence that's already out there but has been largely ignored by the mainstream media, which have become so seized with Trump-hatred that their reporting even on routine matters can no longer be trusted. But he adds in more evidence that the Justice Department only recently handed over to Congress. And It's damning.

Memos, emails and texts now in Congress' possession show that the Justice Department and the FBI worked together both before and after the election with Fusion GPS and their main link to the scandal, former British spy and longtime FBI informant Chris Steele. As a former British spook in Moscow, Steele had extensive ties to Russia. That's why he was picked as the primary researcher to compile the "unverified and salacious" Trump dossier, as former FBI Director James Comey once described it.

Steele's dossier, for which Fusion reportedly received $1 million, was largely based on interviews with Russian officials. And who paid that $1 million? As we and others have reported, it was Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee, then under Hillary's control. The media knew all this, of course, but largely ignored it.

The great irony here is that, after more than two years of investigating, the only real evidence of collusion with Russians at all points to Hillary Clinton. It was she who hired Steele to dig up dirt on Trump using Russian sources. But now, it turns out, it goes even deeper than that.

Events surrounding that now-famous June 2016 Trump meeting suggest it, too, was a concoction of Hillary Clinton and her deep-state allies. And that meeting was the basis for much of the later Russian collusion "investigation," if it can even be called that.

Bruce Ohr, the No. 4-ranking official at the Justice Department, "coordinated before, during and after the election" with both Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson and with Steele, notes Smith.
This shouldn't come as a surprise, given that Ohr's wife Nellie, a sometime employee of the CIA, was also working for Fusion GPS.

The FBI fired Steele in October 2016 after it discovered that he leaked information to the press. But that meant nothing. Bruce Ohr merely continued as the conduit from Fusion GPS for information related to Steele's bogus Trump dossier. The FBI and Justice used information from that 35-page document as the pretense for the FISA wiretap on Trump aide Carter Page. Far from being limited in scope, those wiretaps in essence provided a backdoor key to the entire Trump campaign — and the basis for the Russian investigation.
But an earlier investigation by RealClearPolitics showed that as early as March 2016, the FBI, other Western intelligence sources and Clinton campaign operatives contacted the Trump campaign about potentially damaging information about Clinton. They were in effect live-trolling the campaign. This is significant. Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Putin-connected lawyer who contacted the Trump campaign about having dirt on Hillary Clinton, was a client of Fusion GPS when she met with Donald Trump Jr. and others in the Trump campaign.

And she was accompanied by a former Soviet military counterintelligence official, now working as a lobbyist, named Rinat Akhmetshin. Let that sink in for a moment. What's especially curious is that Fusion GPS' Glenn Simpson admits he had dinner with Veselnitskaya both the night before and the night after the Trump Tower meeting.

Any possibility there was no discussion of the meeting between the two? Seems highly unlikely. Veselnitskaya herself subsequently claimed that the talking points for her meeting with the Trump people were provided to her by Simpson. Once in the meeting, she quickly dropped the promises of having dirt on Hillary Clinton and instead brought up Russia's long-standing desire to get rid of the Magnitsky Act, under which the U.S. imposed sanctions on a number of Russian moguls and government officials. In short, they were baiting a trap for the Trump campaign to make it appear as if they were colluding with Russian officials.

Given the nonstop media coverage following leaks by the FBI and Justice, it seems the meeting served its purpose: It sowed the seeds of suspicion about the Trump campaign's supposed Russian collusion. The evidence goes even deeper than what we have summarized here. We suggest you read Smith's piece, linked above.

Congress, using the documents it pried out of the Justice Department after repeated requests, is busy getting at what might turn out to be the scandal of the century. And Congress is now doing the work the Justice Department and FBI won't. "So here you have information flowing from the Clinton campaign from the Russians," House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes told Fox News on Sunday.

Nunes, who heads Congress' investigation into the matter, said it was likely that information "was handed directly from Russian propaganda arms to the Clinton campaign, fed into the top levels of the FBI and Department of Justice to open up a counterintelligence investigation into a political campaign that has now colluded (with) nearly every top official at the DOJ and FBI over the course of the last couple years. Absolutely amazing."

We have to agree. If all that is true, it is absolutely amazing. After all, these are serious felonies, using the federal agencies to spy on a political opponent in league with a hostile foreign power.

