Saturday, March 21, 2020

op ed review 3/22

Dark Money Groups Spending Millions to Politicize Coronavirus
Mid-crisis, Democrat Super PAC to Spend $5 Million Attacking Trump over Coronavirus
Majority of Independents Aren't On Board With Media's Politicization of the Wuhan Virus

CNBC gleefully proclaims:  “Three pillars of Trump’s case for reelection are collapsing all at once”
Paul Krugman Celebrates Stock Market Rout: Thinks It Hurts Trump
CBS news delighted to report that market losses “(wipe) out nearly all the gains of Trump's presidency.”
CNN: Why is he so positive?:  “Trump peddles unsubstantiated hope in dark times”
CNN Hid Swine Flu For Obama, Went Gonzo On Wuhan Flu Under Trump
Media Fact Checks Ignore Obama's Botched H1N1 Response

Americans Overwhelmingly Approve of Trump’s Coronavirus Travel Ban
After seeing polling data, Schumer deletes Tweet attacking Trump for China travel ban

Trump calls himself a ‘wartime president’ over coronavirus as he invokes Defense Production Act
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran

Pigs were seen flying in New York. Wait! It was a CNN anchor praising Trump.
This is a little worrisome: Rep. Ilhan Omar Lauds Trump’s ‘Incredible’ Response to Coronavirus — ‘Unprecedented Leadership’ ??

This Should Go Well: Philadelphia Police to Stop Arresting Criminals Over Coronavirus Concerns
Philadelphia’s progressive DA has declared war — on cops, law and order

‘Governments are really scared’: Virus builds back borders that European Union demolished
Clueless celebs slammed for cringe video promoting world with no borders during pandemic

Obama-Era Whistleblower Philip Haney's Death Likely Murder, Lawmakers Say

Sen. Cotton Introduces Bill to End US Dependence on Chinese-Manufactured Pharmaceuticals After China Threatens to Cut America's Access to Vital Drugs

Trump admin to begin turning back all undocumented immigrants, asylum seekers at borders
Border chief won’t hand over criminal illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities

The Puyallup Police Department in Puyallup, Washington is asking all criminals to put a halt to criminal activity as the coronavirus pandemic is underway.  The department posted the tongue-in-cheek to message to its Facebook page

BIDEN GOES EXTREME: Give Oil Industry ‘No Ability’ To ‘Continue To Drill’, Take ‘Millions’ Of Cars Off The Road
But watch the media try to turn Joe Biden into a moderate.

The Democrats' Project Fear Will Fail  
JB Shurk  3/15

Have they scared you yet?  Me neither.  Not for want of trying, though.  Project Fear is ramping up, and it’s only going to get worse.  The Democrats and the global establishment class do not care how many lives are lost or how much financial damage results.  They have only one concern: removing President Trump from power, silencing us, and bending the arc of history back toward the plutocratic governing elite.  For them, that is the only moral universe that can exist.

All of us have known this was coming.  From the moment on November 8, 2016, when we looked at each other and smiled, we knew the real war had just begun.  The people with the most power in our country and across the globe had spent six months before that fateful election campaigning on nothing but fear.  They promised economic ruin.  They promised imminent nuclear holocaust.  They promised that internal unrest would lead to civil war, that foreign policy inexperience would lead to global war, and that global warming skepticism would lead to planetary extinction.  They laid all this and more at the feet of American voters, but enough of us had finally grown so furious with decades of ineptitude and betrayal by the federal government that we drew our own red line across America’s timeline and said, “No.”  We did not fall for their scaremongering and delusions; we held our ground and finally pushed back.

That is why the election year of 2016 will always mark a turning point in American history, while most other election years will be long forgotten.  2016 was significant not just because President Trump won, but because so many of us looked around and realized just how many of us there actually are.  For years we had been minimized and mocked and made to feel very much alone.  We held our tongues in class; we held our tongues at work; we endured the ritual hazing from Hollywood movies and primetime television and late night comedy and cable news; we took it and took it and stayed silent like good soldiers while the institutions in our country worked to make us feel small.  Then one day we stood up, threw the mother of all uppercuts to their open jaws, and knocked the bullies right on their backs.  To this day, I’m not sure who was more surprised: the pummeled looking up from the ground or the pummelers staring at our own fists and enjoying what we’d done.  Either way, everything changed that day because conservatism changed.  We finally remembered that the fight for liberty in 1776 wasn’t done over wine and cheese.  Conserving freedom requires more than passive respect for one’s traditions; it requires active and vigilant participation.  And if our best fighters weren’t getting the job done, we’d just have to send a new type of fighter into the ring, or better yet, stop watching the fight from the damn spectator’s gallery, lace up some gloves, and set to work swinging.

