Saturday, December 25, 2021

op ed review 12/26



Merry Christmas to all!



New York Primary School Bans 'Jingle Bells' over “questionable past”.  First performed at a minstrel show?  Collars on slaves with bells?

Poll: Forget Mrs. Claus — 39% of Britons Think Santa Can Be Gay

Fairness to satanists?:  Baby Satan featured at Illinois state rotunda Christmas display


Manchin killing BBB likely saved US from economic 'disaster,' experts say

Joe Manchin's Christmas gift to America: Killing Build Back Better

Senator Sinema Stops Biden’s Plan To Nationalize Federal Election Laws; Angering Fellow Dems


White House ripped for doomsday winter message of 'severe illness and death' for unvaccinated people

White House Has Dancing Nurses Perform "Christmas Amid a Winter of Death"

As His Presidency Founders, Biden Scapegoats The Unvaccinated

Biden 'Asymptomatic' as He Coughs Through Big Speech on COVID and Snaps at Reporters

CNN questions Biden's cognitive health.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Biden’s Insane Gas Mileage Requirements (reduce car ownership)

NYT Reveals How Ashley Biden's 'Inappropriate Showers With Joe' Diary Made Its Way To Project Veritas

More “fundamental transformation”::Foreign-born population soars to new record under Biden


At least 60 felons charged with violent crimes while out on bond in Chicago in 2021

Boys, 13 and 16, and girl, 14, arrested for 'carjacking Democrat Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon at gunpoint'

U.S. congresswoman carjacked at gunpoint in Philadelphia park.  Quotes from “Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw” (imported from Portland).  ??

U.S. congresswoman carjacked at gunpoint in Philadelphia park

Parents had to step over body of man, 34, as they took their children to elementary school


Democrats don’t believe in science? New Poll Shows the Overwhelming Majority of Democrats Don’t Believe in ‘Natural Immunity’ -

After previously refusing President Trump’s offer of assistance, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot now wants Joe Biden’s help to stem gun violence.

Elizabeth Warren calls Elon Musk a 'freeloader' for not paying enough taxes.  Musk points out that he will pay $11BILLION, the most of anyone ever.


“A Woman Is A Woman, Man Is A Man”: Putin Vows To Protect Russia From West’s “Gender Obscurantism”


Fox News Wins 2021: Crushes CNN & MSNBC in the Ratings


Saudi Arabian 'potential terrorist' nabbed at US-Mexico border; Ties to 'Yemeni subjects of interest, feds say.  How many have gotten away?

Border Patrol Agent advises: 'Utilize Your Second Amendment' for Safety


China ‘outpacing the rest of the world’ in terms of deploying military hardware into space.

Kamala Harris absolves China of responsibility for COVID-19


Trump “the (real) insurrection took place on November 3rd”

‘Populist Potential’: Hedge Fund CEO Plans to Go Full MAGA in Looming PA Senate Bid


Poll Shows Far More Americans Love Capitalism Than Socialism

Who speaks for you? Trump 44%, Biden 31%

Gallup Poll: Economic Confidence Index ‘Worst Since the Great Recession’

CNN poll: Joe Biden's economic performance is worse than Jimmy Carter's


Liking a Facebook Post Could Get Service Members Punished Under Pentagon 'Extremism' Policy


Sen. Joni Ernst's report squealing on wasteful COVID-19 spending


Violent Mexican drug cartels turn Northern California into ‘The Wild West’

Might be a good thing?  Pot Industry in California on Verge of Collapse.


Didn’t learn their lesson:  Salvation Army hosts two-day racial justice forum after racism guide controversy.





The COVID Scam: The Progressive Path to Power, and Tyranny

J. Deane Waldman, M.D.  12/18


Physicians who still practice medicine cannot afford to write or say the following for fear of being canceled.  As a retired physician, I cannot be coerced to keep silent with threats to my medical license or hospital privileges.


COVID-19 is probably the greatest and most successful swindle in history. By comparison, Carlo Ponzi and Bernie Madoff were pikers. The COVID scam has affected most of earth’s 7.8 billion inhabitants, consumed trillions of dollars, and achieved a level of government control unprecedented in modern democracies.


The COVID “pandemic of fear” is a con, perpetrated by those in power to extend and expand their power. Their scheme is simple. Take a new flu-like respiratory virus created in China, COVID-19; tout it as a threat to all human life; suspend (temporarily, of course!) personal liberty and freedom; then justify their tyranny by asserting a need to protect all Americans from death by virus. When the threat recedes, redefine the terms, demand vaccine passports, and booster shots to maintain public fear. As new viral variants evolve such as Delta or Omicron, resume draconian measures including masks and lockdowns, more boosters, and loss of employment if unvaccinated.  Make sure any evidence exposing the scam is labeled “misinformation.” Censor any reports that call into question the accuracy of official narratives. Punish those who question the government or refuse the mandates.