As we said, the only real collusion appears to be on the part of the Clinton campaign — aided by the Obama administration, CIA chief John Brennan and a handful of high-level officials at the Department of Justice and FBI.

What's next? It's possible the collusion investigation soon will turn from Trump to Clinton. If so, it could lead to more resignations and possibly jail time for those involved. That includes perhaps even Hillary Clinton, who sits at the political epicenter of all this illegality.


“Let’s recall that the unfairness that blacks had to deal with in America’s history was unequal treatment under the law. This is what needed to be fixed, and this is what was fixed in the Civil Rights Act in 1964. The problem was that liberals wanted to use their agenda not to fix the law but to change the country. And in the name of racial fairness, the era of big activist government, financed with oceans of taxpayer funds, was born. But government can’t fix anybody’s life. It can only make sure that the law protecting life, liberty and property is applied fairly and equally. The beginning of big activist government fostered the demise of personal responsibility. … Making a child is not hard to do. Raising a child and conveying the values and rules that make for a successful life and responsible adulthood is. Particularly now that popular culture largely dismisses these truths. And in black communities, politics and media is dominated by the left, whose message for them is that life is unfair because of racism and the answer is big government. … Black leaders need to start doing their job and convey that marriage, work, education and personal responsibility are the only things that will fix black America.”
            Star Parker

New book details how former FBI Director James Comey and special counsel Robert Mueller both “made millions” by selling insider expertise to the highest bidder. Comey worked at Lockheed Martin and was given stock and stock options worth “upwards of $30 million” on top of making $6 million in one year.

Exclusive Excerpt from Ann Coulter’s new book “Resistance is Futile!  How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind”

The minions of the Left will never stop in their efforts to undermine the Republic. They will try everything -- historical revisionism, bald-face lies, blatant slander, racial discord, judicial usurpation of presidential authority, political witch hunts, voter fraud, illegal immigration, climate change, green energy, media disinformation, open borders, transnational globalism -- to impose a vision on the world that in every attempt, without exception, has led inexorably to tyranny, state-sanctioned murder, economic collapse and human misery. The lessons of history have no meaning for them. They regard themselves as uniquely exempt from the past, as if they will triumph where their predecessors have miscarried and aborted. This is why the Left cannot be treated with or engaged in reasonable discourse. No counter-argument, no matter how factual, how meticulously researched, how rational or sensible, can ever hope to gain purchase on minds steeped in ideological prejudice or influence hearts shadowed by moral darkness….

Leftie billionaire Tom Steyer surges in 2020 presidential election odds.

Conservative David Horowitz reports Visa and Mastercard cut off payments to his think tank based on Southern Poverty Law Center labeling it a ‘Hate Group’.

Memo reveals Soros-funded social-media censorship plan.  Plotted with Google, Facebook to eliminate 'right wing propaganda'

“China Assigns Every Citizen A ‘Social Credit Score’ To Identify Who Is And Isn’t Trustworthy.  Country Determines Your Standing Through Use Of Surveillance Video, Plans To Have 600 Million Cameras By 2020”

Venezuela´s economy in complete collapse – and the mother of all human waves outward begins

French police in the heavily migrant suburbs of Paris have seized 32 sheep that were found in the garage of a pizzeria ahead of the Islamic Eid al-Adha festival in which Muslims sacrifice animals.

David Horowitz:  “A few days ago, I had a dust-up on Twitter with National Review’s Jonah Goldberg. Our conflict was about Trump’s fitness to be president…..The posture of these NeverTrumpers is transparently self-serving. It preserves their intellectual credentials as “conservatives,” and simultaneously takes them out of the line of fire from an increasingly vicious Left whose goal is to destroy Trump and his presidency, and—incidentally—conservative America. Sitting on the fence affords them new career opportunities—appearances on CNN and MSNBC and columns in the New York Times. All that’s required is that they avoid taking sides in the political war that is engulfing the country.”

“Ignore the Noise, Mueller Still Has Nothing”

Fox’s Liz Peek: “Republican candidates in 2018 should be talking about one thing, and one thing alone.”

Mueller and the Media Represent the Ancien Régime

“A Perfect Storm Threatens America's Survival”: 10. Radical Islam 9. Lying, Evil, Greedy Politicians with Questionable Loyalties. 8. Diversity/Identity Politics. 7. Fake News, and Now Google. 6. Assault on the Second Amendment. 5. The Drug Crisis. 4. The Military as a Reflection of Our Society 3. Illegals, Homeless and Violence Overwhelming Our Cities.  2. The Education Disaster  1. Does Anyone Care? 

