op ed review 11/1
Tony Bobulinski, former Biden family business associate, exposes Joe Biden on Tucker Carlson Tonight to be a Manchurian candidate. Says when he asked Joe’s brother how they were getting away with criminality, Jim’s reply was “plausible deniability”.(Lying) “Hunter also claimed he had become the personal attorney for a Chinese oligarch who was doing a billion-dollar Russian energy deal. ”As a result of Bobulinski's disclosures about the Biden family’s corruption, he has allegedly received death threats, now needing a team of former Navy SEALS to guard his family. A Sept. 23 Senate report shows that $5 million did flow from Mr. Ye to Hunter Biden, who sent $1.3 million to James Biden, his uncle and an adviser to Joe Biden.
Tucker Carlson’s interview with Tony Bobulinski is must-see TV
Everything’s converging to show that Biden is China’s candidate.
Creepy Joe: Biden Daughter’s Diary Details “Not Appropriate” Showers With Joe As Child
Hunter Biden has reportedly been under investigation by the FBI since last year in a money-laundering probe.
‘Lapdog press’ blacks out explosive Tony Bobulinski claims as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo skip story
Senate confirms Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, cements 6-3 conservative majority on Hillary Clinton’s birthday.
Hollywood Celebs Rage in Defeat After Barrett Confirmation
AOC meltdown, says Democrats must 'expand the court' just moments after ACB confirmed.
Out of the gates, calls for Justice Amy Coney Barrett's impeachment emerge.
Kamala: ‘Illegitimate’ Justice Amy Coney Barrett, ‘We Won’t Forget'
Pelosi: “Congress Must Reverse the Damage of a Usurped Supreme Court”
Despite Democrats’ hysteria, public favored Amy Barrett’s confirmation
Economy grows 33.1% from July to September, shattering all records going back to 1947.
NBC, CBS Censor ‘Fastest Growth Ever’; ABC Suppresses Trump Economy
Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers
President Trump's Arizona Rally: 20% of Attendees Weren't Republicans - 36% Didn't Vote in 2016
Utah 'Trump Train' Caravan Stretches for Six Miles
Trump rally gives Fox News largest Saturday night audience in its history
Trump Overtakes Biden in New National Poll 1 Week Before Election
NYT/Siena poll: Trump edging Biden in Texas -- thanks to Hispanics
Trump takes lead in battleground Arizona.
HISTORIC! Rasmussen: 31% of Black Voters Intend to Cast Their Vote for President Trump in Latest Poll
‘Shy’ Trump voters will power his win, says pollster who called 2016 race
Joe Biden declares 'We Have Put Together the Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization in History' Senility or Freudian slip??
Biden holds his biggest rally yet, speaking to TENS of people.
Joe Biden Campaigns to 38 Supporters and Media in Georgia, surrounded by distancing circles.
Mainstream Networks All In for Joe, Dedicate 0.32% Of Airtime To Hunter's Hard Drive
Is Old Joe Ok? Biden Screams, Slurs His Words in Angry Pennsylvania Speech
Reductio ad Hitlerum: Joe Biden uses Adolph Hitler in campaign ad.
Boston Herald Endorses Trump: “Biden's Platform Is 'Risky Love Letter to Social Justice Warriors'
Washington Times: The eight reasons we enthusiastically endorse Trump for reelection
Editorial board foodfight at Spokane Spokesman Review results in this: “Trump deserves 2nd term even though he’s a ‘wretched human being.’” ????
Liberals Create Public Registry Of Trump Donors So Anyone Can Track Them Down By Name And Address. (I’m in there, you probably are too…antifa hit list?)
Riots, looting erupt in Philadelphia, 30 officers hurt after police shot and killed a knife-wielding black man.
Philadelphia police say 1,000 looters targeting businesses on second night of protests.
Walter Wallace Jr., who was shot by Philadelphia police, had a criminal history, rapped about shooting cops.
Feds arrest prominent social studies teacher for “police vehicle arsons”.
Police In Philadelphia ‘Discover Van Loaded With Explosives’….Is Antifa escalating its war on America?
