op ed review 11/24
Very bad news for Democrats:
Several polls find 34% approval for President Trump among black voters.
Poll: Trump surges against nearly all Democrats in Wisconsin
Poll: Opposition to Impeachment Grows Among Independents
Confidence in Trump Economy Hits Highest Level Ever
Trump flips third appeals court to majority GOP appointed
But sobering thoughts from Sebastian Gorka: “How President Trump Loses in 2020: Donald Trump became the president despite the
GOP, not thanks to it. If he wants to have a second term and cement his reputation
as the most successful leader we have had since World War II, he needs to
disrupt the Republican machine as much as he disrupted politics in general.
MAGA hangs by a thread.”
Impeachment Day 4: Rep. Mike Turner Shuts Down Sondland,
Shreds Democrats’ Entire Case
Mainstream media cheers Sondland ‘Directly Implicating’
Trump...Then Admit He Didn’t
Chief Justice Roberts now dragged into Democrat impeachment
process. He is in charge of the FISA
Court, and responsible for its hijacking by the deep state.
Extensive Relationship Revealed Between Dossier Author Christopher
Steele and Top Obama State Department Officials
Mayor Pete’s South Bend Record
Biden Family Corruption Allegations Metastasize
Hunter Biden the father of Arkansas woman’s baby, DNA test
More free money from Elizabeth Warren: Would Consider a “Universal Basic Income”
Sen. Elizabeth Warren AWOL from Senate. “She’s missed at
least the past 23 votes in a row..” but
still collecting $174,000 a year for what has become a no-show job.
Joe Biden: “Ban 9mm pistols just like we ban bazookas and
machine guns”
More Virginia Counties Declare 'Second Amendment Sanctuary'
Armed citizen puts a stop to fatal shooting at Walmart by
putting gun to suspect’s head
Netanyahu’s Indictment Is a Fraud. Israel has a deep state too.
Pope Francis says he is thinking about adding “‘ecological
sin’ against our common home” to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Pope Cites French Epic Poem to Prove Christianity Is as
Violent as Islam
Pope Condemns ‘Catastrophic Bombing’ of Nagasaki, Hiroshima
Pope Warns: ‘Fundamentalism Is a Plague’
Sound Transit will keep collecting its car-tab taxes,
despite I-976 vote
Eat Mor Capitulation: The Chick-fil-A Betrayal
The Most Important News Story Isn’t Impeachment, It’s Crisis
In Mexico….Soon Mexico will be a failed state, driving refugees north.
“Biden and partners receive $16.5 million in payments stolen
from Ukraine”
Ukranian MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of
U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 billion.
Walter Williams 11/20
absolute worst case of professional incompetence and dishonesty is in the area
of climate science. Tony Heller has exposed some of the egregious dishonesty of
mainstream environmentalists in a video he's titled "My Gift To
Climate Alarmists."
Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in
deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department
of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s
and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data
and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and
policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.
scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming.
Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels
have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now.
Heller says that sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. He points
out that anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people
were able to walk from Siberia to North America.
weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller
presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In
1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90
degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days
above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at
1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or
nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting
hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.
You might ask: "Who is Tony Heller? Does he work for
big oil?" It turns out that he is a scientist and claims to be a lifelong
environmentalist. From what I can tell, he has no vested interests. In that
respect, he is different from those who lead the environmental movement, who
often either work for or are funded by governments.
in a while environmentalists reveal their true agenda. Ottmar Edenhofer, lead
author of the IPCC's fourth summary report released in 2007, speaking in 2010
advised: "One has to free oneself from the illusion that international
climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about
how we redistribute de facto the world's wealth." U.N. climate chief
Christiana Figueres said that the true aim of the U.N.'s 2014 Paris climate
conference was "to change the (capitalist) economic development model that
has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial
Revolution." Christine Stewart, Canada's former Minister of the
Environment said: "No matter if the science is all phony, there are
collateral environmental benefits. ... Climate change (provides) the greatest
chance to bring about justice and equality in the world." Tim Wirth,
former U.S. Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs and the person most
responsible for setting up the Kyoto Protocol said: "We've got to ride the
global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be
doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental
all scientists are dishonest and not all news reporters are leftists with an
agenda. But one wonders at the deafening silence where there's clear, unambiguous
evidence. For example, if ocean levels have been rising for some 20,000 years,
why do scientists allow environmentalists to get away with the claim that it's
a result of man-made global warming? Why aren't there any reporters to
highlight leftist statements such as those by Edenhofer, Stewart and others who
want to ride global warming as a means to defeat capitalism and usher in
socialism and communism? I would prefer to think that the silence of so many
scientists represent their fears as opposed to their going along with the
environmental extremist agenda.