Manafort's Purge Trial

13 times courts said Trump must continue Obama’s lawless policies

“A wise and frugal government … shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
         -Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, August 19, 2018

op ed review 8/19

Capping a major victory, President Trump signed a $716 billion defense bill Monday that authorizes hundreds of new planes, ships and tanks, increases troop strength and raises military pay, modernizes the U.S. nuclear arsenal and tightens control of government contracts with Chinese technology companies.

Youth unemployment hits 52 year low.

New Rasmussen poll: Trump Approval Ratings with Black Voters Soars to New All-Time High at 36%
According to new approval numbers compiled by...CNN, President Trump is better off than President Ronald Reagan was at this point in his presidency. 

“As the Senate moves toward confirming Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are leading a lower-key yet deeply consequential charge to remake the entire federal judiciary.”

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have just handed Republicans a ready-made campaign ad for his rumored 2020 presidential bid – by declaring Wednesday that America “was never that great.” 
Top police officials in Massachusetts have accused Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of insulting rank-and-file officers when she said the criminal justice system was "racist ... from front to back" earlier this month.
Hillary Clinton praises 11 year old student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance: saying 'Keep up the good work'
Dim bulb:   Chelsea Clinton claims Roe v. Wade was a huge economic boost, helping to add $3.5 trillion to U.S. economy.

A Muslim immigrant from Jordan who was enraged when his daughter converted to Christianity was sentenced to death by a Texas jury after being convicted in 'honor killings' of his son-in-law and his daughter's friend.
Sweden is Burning:  Will Swedes finally wake up and deal with their immigration problem?
More than half of the annual inflow of foreign refugees arriving in the United States are on food stamps, a government report reveals.
Federal and state Govts. spent $2.5 billion to jail criminal migrants in 2016, most here illegally.
Trump’s Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans.

Out of a nation of 300 million, about 20 people attended the white supremacist rally in Washington DC that got nonstop media coverage last weekend. “(The Left’s) foundational narrative requires racism to be rampant and ubiquitous, making necessary a powerful state driven by social justice warriors who will prevent the evil racists from taking over. That’s why they were so excited about the events they expected in Charlottesville (and DC), and why they weren’t about to let this event’s complete non-occurence affect their coverage.”
Despite the fact that the counter protesters chanted “f**k the police,” shot fireworks at law enforcement, and attacked a woman in a Trump shirt, CNN called them an “anti-hate group.”
“The mainstream media completely failed to report on Antifa members in DC yesterday, some of whom went on to assault police officers, carrying a banner which openly advertised their intention to put bullets in their political enemies.”
Mainstream media reports weepy story about an illegal alien who was caught by police while taking his pregnant wife to the hospital. They left out the part that he is a murderer.

It was another bloody weekend in the city of Chicago recently with 12 dead and 80 others non-fatally shot. Sixteen of the shooting victims were children. No arrests were made due to a lack of community help.  It seemed to be a yawner for most liberal media outlets like run of the mill street violence events have become.

No surprise:  Gallup poll shows Democrats View Socialism More Positively than Capitalism

The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between high-ranking members of the Republican presidential campaign staff and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties remains the cornerstone of claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. A growing body of evidence, however, indicates that the meeting may have been a setup -- part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials.

What a great idea:  Hungary's populist government abolishes gender studies courses

WSDOT leader says he won't reduce traffic congestion because it’s “too expensive or futile.”

Interior Secretary and former Montana congressman Ryan Zinke blasted “environmental terrorist groups” over their mindless lockstep opposition to proper forest management including logging as being a major contributing factor to several massive fires burning up the West.

Strzok fired. A former assistant FBI director says this was entirely justified – he, Comey and McCabe disgraced the FBI.
Peter Strzok was barely out on the pavement in front of FBI headquarters before he started a ‘GoFundMe’ campaign. At first he was asking for $150,000. When the money started pouring in, he raised his goal to $350,000. As I write, his goal is $500,000 and he has managed to attract $417,000 from 10,000 credulous souls. Everyman’s guide to success and riches in the FBI. 1. Join the bureau. 2. Do bad stuff and get fired. 3. Hit the jackpot.
CNN Demands Manafort Jurors Names And Addresses Be Released So They Can Be Stalked And Harassed

After “deliberate censorship of conservative ideas,” Facebook reversed itself and issued an apology to PragerU for “mistakenly” removing several videos and limiting the reach of others.