Philly police ordered to not arrest looters’
Vietnamese Baptist Church Burned in Philadelphia During Black Lives Matter Riots. “They threw flammable chemicals on the roof”
Anti-cop protesters leave trail of destruction in Downtown Brooklyn
Portland sees homicide spike as 3 people killed in burning car, shooting and stabbing over weekend
“Moms United for Black Lives” threatens Lake Oswego, OR, saying, "We are going to f*ck sh*t up in Lake Oswego" in a poster.
The rioting, physical violence, and destruction of property estimated in the billions of dollars….was merely practice for the left’s coming exercise of power whether Biden wins or loses.
New border wall in San Diego forces smugglers out to sea, where federal agents wait
In western Arizona, over a hundred miles of new border wall is getting results
Twitter deleted a tweet and shut down the account of the US border protection chief late Wednesday after he posted a message celebrating construction of nearly 400 miles of wall. “..violated the company’s policy against threatening or harassing people based on race, ethnicity or other demographics.” Morgan: Is this still America?
Martha McSally: Mark Kelly 'Will Be the 51st Vote' for Open Borders
Parents Of Man Killed By Illegal Immigrant Kicked Out Of Kamala Harris’ Office
???? Schumer: ‘Generations Yet Unborn’ Will Regret Pro-Life Judge’s Elevation to the Supreme Court
Rand Paul: Democrats WILL make DC a state if they win the Election
Wisconsin Republican Party Says Hackers Stole $2.3 Million from Trump Reelection Account
Archbishop Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom 'It is you, dear President, who are 'the one who opposes' the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness…’
Kurt Schlichter 10/29
The next few days will be a Cat 5 hurricane of mainstream media spin and Democrat bullSchiff designed to make you think that you’ve already lost this election. They want your morale shattered, your spirit broken, and you to put a lid on your participation in saving your country from leftist tyranny. It’s all a lie. It’s a psychological operation designed to keep you on the sidelines.
We got this. All you need to do is vote.
People reach out to me all the time looking for hope, and I’ve got plenty, because things are breaking our way. You have structural factors like the fact that incumbents tend to win, particularly when the economy is improving and we’re not in some idiotic new war. You have factors like how the Democrat candidate is a desiccated old weirdo who pretty much called a lid on his campaign back in July and whose corruption is being shown to be more corrupting every single day. You have manifest enthusiasm for our guy and tumbleweeds for theirs. You have people moving from Hillary to Trump, but nobody moving from Trump to Grandpa Badfinger. Trump dominated the debate where Oldfinger doubled down on his deeply unpopular program of destroying millions of oil industry jobs, single payer, and Matlock for All. On the inside, the insiders almost unanimously think Trump will win – that’s the real talk behind the scenes among people whose names you know. Early voting numbers are GOP-friendly, and many polls now show Trump moving up or taking the lead. We have the heat, we have the momentum, we have this to lose.
But the Establishment will try to psych you out, because you are in total control of the one last piece of the puzzle. Your vote. Your family and friends’ votes. The votes of patriots. All the pieces are in place for another tremendous victory for freedom, another stunning, hilarious repudiation of the smug leftist twerps who want to make you into a serf. You just have to supply that final piece. And that’s where they want to disrupt you.
They will tell you that you are losing, that the guy who can’t outdraw a Bolivian Foghat cover band is going to lose to the King of All Rallies. Look at the polls with Crusty up +12 and see who ran them. Mainstream media companies and colleges. Yeah, those are totally Trump’s demographic. They’ve demonstrated their incompetence and dishonesty in everything else they do, but are you going to buy into the idea that when they do polling they’ll somehow act differently?...
Then they hint that if you vote it won’t count because they’ll just steal the final score. All this talk about election fraud – they want it! They want you scared of fraud. They want you to think, “Why bother, since dead people’s ballots will swamp mine.” The simple fact is that the GOP is on the job this time. We’re winning the vast majority of election court cases and we’re going to be there on the ground watching the counts. Remember, you can only steal a very close election – think of the logistics of filling out 10,000 ballots, and the red flags that would go up from Republican observers if someone backs up his Chevy to a count room with 3,000 Biden ballots he just happened to “find” in his trunk. Election theft is possible, but it’s hard when everyone’s looking and impossible when it isn’t razor close. Your vote will count – but only if you cast it..