Is COVID a scam, or is it a real danger? Are masks safe? What are the effects of Washington’s anti-COVID policies: medical, political, financial, and social? Does natural immunity protect us? Do medications work?  What does the data show us?


Medical risk. Based on CDC data, the risk of death for children is less than 0.1 percent and for healthy adults less than 0.17 percent. COVID is dangerous only to a small segment of the population: the elderly, diabetics, and the infirm with serious pre-existing medical conditions such as immunocompromise, chronic lung disease, kidney or heart failure, often several of these illnesses in a single patient.


Since the true health risk could never justify the imposition of pseudo-martial law and taking away constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, Washington said COVID was an existential threat to all, like bubonic plague or Ebola.  To provoke public panic, Washington reported “COVID deaths” on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis, claiming a total COVID death toll of more than 790,000. This mortality data is distorted. Only 12 to 23 percent of the deaths were actually due to the virus, based on autopsy data and medical demographics respectively. The majority died primarily because of their pre-existing conditions..


Mask mandates. The Washington swamp mandated lockdowns, social distancing, and wearing face masks, as a demonstration of their power.  It may seem reasonable that masks are protective, but medical data from Sweden, Israel, and U.S. schools suggest otherwise. They don’t protect. Worse, masks may actually be dangerous…..


Effects of Washington policies. The touted benefit of Washington’s COVID mandates is saving lives. The cost of their mandates – lockdowns, PPE, social distancing, and coerced injections – is both staggering and ignored by the feds. Deaths due to social isolation are up, in the elderly as well as teenage suicides. So too are both crime and drug usage. Mental health has declined as have opportunities to learn for school-age children. Economic losses, particularly in small businesses, are massive. Would Americans have accepted such self-destruction if Washington had been truthful about COVID being merely a new flu, dangerous only to a small fraction of the population?


Immune protection. In those with intact immune systems, viral infection first induces protective antibodies and later T-cells and B-cells. Antibodies gradually fade months after the infection, but the T- and B- killer cells retain the memory of the viral signature and provide long-term protection. This is called natural immunity. When enough people have acquired such post-infection (natural) protection, herd immunity stops viral spread.


A natural immune response occurs when the killer cells’ memory sees any one of the numerous viral protein “spikes.” Vaccination with mRNA gene therapy teaches the immune system to identify and respond to only one protein spike. Natural immunity is stronger and more protective than mRNA injection, even with boosters.  The precise number of Americans with natural immunity is grossly underestimated….


Treatment. To maintain the COVID scam, Washington has to ignore, disparage, and even suppress information about treatments for COVID such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and monoclonal antibodies. Otherwise, there is no justification for imposing mandates.


Americans have a bone-deep commitment to individual liberty and freedom. This is apparent from the grassroots activities pushing back against recent authoritarian over-reach, from parents suing school boards over CRT and vaccine mandates for kids to sinking poll numbers for the Biden administration.


With the COVID scam exposed, the following is our call to action.  Recognize what is happening and why. Washington has created a false threat from COVID. The scam is designed to circumvent the Constitution and restore tyranny, this time by the professional political class rather than an aristocracy.  Resist Washington’s power-grab. Wear a face mask or don’t: you choose. Spend your money at businesses that reject Washington mandates. Use the courts to push back against federal overreach and illegal orders.


Reject self-styled medical authorities with megalomaniacal statements like “I represent science,” as though other physicians’ studies or experience aren’t real science. When bureaucrat-MDs like Anthony Fauci tell Americans what reports and data they cannot see, reject such censorship. When President Biden orders you to inject yourself with experimental gene therapy (mRNA), reject his instructions. Decide for yourself.  Also reject news outlets and social media that support Washington’s scam, viz., New York Times, Washington Post, CNN; and YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Republish studies labeled “misinformation,” denigrated, downplayed, or outright censored. A Google search for the Great Barrington Declaration produced: “This site can’t be reached.”  Replace government officials who support and encourage the federal scam. Use the ballot box at all levels, from president, congress, governors, and state representatives to your local school board and city council. 