Michael Walsh

The #NeverTrumpumpkins define themselves by their visceral distaste for the president. He offends their fastidious sensibilities, outrages them with his unfiltered Twitter musings, and violates their sense of propriety with his secular hedonism and sheer joy in his own vulgarity. That he’s also delivering the most conservative administration in history is, to them, beside the point—because Trump neither represents nor embodies “movement” conservatism. And therein, for them, lies the problem.

Movements are, almost by definition, attractive to the young and the emotionally immature. Followers love to follow; even more, they love to memorize catechisms and rote talking points, which they parrot on the air and in column inches, as if by simply asserting their “principles” they are proving them as well.

Eventually, though, both content and context are lost and only the talking points remain. The argument from authority becomes as circular and self-referential as any obscure religious contretemps, and of interest only to the anointed. Which is why they fall upon each other with the glee of zealots who have been given orders to purge the heretics by any means necessary.

I have coined a term for this state of affairs: “preenciples.” You know what they are: smaller government, less regulation, free trade, federalism, etc. It’s a creed, constantly professed, acolytes of (fill in the blank: Mises, Hayek, Strauss, Buckley) reassuring each other that by consulting the sacred texts they will always have the correct views on the issues, and thus ensure their place among the elect.

Political creeds, however, are generally the provinces of the Left, which believes in history’s “arc” and “iron laws”—“scientific” dialectical materialism, socialism, communism, and the rest of the intellectual charlatanism (including psychiatry and sociology) that has followed in the wake of Rousseau, Marx, Lenin, and Mao. “Little Red Books” and Five-Year Plans are the staples of this form of political worship….

To my ears……the constant harping in some quarters on “movement” conservatism is reminiscent of everything I’ve ever heard from the Left, or experienced in East Germany and the old Soviet Union. I’m not suggesting that “true” conservatism involves replacing one (transient) set of “preenciples” with another one, albeit far older. Rather, my argument is that conservatism isn’t a movement at all. Nor should it be. Rather, it’s a simple acknowledgement of timeless verities and a willingness to defend them against malevolent faddishness masquerading as “progress,” whose object is the destruction of our culture and its replacement with… well, nothing. In short, it’s a recognition of great cultural peril, and the willingness to do something about it.

Think of the struggle between Right and Left in military terms. We are the defenders of the citadels of Western culture, which are our hard-won patrimony. Leftists are the attackers, always seeking to undermine, to sap, to breach, to assault; for them, as for Hillary Clinton in her Wellesley senior thesis, “there is only the fight.” They stay awake nights trying to figure out new ways to bring the walls down; as I like to say, they never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.

But attackers have a problem: they generally need three times the manpower of the defenders in order to win. A well-defended, confident citadel, with plenty of provisions, doughty defenders, and at least one supply line, can hold out forever. Constantinople eventually fell to the Muslims after 700 years of battering, and then only because the Western Roman Empire had collapsed a thousand years prior, and Byzantium’s relationship with the emerging nation-states of Europe was often fraught; the Crusaders, after all, sacked the city even before the Turks did.

On the other hand, in 1565, the 6,000 or so Knights Hospitallers and other fighters on the island of Malta held out against Turkish force numbering nearly 40,000. And, of course, in World War II both Leningrad and Stalingrad repelled the might of the Wehrmacht after prolonged and deadly sieges.

The “conservative” advantage, then, lies not in a set of policy prescriptions but in its bedrock beliefs, which center on the necessity of preserving, protecting, and defending the Western civilization that eventually codified those principles in the U.S. Constitution, and which itself is now under attack. By articulating a set of policy principles, “movement” conservatism puts those principles on the negotiating table, and over the course of the past 75 years or so, has gradually bargained them away for a mess of pottage.

Real conservatism, however, conserves. It understands what’s a stake, whom to fight, and how to win; after all, it has more than 3,000 years of experience, much of which was recorded and remains accessible today. The Left tries to combat this disadvantage (via its control of the educational system) by delegitimizing and eradicating the past. By cutting us off from our cultural wellsprings, they hope to disarm and demoralize us. Don’t let them.