Since that time the Democrats and the global establishment class have done everything to pretend that 2016 never happened.  The “smart” set sees the Russian boogeyman under every bed, lack of education behind every Trump vote, racism responsible for every Trump victory.  So sure are they that they’re on the “right side of history” that they have abandoned any pretense of supporting free speech or alternative points of view.  For them, the Bill of Rights was never anything more than a vehicle toward State control of everything, another troubling and outmoded vestige of America’s past that can be discarded and abandoned on the road to America’s socialist future.  So, they’ve sent attack after attack against President Trump and all of us.  While the CIA and FBI have conspired to oust the president, the social media giants have closed our accounts, censored our words, and silenced our voices.  The harm they cause is as real as their inability to grasp the seriousness of their actions, for by depriving us of our pens, they will leave us only our swords.

Over these long years since the 2016 election, though, our tormentors have unintentionally accomplished something else: they’ve steeled our resolve.  In those first few months after President Trump was elected, the attempt to take him down was so furious that none of us knew for sure what would happen.  Would Democrats successfully subvert the Electoral College?  Would Republicans like Paul Ryan and John McCain demand the president’s resignation?  Would Jim Comey’s accusations lead to impeachment and removal?  How many James Hodgkinsons would the Democrats send our way?  How lethal would John Brennan’s threats against President Trump prove to be?  Their attacks on the legitimacy of the 2016 election and attempts to overturn it have created an unrelenting siege against all of us who would have gladly gone back to our own lives until the 2020 election.  Because they have given us no peace, however, they have made us sharp for what lies ahead.

This is the year that the Democrats weaponize fear like never before.  Every one of us knows that.  They will do everything they can to torment and torture American voters until they exchange their votes in November for temporary mercy.  But no mercy will ever come.  This is the lie they’ve told for generations.  The lie they’ve used to make Americans submissive while stealing everything from them.  The Democrats have always been the hostage takers who collect their ill-gotten gains before promptly shooting all the hostages they’d promised to free.  That’s the history of their party.  For them, 2016 was inexplicable.  Americans had never stood up to them before, and they intend to make sure it cannot happen in 2020.  If they must, they will destroy what they cannot possess.  We, on the other hand, are no longer asleep, and we know what is coming.  For the first time in many decades, a growing number of Americans finally see who the Democrats are and what they are capable of inflicting upon their fellow citizens.  There is a fire before us; we must walk through it; but we no longer have to do so alone.  With eyes wide open, we will.

Another good read:  “It's clear Democrats see the coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity, not an epidemic. The yearly cases of influenza are ignored because no one can criticize Trump for them. But a new mystery disease? Woo-hoo, open the floodgates of blame!   It's a crying shame dozens of people have died from the coronavirus in America. But it's an even bigger shame that millions are having their livelihoods disrupted, thanks to the media-fueled hysteria. Calm down, people.”

“The economic devastation that is now playing out before our eyes is not caused by the Wuhan flu virus. In the last 21 days, approximately 162,000 Americans have died. Of that number, 150 were killed by the Wuhan virus.”
            -John Hinderaker

“I hate to thrust my Western cultural values on anyone, but maybe it’s time to stop eating bats.”
            -David Harsanyi

Baltimore Mayor begs residents to stop shooting each other and keep hospitals clear for coronavirus.

DNC chairman: “I don't know what faith Trump supporters follow”

Deep Pocket Democrats Intend to Buy Congress

James Clyburn Compares Trump to Hitler, Could Make America 'Germany in the 1930s'

8 Crazy Things Bernie Has Said To Propagandize Socialism

Stanford professor: “Coronavirus may be less deadly than we think -- and too mild to justify these aggressive countermeasures….If in fact this virus is less deadly than the flu, do we actually want a coast-to-coast shutdown to contain it?....we’re using the social equivalent of thermonuclear weapons to try to take this disease out.”
Per Capita Death Rates In One Chart  “there is almost no reporting that uses comparative analysis weighted for population.”
Apocalypse No
MIT Biologist and Inventor of Email Says Deep State Fear Mongering on Coronavirus Will Go Down as Biggest Fraud to Manipulate Economies

Obama holdovers at the CDC were busy fighting racism and obesity instead of stopping epidemics.

