op ed review 9/29
“Democrat drive to impeach Trump over Ukraine call is
hysterical, hyperbolic and hypocritical.”
Watch Biden brag in video about bribing Ukraine to fire investigator
of son's business.
The media view: “Biden Family Should Be Off Limits; 'People
Feel Sorry for Joe!'”
Here’s when Hillary Clinton colluded with Ukraine
Obama’s US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George
Soros group during 2016 election.
Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules on
Hearsay Evidence to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was
Hypocrisy! Democrat
Senators Wrote to Ukraine in May 2018, Demanding It Investigate Trump
Dossier 2.0: 'Whistleblower' Complaint Relies on
Soros-Funded ‘Investigative Reporting’ Group that Partnered with BuzzFeed
Soros brags: “Trump Will Disappear" In 2020, Or Even
There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding
Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes, singed by Bill Clinton.
At The United Nations, Trump Enrages The Left By Calling For
The speech they're trying to hide: President Trump's stellar
UN speech
Pelosi says abortion bans ‘Ignore Basic Morality’
Man Who Gave $1 Million to Children's Hospital cancelled for
racist tweets when he was 16.
Des Moines Register reporter involved in the controversy now
out of a job, but the editor who asked him to do a “background check” still has
Wall Street Democratic donors may back Trump if Warren is
GOP Raises Approximately $1 Million On First Day Of “Impeachment”
U.S. Census Finds 22.1 Million ‘Not U.S. Citizen’ in survey.
NY Times: Muslim Refugees 'Distraught' by Trump's
Immigration Reforms
WSJ/NBC Poll: Healthcare for Illegals 'Least Popular' Policy
in 2020 Race
Obama Judge blocks Trump attempt to close illegal immigrant
family 'loophole'
Mattel Releases Gender-Neutral Barbies In Efforts To Be
‘More Inclusive’
Idaho Legislator: State Considering Defunding Leftist Agenda
on Boise State Campus
Amid Too Much Good MAGAnomic Data, Bloomberg Cancels the
David Blackmon 9/28
“America’s Second civil War is Three Years Old
The whole strategy revolves around wearing you down. – Americans
who inhabit what the coastal elites condescendingly refer to “flyover country,”
that vast center of the nation that turned into a sea of red on Election Day
2016 to elect Donald Trump to the presidency, are being forced to make a choice
when it comes to their President. The relentless, neverending coup efforts
being led by the Obama-loyal Deep State are designed to force you ultimately
get to the point where you will throw up your hands and say ‘go ahead, get rid
of Trump, just give me some peace.’
Our nation today is in a different kind of Civil War, one
that began in July, 2016 when James Comey’s FBI coordinated with John Brennan’s
CIA to mount a spying and entrapment effort against the Trump Campaign. It is a
war of attrition, a war built on the relentless pushing of Big Lie after Big
Lie after Big Lie. It is a war being mounted by squeamish, disloyal
Republicans, the entirety of the Democrat Party, vast pockets of treasonous
corruption within the Justice Department, the FBI and the Intelligence
Community, 95% of the nation’s news media and about the same percentage of the
entertainment industry. The war is supported by most of our institutions of
higher “learning” and even filters down into our public schools.
It is a war on our senses, a war on our stamina, a war on
our minds and a war on our children and grandchildren. It is a war in which we
now cannot watch an episode of a sitcom or a crime drama without being
assaulted with anti-Trump messages that insult us and our intelligence. It is a
war in which we cannot wear a red cap or put a bumper sticker on our car
expressing the desire to keep our country great without fear of being assaulted
on the street or in a restaurant.
It is a war in which the simple fact of being white and
male, or African American and conservative makes you a potential target of
publicly-condoned derision and personal peril. It is a war in which you can
lose your business or job if you don’t refer to a man wearing gaudy make-up and
a dress as “ma’am.” It is a war in which giant social media monopolies are
allowed to discriminate against you if their 100%-leftist staff do not approve
of your thoughts and words.
It is a war in which associates of President Trump have
their homes broken into in the middle of the night, are perp-walked before
CNN’s cameras and held in solitary confinement while awaiting trial on charges
that the DOJ investigated and refused to prosecute years before. It is a war in
which enemies of President Trump can have multiple criminal referrals levied
against them by the Inspector General and walk away scot free to lucrative book
deals and six-figure “contributor” contracts with leftist fake news cable channels.
It is a war in which elected members of congress willingly
do everything they can to prevent a duly-elected President and his
administration from being able to conduct the nation’s foreign policy. It is a
war in which the nation was held captive for three years by a “Russia
Collusion” narrative tirelessly pushed by the fake news media and investigated
by multiple congressional committees and a “special counsel” who conducted
himself like the head of the American Gestapo. It is a war in which the special
counsel’s report fully exonerates the President of any wrongdoing, only to have
the Democrats and the fake news media double down on the Big Lie and pretend
that it convicted him.
It is a war in which the Intelligence Community is now
coordinating with the Democrats, the media and the entertainment industry in
the next Big Lie, this one having to do with a phone call between the President
and his peer in Ukraine. Even though it is now transparently obvious that this
is just another Big Lie, we can count on the Democrat/media complex of
propaganda to double down on their latest false narrative.
We can expect them to do that because the strategy here is
not to have you actually believe any of the nonsense they’re pushing. The
strategy is simply to wear you down, to ultimately make you bend the knee and
give up on this silly quest to keep America a great and independent nation.
When this latest coup/impeachment effort crashes and burns
in spectacular fashion, we can expect the forces aligned against Trump and his
supporters to simply make up another false narrative and keep the coup going.