Fear is their friend, but you have nothing to fear. Their revenge is just more hot air. Their riots will burn down their own garbage blue cities. Their second try at a civil war will be over quicker than Hunter’s career in the Navy. Remember, the Dems are 0-1 and their team is way late to the Second Amendment party.
Get your mind right. We got this. The only thing left to do to win this is to go win this. Get up and take that ballot and get it filled out and out the door. If you’re waiting until election day, vote early. And then help someone else vote. In California, we can ballot harvest – the Dems were totally flabbergasted when we Republicans started collecting and dropping off ballots too. The GOP isn’t supposed to get in the game! But you need to get in the game, and to play by the rules of the game in your state. You might not be able to ballot harvest, but you can still help get the souls to the polls via projects like Keep America America.
Don’t buy the lie. We win this if we just take that last step, filling out our ballots straight GOP…That’s all you’ve got to do. Think about the liberal tears that will flow when the networks are forced to croak out the magical words “We project that *sniff* President Donald J. Trump has been reelected” followed by, “It appears that the Republican Party has kept the Senate and has won a majority in the House.”
Think of the Ben Rhodes breakdown, the Bette Midler freak out, and the sight of Nancy Pelosi handing over the gavel. She’d cry too if the Botox hadn’t locked her tear ducts shut.
All you have to do is to not fall for this latest lie, to reject the okey-doke du jour, to get woke to the fact that we will win this all. Vote. Then help someone else vote. Rinse, and repeat.
Important: “There's No Going Back To 'Normal.' The GOP Is Changed Forever”
VDH: Like it or not, Trump hit on a great truth that no country can write off its vast industrial interior, destroy its borders, or prefer managed decline over renewal, and meanwhile call itself moral.
Donald Trump is Poised to Become Among the Most Transformative Presidents in American History
“we have reached the "revolution" phase of the left's long, steady march. There is simply no other way to assess the modern Democratic Party's dripping disdain for law enforcement, the raucous abetting and encouraging of looters setting aflame the nation's urban corridors, the failure to decisively condemn the destructive and murderous rioting that has gripped the nation since late May -- most recently in Philadelphia, the very birthplace of the Constitution.”
Is America Going To Let The Party Of Riots, Re-education Camps, Coups, Intolerance And Segregation Win The White House Tuesday?
Eleven Trillion Reasons Not to Vote for Joe Biden: “It’s impossible for the human mind to adequately grasp how much a trillion dollars really is….A billion dollar bills laid end to end would stretch 96,900 miles, winding around the Earth nearly four times. A trillion dollars laid in the same manner would stretch for 96,906,656 miles, a distance farther than the sun…..Multiply any one of those trillion-dollar analogies by 11 and you’d have the amount of new spending Joe Biden is planning on asking Congress to authorize.”
Tucker Carlson boasts highest-rated month in cable news history
Tucker’s ratings were THROUGH THE ROOF for the Bobulinski interview!
Must see: ‘Weekend at Biden’s’ hilarious 'movie trailer' is racking up fans
“The Invincible Family: Why the Global Campaign to Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can't Win” by Kimberly Ells
Left’s Post-Election Agenda: More Riots, ‘Truth Commissions,’ Other Punishment For Their Foes — That Means You
Smashing “Whiteness” in the Classroom. Ohio’s education department offered—and withdrew, at least for now—a startling collection of “antiracist” teaching supplements.
Satanic Protester Dumped Blood All Over Christian Preacher at Washington Prayer Event
Reports: Dem Senate Candidate Cal Cunningham Kicked Out of His Home, wife had enough.
Girl Scouts were made to apologize after recognizing Amy Coney Barrett for becoming 5th woman to serve on Supreme Court.
