oe review 10/31
Stunning Reversal in Virginia: Republican Youngkin Bursting Ahead, McAuliffe Campaign Collapsing
While campaigning for McAuliffe, Obama Says Parent Concerns About School Rapes Are ‘Fake Outrage’
McAuliffe in 2019: 'Diversity, inclusion' are 'as important as' math and English in schools
Washington Post Poll: Education No. 1 Issue in Virginia Governor’s Race
BUSTED: Multiple Participants in White Supremacist Smear Against Glenn Youngkin Allegedly Identified
Lincoln Project admits it was behind the hoax: LP roasted as 'deranged hacks' for orchestrating viral hoax to smear Youngkin
Reparations to illegal immigrants: Biden administration is debating $450,000 payments PER PERSON to migrants who were separated from their families at the southern border.
Biden administration expands no-go zones where ICE can't arrest illegal immigrants. Especially where illegals are receiving government services.
President Biden’s decision to halt border wall construction has left parts of Arizona so dangerous that the U.S. Forest Service has banned its employees from going there
Joe Biden, Mr. Wear A Mask, Spits Into A Woman’s Mouth During McAuliffe Rally
Biden admin releases a 'National Gender Strategy,' and it is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds
Biden Admin Issues First Passport with 'X' Gender Option
Biden DOJ Blocks GOP Involvement In Jan. 6 Probe. No investigation by Republicans needed.
Biden officials find racism throughout government, plan ways to promote 'equity'
Biden to Ban Cash Bail for Violent Criminals – “in the Interest of Equity,”
US economy ground to a halt in third quarter.
White House: “There’s a place for” regulation and “We’re going to use it.”
RINOs Jeff Flake, Cindy McCain rewarded for their service against Trump, confirmed to diplomatic posts
Biden won't stop firing troops challenging vaccine mandates, defying federal judge
Joe Biden says Pope Francis Told Him 'I Was a Good Catholic' despite abortion support.
'Let's go Brandon' anthem bumps Adele from iTunes perch and liberals are fuming
Widburg: “…most Democrats haven't yet grokked to the meaning behind "Let's Go Brandon." It's the conservative secret handshake. We bond over it, knowing that even if we're in a blue town, we're not alone…the extraordinary power of ‘Let’s Go Brandon’”
Arizona Marine vet who disarmed robbery suspect accepts heroism award in 'Let's go Brandon' T-shirt
White House Claims They Are 'Unfamiliar' with 'F*ck Joe Biden' and 'Let’s Go Brandon' Chants
Wisconsin Election Panel Told Nursing Home Staffers To Illegally Cast Ballots
Wisconsin Sheriff's Investigation: Election Laws Not Just Broken but 'Shattered' During 2020 Election
MSNBC host agrees: Unvaccinated should be denied access to basic goods and services
SCOTUS declines challenge to vaccine mandate... again.. Barrett and Kavanaugh side with liberals.
Vaccine Mandate Threatens Major Trucking Disruption, Industry Insiders Say
LA County sheriff blasts vaccine mandate causing 'mass exodus'
USMC Warns Marines Will Be Kicked Out for Refusing the Vaccine
‘We will not comply!’: NYC workers protest vax mandate with march across Brooklyn Bridge
DeSantis Blasts Republican 'Boneless Wonders,' Totally Destroys 'Fake News' Media
DeSantis To Offer Liberal City Police Abused By Vax Mandate A $5,000 Bonus
Florida Reaches Lowest Coronavirus Case Rate in Nation
Texas governor tells the U.N. to go 'pound sand'
Senator Tom Cotton Confronts AG Garland Over Using The National Security Division of DOJ to Investigate Parents Attending School Board Meetings. 'Thank God you are not on the Supreme Court'
China Hints it Stuck Time Bombs on U.S. Satellites
China builds world’s fastest programmable quantum computers that outperform ‘classical’ computers
China Has A Hypersonic Missile “But We Have A Female Admiral With Cojones”
Putin Slams U.S. for Deleting Its Own History, Calls Transgenderism a 'Crime Against Humanity'
Did a 'mafia' of liberal cardinals pressure Benedict to resign?
Archbishop. Viganò letter to US bishops: Complicity with COVID agenda is a ‘satanic action against God’
The Evil Party
Derek Hunter 10/24
Evil is a very strong word, when used properly. Merriam-Webster defines it many ways, the most relevant to what I’m talking about being “morally reprehensible” and “arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct.” That is the modern left, the “progressive movement,” the “Democratic” Party. And to fight evil, to stop it, is the most important thing anyone can do.
What justifies the use of “evil” as a descriptor? It’s a dangerous word to use, one that has been abused throughout history to demonize innocent people as well as condemn the guilty. But there is no other word for what these people are doing, both in tactic and objective.
As they vanquish statues of our Founding Fathers, they erect them to Huey Newton and write long, glowing pieces extolling the virtues of the left’s racist division tactics. Anything for the cause.
That dedication to the cause is what progressives have always done. From the eugenics in the early 20th century to Germany in the 1930s, nothing will dissuade a committed leftist from their objective. The starvation and death in the Soviet Union didn’t bother Joseph Stalin, similar horrors in China never cost Mao Zedong a moment of sleep. Both leftist “leaders” had their actions lead directly to unspeakable horrors, up to and including cannibalism and genocide, and not only do leftists try to ignore these horrors, to the extent they acknowledge them they simply don’t care.