The United States might have a secret weapon against coronavirus:  the US practices a form of social distancing in its daily life through suburban living. Americans have been criticized for their detached, single-family houses and their solo car commuting, but these factors may also mean that Americans are less likely to be in close quarters with strangers during their daily lives than are residents of most other developed countries.

Bureaucratic idiocy:  “Seattle infectious disease expert Dr. Helen Chu had, by January, collected a huge number of nasal swabs from local residents who were experiencing symptoms as part of a research project on flu. She proposed, to federal and state officials, testing those samples for coronavirus infections…..the CDC told Chu and her team that they could not test the samples unless their laboratory test was approved by the FDA. The FDA refused to approve Chu's test on the grounds that her lab, "was not certified as a clinical laboratory under regulations established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a process that could take months."

Mass Transit, The Pandemic Petri Dish The Left Loves

The Wuhan Virus and the Imperative of Hard Decoupling

“What's worse?  The rapid spread of a novel virus that originated in China or the media hysteria created and broadcast around the world?  If it was the intent of the American media to create a state of fear and panic, they've succeeded brilliantly.”

How Coronavirus Will Strengthen Trump's 2020 Campaign

Joe Biden, the Manchurian Virus Candidate

VDH:  America In a New Upside-Down World

These historic places are offering virtual tours during the coronavirus pandemic

BroadwayHD Is Letting You Watch Your Favorite Musicals For Free — For a Limited Time

Feeling stir-crazy? The Met's best operas will be free online

“The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”
              -Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, March 14, 2020

op ed review 3/15

GOP Chair Explains, In Terrific Thread, What Democrats Were Doing While Trump Admin Has Been Working to Address Wuhan Virus

Trump's Approval Rating Goes Up -- Tops Obama's Rating at Same Time in His Presidency -- Despite Media Onslaught over Coronavirus Panic
150,000 immigrants from 72 nations with coronavirus stopped at border
Coronavirus Patient Zero in Italy Reportedly a Pakistani Immigrant
The CDC's Budget Is Larger Now Than Under Obama
Feds arrest over 600 alleged Mexican cartel members
Approval of U.S. Congressional Republicans Tops Democrats
Supreme Court Sides With Trump on ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy

Flashback:  New York Times thought Joe Biden was too old to be president in 2008
“Biden's cognitive issues have been evident for some time but just watch the same media who for four years have been declaring Donald Trump mentally and physically unfit for office have a collective meltdown when Biden's mental faculties are questioned….Can you imagine that man in a presidential debate with Donald Trump? There's not enough popcorn in the world.”
That was then, this is now: Last year, liberal pundits slammed Joe Biden as a feckless racist.
Biden Berates Detroit Auto Worker Who Questions His Stance on Guns: 'You're Full of Sh*t!'
WOW!  “I am the union worker that Joe Biden tried to intimidate”.  Powerful, must see!
NBC Manipulates Video: Edits Out Biden Threatening to Assault Autoworker
Mainstream media ignore report of Joe Biden's brother facing fraud allegations

Former Democratic candidate for Florida governor, Andrew Gillum, involved in suspected crystal meth incident.

New York Times wishful thinking : “Trump’s Re-election Chances Suddenly Look Shakier”
'Trump's Chernobyl': Media Wuhan Virus Hysteria Stokes Public Panic
The Media Tries to Foist a 'Katrina Moment' on Trump
Of course they are.  Democrats twice as likely as Republicans to call coronavirus a serious threat.

Poll: Trump holds double-digit lead in Iowa over Biden and Sanders
But don’t get overconfident:  “These Democratic primary numbers should have Trump extremely worried”

Mayor of Minneapolis Declares March 10th ‘Abortion Provider Appreciation Day’
California throws book at reporter who exposed Planned Parenthood baby body trafficking. Undercover reporting now illegal?
Speaker Pelosi Slipped Hyde Amendment Loophole Into Coronavirus Stimulus Plan

California outlaws freelance work. Except for lawyers, realtors, and truck drivers, who got exemptions.  Musicians are out of luck.

174 House Dems: Convicted Terrorists Must Not Be Barred from Working for TSA

Idaho on its way to joining eight other states banning affirmative action.  “Slowly but steadily, affirmative action programs centered on rigid racial lines are losing their appeal in the American public.”