Michael Bloomberg Gives $20M to Down-Ballot Races Focused on Climate
George Soros Pumps Millions into Black & Latino Voter Efforts in Key States
U. of Wisconsin-Madison Student Government Votes to Remove ‘Racist’ Abraham Lincoln Statue
What Happened When a High School Offered a PragerU Video for Extra Credit
Chelsea Handler says she scolded 50 Cent over Trump support: “I had to remind him that he was a black person”
The pope’s series of doctrinally dubious statements, along with his questionable politics, have left faithful Catholics somewhere between scratching their heads and banging their heads against a wall.
“Is the Pope Catholic?” no longer a rhetorical question.
Pope Francis has named 57 percent of total Cardinal electors, increasing the likelihood that the next elected pope will share Francis’ vision for the Church.
5 More COVID Charts Democrats — And The Press — Don’t Want You To See
These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID
Delingpole: Why Won't Journals Publish Landmark Danish Mask Study?
Predictions of more suicides, overdoses and domestic abuse during COVID are coming true
CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths
Doctors are being paid to list all deaths as coronavirus deaths.
Trump's many paths to 270 electoral votes and victory.. “Blue wall falls”, “South rises”, “Riot states rebel”, “Atlantic wall crumbles”, etc.
“One state will determine a lot for Joe Biden, and that’s Florida. If Biden loses the state, his chances of winning the election sink below 50 percent. Right now, it looks like Democrats are heading for an Electoral College bloodbath viewing the early vote totals. Larry Schweikart has been tracking these numbers. Not only is he bullish on Trump winning Florida, but Arizona is starting to look excellent as well.”
The Electoral College Prediction That Will Leave the Left 'Terribly Shocked'
Matthew McConaughey Slams the "Illiberal Left," Cancel Culture, and Anti-Christian Bigotry in Hollywood
Joe Biden’s insane war on oil
Unprecedented efforts to squelch information about a New York Post story may prove to be more dangerous corruption than whatever Hunter Biden did with a crooked Ukrainian energy company.
The Biden 5: Breakdown of One of America's Most Corrupt Families
Donald Trump, Genie: Trump saw that most of the Middle East was ready to love its children more than they hated Israel. He got it. And he acted upon it, to remarkable effect. Funny joke at top.
Please Stop Telling Cops to Shoot Suspects in the Leg
Texas Heroes Rail Against Biden Gun-Control Plans
“Forget the Hunter Biden sex tapes. The real news is much bigger than that.”
Kamala Harris's Cackle To Be Played Over Hell's Loudspeakers For All Eternity
Biden Campaign Reveals Plans For Oval Basement
New York Governor Demands Accountability For Whoever Is Mismanaging New York
Two Birds With One Stone: Man Protests Racial Injustice, Completes Christmas Shopping In One Trip
Voting recommendations on ballot issues/candidates, WA King and Snohomish Counties (hat tip Eric Rohrbach) Ref. 90 State sex ed curriculum..REJECT, Inappropriate curriculum, destroys local control; Advisory Votes 32-33-34-35..REPEAL, All unneeded tax increases; ESJR 8212 Amends Constitution..REJECT, Places undue risks on long term care public funds; vote Republican straight ticket, Lt. Governor..WRITE IN Joshua Freed (Freed is the official Republican candidate in this race); State Supreme Court Justice Position 3, Dave Larson; KC Charter Amendment 1 NO, Added taxpayer costs not justified; KC Charter Amendment 2, NO, Vulnerable to property misuse; KC Charter Amendment 3, NO, Weakens the standings of “citizens”; KC Charter Amendment 4, NO, Office already has sufficient subpoena power; KC Charter Amendment 5, NO, Keep your Sheriff elected!; KC Charter Amendment 6, NO, Don’t allow politicians to weaken your Sheriff; KC Charter Amendment 7, NO, Unneeded change; KC Proposition 1 Harborview 20 Year Bonds..NO, not the time to increase property taxes for the next 20 years!; Snohomish County Council Dist. 4, Brenda Carrington