In this country, they are in charge, but just barely. A 3-seat majority in the House and a tie in the Senate they can break in their favor might as well be a landslide in their eyes. They don’t let decisively losing statewide referendums deter them from their objectives, why would they let slim majorities? They fight to win, and when they lose they sue to overturn the will of the people. Has there been a referendum in California they’ve lost they haven’t sued over?
When Republicans have a clear majority, Democrats filibuster, shut down the government, and in states they flee to prevent legislatures from doing their jobs. When even a fraction of that favor is returned – use of the filibuster – it’s somehow a rekindling of Democrats’ Jim Crow laws. That is evil.
What’s more evil is the ease with which they spread these lies. Nothing is off-limits, and no lie for the cause is too big. Race, gender, sexuality, and every other made up form of victimhood is currency with the new left. No matter how rich or successful someone is, the left has their people scrambling to find a way to wrap themselves not in accomplishment, but oppression.
As one Twitter user put it about a pathetic piece in the Huffington Post by an extremely wealthy black woman desperately seeking some of that victimhood currency, “Wherein a multi-millionaire doctor previously married to the CEO of Paramount explains that although she's richer than you or almost any white person will ever be, she's actually very oppressed and that crushing oppression should be a central topic of our current zeitgeist.”
What kind of people embrace this mentality? Is there a better word than evil for those who do? For those who encourage self-martyrdom? Worse, for those who’d tell children they can’t win, they can’t get ahead because “the system” is somehow rigged against them? The same system in which they’ve succeeded. How did they do it? No one ever asks, and they never say. They can’t, it undermines their objectives.
The kind of people who can inspire a well-off, pudgy white woman who admits she and her husband make a good living but rising gas prices are putting a small dent in their discretionary spending asking the President how he can help her. It wasn’t the dumbest or most offensive question at CNN’s town hall, but it was the most telling and pathetic about where we are as a society. When people like her run to the government for help, rather than taking responsibility and maybe choosing a choice cut of beef over prime every once in a while to make up the difference, our country is nearly done.
The United States of America could never be overtaken by a foreign enemy, no matter how much they saber-rattle about it. But our enemies don’t have to work to destroy the United States, they simply have to wait. The left in this country will do it for them from within. When it comes to what these people are doing, until someone creates a stronger, more accurate way of describing it, evil is the perfect word.
What do we do with “The Democrats in our lives”?
“Male Pregnancy: The Greatest Miracle of All!!” “By making it possible for men to become pregnant the left has truly outdone God in its miracle-making ability.”
Steven Koonin, a physicist at the Department of Energy in the Obama administration authored a book titled: “Unsettled, What Climate Science Tells Us, What it Doesn’t, and Why it Matters” Somehow the book did not get much coverage even though the media continually reports on climate change. Quotes: “The warmest temperatures in the U.S. have not risen in the past fifty years,” “Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century” Instead of droughts, “the past fifty years have been slightly wetter than average” in the United States.
Tucker: Not long ago this country actually enforced immigration laws
Tucker calls Liz Cheney a liar and a coward. The left media flips out.
George Soros backs media firm to “combat disinformation” from conservative outlets.
Facebook trying to kill Breitbart News, Suppressed website Traffic by Twenty Percent
Classic children’s books in a Cambridge University archive will in future be labelled with ‘trigger warnings’ for ‘harmful content relating to slavery, colonialism and racism’. Included: Cat in the Hat, Little House on the Prairie
Woke children's books are dominating the shelves with titles like 'Antiracist Baby'
'You are the problem': AT&T recommends articles for staff stating that white people are racist
“Woke is too kind a word for this story because Scientific American now approves of discrimination based on race and sex. The American Geophysical Union refused to award a prize for excellence in science because all five candidates were white males.”
Critical race theory is more entrenched in public schools than you might think
Finally catching on? Poll shows More Registered Voters Oppose BLM for First Time Since 2018
?? Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol…..”story threatens to shatter the entire official narrative of the “Capitol Breach” and expose yet another dimension of proactive federal involvement in the so-called “insurrection” of January 6th.”
Al Gore: 'Time to say goodbye to coal, oil and gas..'. That would be 79% of US energy consumption.
Must-see TV: Sky News Australia takes on Greta Thunberg
That Dirty Green Energy
Shannon Olsen, 22-year-old Wisconsin newlywed healthcare worker did everything by the proverbial book to live her American dream. Now she’ll live with neurological disorders for the rest of her life. says having only two seizures is a "good day" in the 10 months since second Pfizer mRNA injection.
Nordic science apparently different from CDC science: How Many Vaccine Sciences Are There?
It’s a mystery! 'Hard to know where pandemic relief money went,' admits federal spending watchdog.
Dan Bongino puts his career on the line over vaccine mandates
FINALLY MAKING HEADLINES: Dr. Fauci Used Taxpayer Money to Have Dogs Tortured and Eaten Alive By Parasite-Infected Flies
Why Democrats' Scheme to Tax Unrealized Capital Gains Should Terrify You
Happy Thanksgiving -- if you can afford it
The Obsolete Science Behind Roe v. Wade
America Gone Mad
Mounted Border Patrol Ordered To Replace 'Whips' With Bags Of Money