Ohio joins fight to keep boys out of girls' sports

Dr. Brian Joondeph: 
“Coronavirus Codswallop -- By the Numbers”  3/9

"Codswallop" is one of those interesting words that might have been used by Supreme Court justice Anton Scalia in a dissenting opinion, or by conservative intellectual William F. Buckley in describing some liberal policy. It's a British expression that refers to words or ideas that are foolish or untrue — in other words, nonsense. While codswallop is a good description of the entire Democrat agenda, today I will restrict its use to the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, media fear-mongering, and resulting public panic.
Big media are all about ratings, view, and clicks, hence their axiom, "If it bleeds, it leads."  A viral outbreak is the perfect story, on par with a missing Malaysian airliner or a celebrity football player named OJ on trial for murder.

The added bonus is that any negative news can be laid at the feet of a president loathed by the media, who just so happens to be running for re-election.  The media are in full campaign mode, trying desperately to drag the carcass of one of their corpselike candidates across the presidential finish line. Stoking fear over quarantines and supply chain disruptions has sent the stock market on a downward roller coaster ride.  One of President Trump's major achievements is the roaring economy.  Taking the stock market down 25% or more may help the Democrats.  But by the numbers, the economy is still roaring, bolstered by the February jobs report of 273,000 added jobs, more than expected, and record-low 3.5% unemployment.
Despite the hair-on-fire reporting of coronavirus news, let's look at some actual numbers, rather than the codswallop from CNN or MSNBC.  

Statistics from the CDC and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard are illustrative. At the time of this writing, there are 107,352 cases worldwide, 3,646 deaths, and 60,558 recoveries. Fifteen of those deaths occurred in the U.S. The odds of recovering are far higher than the odds of dying. Cases in mainland China have peaked, with few added cases over the past week.  Cases elsewhere are on the rise, following the same pattern as China in early February.  Recoveries are rising at an even faster rate.

Granted that China may be better equipped to institute mandatory quarantines and travel restrictions under their command and control government, the pattern is similar to the disease course for other viral epidemics. Anthony Fauci, M.D., of the National Institutes of Health and a member of the Trump administration's task force, gave some perspective in a New England Journal of Medicine editorial: The median age of the patients was 59 years, with higher morbidity and mortality among the elderly and among those with coexisting conditions (similar to the situation with influenza). The overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.

In other words, the coronavirus may be a nastier version of the seasonal flu, potentially fatal for the elderly and infirm.  How many Americans die from the flu each day?  Let's ask the CDC. Influenza and pneumonia caused 55,672 deaths in the U.S. in 2017, or 153 persons per day.  As a reminder, only 15 have died from the coronavirus to date, the number dying in any four-hour period from the flu. Over the past decade, influenza has affected between 9.3 and 45 million persons each year, depending on the flu severity.  Hospitalizations for the flu have ranged from 140,000 to 800,000 persons per year, and deaths varied between 12,000 and 61,000 each year. These numbers, in America only, far eclipse the number of coronavirus fatalities worldwide, about 3,600 thus far. This could and will likely change, but are the numbers worthy of the hair-on-fire reaction from cable news anchors and Democrat politicians?

Remember the coronavirus mortality rate of 3.4% pushed by the World Health Organization, the global Deep State's health mouthpiece? President Trump said that number was too high and was excoriated by the liberal media, eagerly willing to trade a bunch of dead Americans for a Trump defeat in November. It turns out the president was correct. Health and Human Services assistant secretary Admiral Brett Giroir declared, "The best estimates now of the overall mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.1% and 1%."

For comparison, the fatality rate for the seasonal flu is 0.1%. The coronavirus fatality rate is likely similar to the 0.1–1% figure based on confirmed cases.  How many individuals have a normal cold, when in reality they have the coronavirus, and recover after a week?  That would mean that far more are infected but are unreported, as their infection is a nonevent, making the fatality rate lower than reported.

Look also at past viral illnesses, far more lethal than the coronavirus.  The fatality rate for MERS and SARS was 34.4 and 9.5% respectively.  Neither illness generated as much media hysteria as coronavirus. Swine flu, also known as H1N1, happened on Obama's watch. With over 60 million cases in the U.S., and over 12,000 deaths, where was the vitriol hurled at Obama, compared to what we are seeing directed toward Trump? Another number ignored by the media is the number of cases of coronavirus per capita.  The U.S. rate is obviously far lower than China, South Korea, and Japan, but also lower than Italy, France, Germany, and Spain. President Trump's decisive actions, again contrary to media reporting, are responsible for keeping U.S. numbers down due to his travel ban.