Here’s the referenced video by Heller:
“In September 2018, The New York Times published an op-ed
from an anonymous White House official who boasted of supposedly widescale
efforts inside the Trump administration to nullify its operations and subvert
presidential directives. Such efforts to oppose Trump are often self-described
as ‘The Resistance,’ a reference to the underground French fighters resisting
the Nazis in World War II. Trump’s opponents often have praised the deep state
precisely because unelected career officials are seen as the most effective way
to sabotage and stymie his agenda. A ‘coup’ is no longer proof of right-wing
paranoia, but increasingly a part of the general progressive discourse of
resistance to Trump. In these upside-down times, patriotism is being redefined
as removing a president before a constitutionally mandated election.”
“If giving to Christian charities now bars you from opening
a restaurant at the airport, our culture is beyond the point of no return. …
America’s social fabric is already fraying. Politics has invaded everything
from education to sports, from movies to fashion. Should politics now determine
where we buy a chicken sandwich? A country that punishes restaurants because
its founders don’t openly celebrate same-sex marriage is a country destined to
bifurcate. And that’s pretty fowl.”
-Ben Shapiro
“[Democrats] got caught trying to obtain nude photos of
President Trump from Russian pranksters pretending to be Ukrainians. … That is
the Democrats’ pitiful legacy in recent years: they got caught.”
-Rep. Devin
“They’re trying to remove a president for having a better
foreign policy than Barack Obama and Joe Biden.”
=-House Minority
Whip Steve Scalise
'Ford v Ferrari' shows how masculinity can make the world a
better place.
Liberals denounce ‘Ford v Ferrari’ “the climate change
horror film nobody needed”….too much macho. Too much individualism…too much
carbon consumption.
Another feminist movie bombs at the box office
Soros cash flows to pressure vulnerable GOP Congress members
to impeach Trump
Documents reveal massive 'dark-money' group boosted
Democrats in 2018
California Dems Flood Colorado With Cash Ahead of National
Popular Vote Referendum
Michael Moore declares: 'I Am the Center. I Am the
Mainstream Now of the Democratic Party'
From 1962: The Black
Friday Terror Plot Against US Shoppers by Leftist Heroes Fidel and Che
Arthur Laffer speech shut down by protesters at Binghamton
University; two arrested
Prager: Does the Left
Hate America?
Grand Valley State University Kills Pledge of Allegiance
Leftist Activism Is A Requirement Of New Elementary School
CAIR's Goal: 30 Islamists Elected To Congress
Hillary Clinton: No Question Trump ‘Committed Impeachable
The Hate and Anti-Intellectualism of the Modern Democratic
Some nasty anti-president quotes to offer perspective
(actually said about another Republican president)
When villain is Obama, not Trump, news is suddenly not worth
Does the Left Hate America?
Here he goes again:
Al Gore on climate-change threat: 'This is the Battle of the Bulge. This
is 9/11'
Climate Myths Peddled by Alarmists Mislead the Public
Climate Scientists Reduced to Hiding from Climate Thuggery
in Germany
From John Solomon: everything you need to know about the Ukrainian/Biden
Only Trump can save the US now
Why Everyone Should Fear Universal Healthcare
Defense Secretary Mark Esper fired Navy Secretary Richard
Spencer Sunday over his handling of the case of a Navy SEAL who posed for a
photo next to an Islamic State terrorist's corpse in Iraq, and the SEAL will be
able to keep his Trident pin, a Pentagon spokesman said Sunday.
Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But We’re
Supposed to be Angry at Trump's Pardons?
Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance
The Story Of How U.S. Intel Agencies Tried To Undo Trump's
Attorney General William Barr recently gave two speeches
that were rhetorical masterpieces. The speeches could not have been
given at a more critical juncture in the unfolding crisis, nor could the
carefully researched and expertly developed arguments have been more needed,
more appropriate. The content of the two speeches form a solid basis
of a case against the Resistance. The passion and the masterful
rhetoric of the speeches give them the potential for Barr to stand athwart
history and determine the direction of the nation for the future.
“Female Student Breaks Down In Tears As School Board Grants
Boys Access To Girls Locker Room. This Is Simply Evil.”
Mike Huckabee: Chick-fil-A ‘Betrayal’ Will Have ‘Far
Broader’ Consequences
Intriguing: “A simple
proof of intelligent design”
'Bull-Schiff': Trump Campaign Releases New T-Shirts Mocking
the House Intelligence Committee Chairman
Texans and Their Boots
Stunning image of the Milky Way captured using radio waves
giving us a 'brand new view' of our galaxy.
“If there is a bedrock principle of the First Amendment, it
is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply
because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” (Today’s Left: “that was then, this is now”)
William J. Brennan