Progressive Democrats, temporarily in control of both Congress and the White House, are engaged in realpolitik, German for practical politics. Realpolitik is a system of decision-making focused solely on increasing one’s power with no regard for ethics, morality, or effect on others. The COVID scam may be their greatest ploy as they move forward on their Path to Power and the resumption of tyranny.


Is Hillary Clinton Suggesting Civil War?  Is she calling for “insurrection”?




Tucker Carlson: Biden's southern border policy may be the most destructive thing any administration has done




Three Retired Generals demand that the military purge the ranks of Trump supporters and prepare for a military coup to block a future contested election. ???

Navy unveils maternity uniform for expecting sailors for 2022


Woke Chicago Lutheran church invites newly-ordained pastor to hold drag queen story hour for kids

All-Female School Abandons 'She' and 'Her' for Something More 'Inclusive'


Soros  DA Larry Krasner's office in chaos after 261 attorneys quit during his first term.


Woke side story Spielberg’s Politically Correct “West Side Story” Flops With Audiences.


“Leftwing Journalists Predict Trump Indictment Soon”


Professor Denounces Hiking and Fishing's Racist White Dominance


Minnesota School Board Votes to Provide Extra Pay to Non-White Teachers


Washington Post Shocker: Greatest Generation cancelled because “Some WW II Soldiers Were Racist”


Are liberal cities racist?  'If White Children Start Getting Shot in Drive-Bys,' 'Crime Wave' Would Be Turned Around’


“Socialist in Seattle” survives recall election….is more dangerous than ever.  “To rally the troops, Sawant baselessly claimed she was the victim of a "racist, right-wing campaign" in a city that had only eight percent Trump voters in the last election. The leader of the recall effort was actually a progressive constituent who is sick of Sawant’s divisive, self-serving brand.”




Omicron has killed the same number of people in the US as Alec Baldwin’s gun.  but CDC’s Walensky Refuses To Call Omicron ‘Mild’ In Interview With Fox’s Bret Baier.

Covid: Omicron has 80% lower risk of hospitalization, new study shows

South Africa eases COVID rules as population gains immunity


Natural Immunity Works Better Than COVID Vaccines: New England Journal of Medicine


Is COVID Now Becoming a Pandemic of the Vaccinated?


Did Dismissals of Safe Outpatient Drugs Cause Needless Covid Deaths? Dissenting Doctors Say Yes


Stanford author of the Great Barrington Declaration says  “We Cannot Stop the Spread of COVID, but We Can End the Pandemic”


Secret Service: Nearly $100B stolen in pandemic relief funds.

One Former Olympic speedskater alone falsely obtained $10M in COVID-19 relief.


RFK Jr.: Reporter Found Monument to Dead Orphans from Fauci’s AIDS drug trials  in the 80’s.  “Anthony Fauci is America’s Joseph Mengele for what he did to poor orphan minority kids in the 1980’s”




VDH  Why Would Hispanics Drop the Left?


Schlichter:  America's Christmas Present Is All the Democrats' Dreams Dying


What Do We Do with the FBI Now?


Sen. Cotton editorial:  “Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor”


Archbishop Vigano’s startling warning to the American people  DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR  FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance…..”




White House Sends Out Christmas Cards With Heartfelt Message, 'You Will Get Sick And Die This Winter'


Elon Musk Harpoons Warren, the Woke Mind, CNN in Superb Babylon Bee Interview

Musk Says He's "Not Perverted Enough" To Be on CNN  😊




Did Chevrolet Have to Make America Cry With Its New Christmas Ad?

Here it is, "Holiday Ride”.   Have a box of Kleenex nearby.


Video: Second Amendment Works - He Thought He Was Going To Walk Out With Free Stuff, She And Her Firearm Had Another Idea


Judge Jeanine offers damning Nancy Pelosi-inspired rendition of Dicken's classic, 'A Christmas Carol'


“A jaw-droppingly beautiful Christmas carol from ... The Monkees?  “It's extraordinary. The pitch and harmony are flawless, and according to the twitter commentators below the tweet, the unexpected group that did it, the 1960s pop rock band, The Monkees, did it in one take.”    1556 Spanish Christmas carol called Ríu Ríu Chíu, sung in old Spanish.



The Op-Ed Review is a compilation of the week’s news and opinions of interest to the conservative activist. I follow a variety of news sources and note what I think are the important events of the week that may be underreported in the mainstream dia. I also read about 50 syndicated op-ed columns each week and reprint part of what I think is the best one. The goal is to help the reader be a more effective activist for the conservative cause. If you would like to receive this as an e-mail each weekend, click here to drop  a note. mailto:garyfoss3@comcast.netGary Foss 47th District Republicans


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