For additional perspective, heart disease kills 1,774 persons a day, cancer 1,641, accidents 466, and strokes 401 per day….Americans die each year from unusual causes. One hundred sixty die each year from autoerotic asphyxiation, 67 are victims of serial killers, 986 are killed by police, 75 from lawnmowers, 31 struck by lightning, and one American dies each year being trampled on Black Friday. I haven't heard any media angst over lawnmowers or auto-erotica.  Medical errors are also far more dangerous than any viral epidemic.  From 250,000 to 400,000 Americans die each year from medical errors, the third most common cause of death in the U.S. What would happen if Bernie Sanders got his wish and government were in charge of all of health care?

Numbers are inconvenient to the media — particularly the math-challenged like MSNBC's Brian Williams and NY Times editor Mara Gay discussing Bloomberg's campaign spending, being off by a factor of a million. How can we trust these people reporting on coronavirus numbers?  President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." If you watch the evening news or read the daily newspaper, you will be inundated with fear. Take the constant barrage of coronavirus codswallop with a grain of salt, and keep things in perspective.


“Because Americans are changing their habits, they will slow the virus's trajectory.  While the virus and its risks are real, the panic is a Democrat project intended to destroy President Trump.  In other words, one can accept that there is a serious health problem in America that requires individual responsibility while refusing to accept the media's narrative.”
         -Andrea Widburg

“President Trump has been warning for years about the dangers of rampant globalism and the risks of transferring our manufacturing base to other countries like China. Trump was right, and coronavirus is proving that once again. This virus could deal a body blow to globalism. Let’s hope it hastens the return of U.S. companies who decades ago left for China, even if it means slightly higher prices or lower corporate profits here. I think this virus will bolster political populism on both the right and the left.”
           -Gary Bauer

“BTW, great call on that 20 year campaign to promote high density urban living and public transportation, smart people!”
          -David Burge

Kurt Schlichter:  “Annoying Democratic women, men, and gender indeterminate entities, all make appearances in my latest conservative thriller, Collapse, and in the other entries in the best-selling series, People's Republic, Indian Country, and Wildfire. These action-packed and hilarious novels describe an America post-liberal victory, with all the failure and misery that entails, and the fight for freedom.”

Actor/comedian imagines Trump supporters dying from coronavirus

Liberals want the phrase 'y'all' banned because it's racist: “‘Y’all’ is a southern hate word that evokes all sorts of gruelling, racist connotations.

GOP Rep. Stefanik receives vile note on her car: “Rot in Hell Fascist pig!” Former DNC chair Howard Dean says she deserved the note.

Here's How Eric Holder Helped the Obama Administration Transform the Democratic Party into a Party of Thugs

Nancy Pelosi: 'Civilization as We Know It Is at Stake' in 2020 Election

Global Warming Alarmists: Not Only Wrong But Vicious

Coronavirus Myths Debunked-Episode 2

For perspective:  Regular Flu has killed 20,000 Americans so far this season, including 136 children
A Tale Of Two Pandemics: Media Downplayed Swine Flu Outbreak Under Obama

MSNBC Chris Hayes goes into full meltdown, says Trump will let Americans die from Coronavirus to win reelection

Coronavirus going to hit its peak and fall sooner than you think

The Politics of Coronavirus

COVID-19 is terrifying — as a weapon of political propaganda

Coronavirus Achieves a Longtime Democratic Goal:  stopping Trump rallies.

Italy shows where globalism and socialism leads.

Starbucks Learns the Cost of Virtue-Signaling

Inside a future Biden administration: His possible picks for VP and Cabinet
Media launch veepstakes chatter: Biden needs a woman, but which one?
Worry about this:  “Is Trump Ready For Biden-Obama 2020?”

Obamacare At 10: A Big Effing Failure

Progressive Narrative on Homelessness Has Always Been Wrong

Finally: “A Psychological Study of Trump Worth Reading”

“We are citizens working to let voters have their say on ESSB 5395 – the state-mandated, K-12 sex education bill recently passed by the Legislature.  Help us gather signatures and let voters have their say on ESSB 5395 – the state-mandated, K-12 sex education bill recently passed by the Washington State Legislature.”

Nice photos from the Iditarod

“Men, to act with vigour and effect, must have time to mature measures, and judgment and experience, as to the best method of applying them. They must not be hurried on to their conclusions by the passions, or the fears of the multitude. They must deliberate, as well as resolve.”
          -Joseph Story

“It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.”
         -Eric Hoffer