The same thing is happening right now in Britain, where
Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister elected to complete the Brexit effort the
voters approved three long years ago, is under a similar relentless assault by
that country’s deep state, disloyal lawmakers and fake news media. As I wrote
in one of the earliest Campaign Updates way back in 2016, Brexit and Trump are
essentially the same political movement, a movement that pits those who love
their country and want it to remain a strong, independent nation against the
forces of globalism and one-world-government.
The Brits who support Brexit have held firm through all that
time and grown stronger. Trump’s base of support has also held firm and grown
larger. That base has remained unshakable not because they necessarily approve
of every aspect of Trump’s personal behavior, but because they understand what
is at stake here, and whose side Trump is on.
Because at the end of the day in this tiresome Civil War,
Trump is on the side of Americans and America. I don’t know about the rest of
you, but they won’t ever wear me down. That is all.
More good reading: “Chutzpah
hardly describes what the deranged Left has been doing the past few days. Leftists'
collusion-with-Russia gambit failed miserably, so they've invented a desperate
new narrative, that Trump asked the president of Ukraine to look into the
corruption of Biden and his son that occurred in that country and that this is
somehow illegal! Never mind that the
president can say whatever he wants to the leader of any foreign nation, in
private, or that Biden is on the record bragging that he demanded that the
prosecutor investigating his son be fired or U.S. funds would be withheld from
Ukraine. As usual, the Democrats have
accused Trump of what Democrats have themselves been doing for decades: getting
rich in office by any and all means that present themselves.”
“[Bernie] Sanders often falsely claims that Scandinavia
demonstrates the success of his socialist schemes, even though Scandinavian
countries are home to some of the freest economies in the world. The confusion
arises because many of Sanders talking points haven’t been updated since the
1970s, when these countries were conducting disastrous experiments in
government expansion. News of several decades of reform and revival hasn’t yet
reached Sanders campaign headquarters.”
“I don’t want to hear one more word from the Democrats about
the Ukrainian transcript till we get to read what Obama told Iran when he gave
them $150 billion in sanction relief and $1 billion in cash.”
-Charlie Kirk
“Exonerated: The Failed Takedown of President Donald Trump
by the Swamp” by Dan Bongino
It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten
someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal
alien”, “when motivated by hate.”
New letter signed by more than 500 prominent scientists sent
to the UN, completely ignored by mainstream media. “There is no climate emergency…..The
general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at
present founded are unfit for their purpose. Therefore, it is cruel as well as
imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions on the basis of results from
such immature models.”
Another top-level climate modeler goes rogue, criticizes
‘nonsense’ of ‘global warming crisis’
The Secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization: “Climate change is not yet out of control,
but the debate is – It has the features of a religious extremism.”
“3,500 years ago, there was also a climate-related group which took
advantage of children. Called “Baal,” it was wide-spread in the Middle East
where it was based on climate related to food production. At the center of Baal was the human sacrifice
of children to supposedly achieve some change in the weather.”
Climate Worship Is Nothing More Than Rebranded Paganism
canonization of 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and the child marches held around the
world last week demanding “climate action” are the apotheosis of this
indoctrination campaign. Children, after all, do not conduct peer-reviewed
science – they mostly repeat what they’re told. The adults who filled them with
dread then offer them as proof of a crisis.
Scoldilocks, Or the Story of Greta Thunberg
Hollywood Pours Praise on Greta Thunberg: Put Her in Charge
of Everything
Climate change protesters who marched through Manhattan leave
a ton of litter strewn across the city
Forget the Green New Deal — the private sector has solved
climate change
The Death of American Citizenship “Multiculturalism has
reduced the idea of e pluribus unum to a regressive tribalism. Americans often
seem to owe their first allegiance to those who look like they do. Citizens
cannot even agree over once-hallowed and shared national holidays such as
Christmas, Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July….the concept of citizenship is
being assaulted..by the legal blending of mere residency with citizenship.”
Socialism, Not Climate Change, Is the Real Threat
Barack Obama, the real king of the quid pro quo
Political Realignment Is Coming to America “Many Trump supporters cheered his election
not because of his pugnacity (about time), or his policies (also about time),
but because when you hate the china shop, you love the bull. Trump has exposed
the Democrat versus Republican, Right versus Left, liberal versus conservative
paradigms as, if not obsolete shams, then at least models that have lost most
of their dialectic vitality. They remain real and represent important
differences, but they are overshadowed by a new political polarity, worthy of
urgent and vigorous dialectic—globalism versus nationalism.”
Interesting theory: Sarah Palin and the Collapse of the
For two and a half years, Trump Derangement Synrome has
raged within the Democratic Party like gangrene. It festers and erupts. It is ugly, it stinks and it will eventually
kill the body.
Long list of examples of Democrat corruption ignored by the
The classic Western film High Noon, released in 1952,
offers a compelling analogy to the Trump presidency.
Trump campaign doubles down on Biden-Ukraine allegations in
new TV ad.. It’s good!
The Free Online Courses that Cultivate the Mind.
The tiny AOC impersonator, Ava Martinez, who had been driven
off the internet due to threats and harassment is back with a brand new hilarious
parody video — saying that it “looks like politics are no longer off limits for
children thanks to Greta.”
"This is Extraordinary! This is Unprecedented!" -
Liberal Fake News Media Ignores Indian Prime Minister Modi's amazing introduction
of President Trump in Houston.
“They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not
of men.”
-John Adams