For in the end, the only truly “conservative” principle is to conserve. It may not be pretty, it may not be couth, but it’s all that really matters. We win, they lose, as a great man once said.


“Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What’s needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior.”
          -Walter Williams

“Disney is putting an openly gay character in a kid’s film for the first time. The Left is outraged that the actor playing the character is straight. A crucial dynamic is on display here. The Left gets what it wants, but demands more. Always more. It is never satisfied. Meanwhile, Christians cede more and more of the culture, rarely offer a peep of protest, and make do with whatever crumbs they are thrown.”
                  -Matt Walsh

“Religion is definitely on the decline in the West. Both here and in Europe, young people are saying they refuse to believe in fairy tales or in things they can’t see. What makes it so odd is that a majority of the youngsters voice their belief in socialism, the biggest fairy tale of all.”
                   -Bert Prelutsky

“Movie Trailer For Serial-Murdering Abortionist 'Gosnell' Is Finally Here, And It's Intense”
When it happened, the press ignored it, now Hollywood is ignoring the movie.

On Thursday former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon released a trailer for his upcoming film, “Trump @ War.” The trailer depicted a diverse set of notable conservatives articulating what’s at stake in the upcoming midterm elections.

New York Times bestseller list nonfiction: #1 is Fox News’s Greg Jarrett’s book “The Russia Hoax”.  #2 is Fox News’s Judge Jeanine Piro: “Liars, Leakers, and Liberals”.  #5 is Dinesh D'Souza’s “Death of a Nation.”  #10 is Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld: “The Gutfeld Monologues”

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has one-upped socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: She proposes to nationalize every major business in the United States of America. If successful, it would constitute the largest seizure of private property in human history.

National Abortion Rights Action League partners with ice cream shop to sell 'Rocky Roe v. Wade' flavor

The liberal media cheered Ilhan Omar’s primary victory in 2016 in Minneapolis. She won a historic victory over 44-year incumbent democrat Rep. Phyllis Kahn, building a vast coalition of East African voters to defeat the incumbent in Minneapolis. The liberal media forgot to mention Ilhan was married to her brother.

A democrat judge in New Mexico found that suspects in a bizarre child abuse case were not a danger to the public, and released them on bond, after their attorney blamed islamophobia. Law enforcement authorities believed that the children were being trained for terrorist attacks, including school shootings.

“Trump is saying things about left-wing press outlets that are nowhere near as nasty as what they have been saying about him since before his inauguration. Democratic Party journalists declared war on the president, and they now pretend that his fighting back is somehow an infringement of their rights.”

“….The truth, though, is that the Democrats do have an agenda. They just can't say it aloud. The reason Democrats seek power in 2018 is to obstruct President Trump wholly and without exception, to tie down his administration using the subpoena powers of a dozen committees, and ultimately to lay the groundwork for his impeachment. The Democratic grassroots expects nothing less. But the Democratic leadership understands that this unspoken agenda is unpalatable to the rest of the country……Better to keep quiet, have Trump loom in the background, and adapt to local circumstances as much as possible. Or as Nancy Pelosi put it recently, "Do whatever you have to do, just win."

Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump
10 reasons why this is Trump’s economy.

“This week, my church is holding its SoCal Harvest event for the 29th year in a row. Formerly known as Harvest Crusade, this annual gathering is one of the largest evangelical outreach events in the world….Some people are pretty upset about SoCal Harvest…..because, in a series of billboards we use to promote the event, there’s a photo of me holding a Bible.”

How the Left Is Outsourcing Censorship of the Internet

Manafort's Purge Trial

Perceptive article:  “A weekly roundup of some unfamiliar yet ultimately too familiar types.”

Massachusetts mayor boycotts Sam Adams after cofounder thanked Trump for tax cuts. Consider switching brands:  Samuel Adams beer is brewed in the USA. Budweiser is owned by a foreign company.

Reagan Library Shows America at Its Best:  A summer vacation trip well spent.

“A good moral character is the first essential in a man, and that the habits contracted at your age are generally indelible, and your conduct here may stamp your character through life. It is therefore highly important that you should endeavor not only to be learned but virtuous.”
               -George Washington

“It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.”
              -Thomas Jefferson