op ed review 11/23
More “transformation of America”: Obama announces amnesty for millions illegal
immigrants “It is so ordered”
Obama’s unilateral amnesty will add as many foreign workers to the
nation’s legal labor force as the total number of new jobs created by his
economy since 2009.
House Speaker
Boehner responded, saying that the president has not only refused to listen to
the American people, but in doing so has sabotaged efforts to enact immigration
legislation, punished those who have obeyed the law, and encouraged others to
come here illegally, putting their lives at risk. Boehner pledged that the House would take
action to protect the rule of law and the Constitution in the face of what the
president himself has described as the actions of an “emperor.”
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that he is
filing a lawsuit against President Obama for the executive action he is taking
on immigration.
Texas leaders are united in opposition and ready to battle
President Barack Obama over his unilateral attempt to protect millions of
illegal immigrants from being deported.
The Associated Press fact-checked President Obama’s
statements about the unilateral actions he's taking on immigration and found
many “omissions” (lies). Here’s just one:
Obama: "Although this summer, there was a brief spike in
unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such
children is now actually lower than it's been in nearly two years." THE
FACTS:…..it was more than a "brief spike."…in 2011 it was 16,000
children. In 2012, it was 24,000 children, in 2013 it was 38,800. In the last
budget year, more than 68,361 children were apprehended crossing the border.
100,000 more illegals
are expected next year to flood over the U.S.-Mexico border.
Last week, on a Friday no less, Joe Biden executed a full
usurpation of immigration law that had nothing to do with Presidential
Executive Orders. Vice-President Joe
Biden announced the latest White House scheme, setting the table for a massive,
economy-crushing influx of dependent people from Honduras, Guatemala and El
Salvador – yet few were paying attention.
In his 2006 autobiography entitled “The Audacity of Hope:
Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream,” then-Senator Barack Obama argued
that an influx of illegal immigrants into the United States “threatens to
depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and puts strains on an
already overburdened safety net.”
Obama once warned that executive action on immigration would
amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”
The United States now ranks below 20 other countries on
“personal freedom”. Citizens of countries including France, Uruguay, and Costa
Rica now feel that they enjoy more personal freedom than Americans.
Germany is now the
world's favorite country, knocking the United States from its longtime perch at
the top of the ratings, which measure
"twenty-three different attributes that make up the six overall dimensions
on which national image is based."
Senate Democrats filibustered the Keystone XL pipeline on
Tuesday, in a vote that reverberated from Louisiana, where a key democratic senator’s
career is now likely doomed, to the broader national Democratic Party, where
environmentalists have emerged triumphant in a divisive internal battle with
labor unions. “(Democrats) have lost their way, their purpose and their base,”
said the President of the Laborers’ International Union of North America.
Two Protestant pastors, concerned about rapidly-changing
government definitions of marriage, have started a movement encouraging priests
and ministers to refuse to perform civil marriages.
In addition to the five terrorists traded for Sgt. Bowe
Bergdahl, the :Pentagon also paid a ransom, which ended up being stolen by an
Afghan con man.
Outrageous: Race
baiting Attorney General Eric Holder likens the shooting of Michael Brown to
the 1955 murder of Emmett Till after an event where a tree was planted in
Till´s memory on Capitol Hill.
“Mike Brown Body Lays
In Unmarked Grave As Parents Jet Set Around Making Money off His Death…”
MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber, the Obamacare architect who
bragged about deceiving the “stupid” American people to secure passage of
Obamacare, has been paid an estimated $5.2 million by the federal government
and 12 state governments for consulting services to assist in the design and
implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
The videos Democrats never wanted to see keep coming. A day
after President Obama tried to distance himself from a top health-care
architect who said voter “stupidity” led to ObamaCare’s passage, a video
surfaced of Obama praising the offensive professor for his bright ideas.
Keystone stuck at 59 votes
Just as school boards across the country scramble to meet
new federal limits for punishing black students, Obama´s educrats now want them
to hit racial quotas for academic performance, too….Breathtaking in its scope,
the 37-page edict warns school boards that they have to reach the same equity,
based on "disparate impact" statistics, in: 1) advanced placement
courses; 2) gifted and talented programs, 3) distribution of funds, 4) school
facilities; 5) technology; and, 6) teacher talent, experience and
diversity. Those who don't get their
numbers right risk forfeiting federal funding and being investigated for
John Hinderaker 12/21
“On Obama’s Illegal Usurpation, Jeff Sessions Speaks For Us”
We will have more to say about President Obama’s
unconstitutional nullification of the nation’s immigration laws in the days to
come; likely, before the night is over. But for now, let’s quote Senator Jeff
Sessions, who has been the hero on this issue for a long time. Better than
anyone else, Sessions has drawn the connection between the open borders
movement that is supported by business magnates and those who live in gated
communities, and American workers who are already suffering, and whose wages
will be driven down by mass immigration of low-skilled workers. Which is the
whole point, if you are the Chamber of Commerce:
“President Obama’s executive amnesty violates the laws
Congress has passed in order to create and implement laws Congress has refused
to pass. The President is providing an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants
with social security numbers, photo IDs and work permits—allowing them to now
take jobs directly from struggling Americans during a time of record
immigration, low wages, and high joblessness. This amnesty plan was
rejected by the American people’s Congress. By refusing to carry out the laws
of the United States in order to make his own, the President is endangering our
entire Constitutional order.”
We can’t say it too often: under Article II of the
Constitution, the President’s most fundamental duty is to “take care that the
laws be faithfully executed.” Barack Obama has made a mockery of his oath of
office. He is a scofflaw.
“The President’s plan will apparently also allow many
illegal immigrants to receive green cards and become legal permanent
residents—meaning they can access almost all U.S. welfare programs, have
lifetime work authorization, obtain citizenship, and sponsor foreign relatives
to join them in the U.S.”
I didn’t listen to Obama tonight–duty has its limits–but I’m
pretty sure he didn’t mention welfare or chain immigration.
“Law enforcement has warned this unprecedented amnesty will
unleash a “tidal wave” of new illegal immigration flooding into American
neighborhoods at taxpayers’ expense. The President’s plan also calls for
boosting foreign worker programs for IT companies that experts tell us displace
U.S. workers and keep wages low. The President’s unconstitutional action is a
direct threat to our republican system of government and will have catastrophic
consequences for the American people. It must be stopped. And the way to stop
it is by using Congress’ power of the purse. The House should send the Senate a
government funding bill which ensures no funds can be spent for this unlawful
purpose. If Reid’s Senate Democrats vote to surrender their own institution to
an imperial dictate and block the measure, then the House should send a
short-term funding measure so the new GOP majority can be sworn in and pass a
funding bill with the needed language. Congress has no higher duty than to
protect the American people and our Constitution. The President’s action is a threat
to every working person in this country—their jobs, wages, dreams, hopes and
futures. For years, the American people have begged and pleaded for a lawful
system of immigration that serves the nation and makes us proud—but the
politicians have refused, refused, refused. It is time to stand strong
for the American people. It is time to champion the interests of those
constantly neglected on the question of immigration: the men and women and
children we represent—the citizens of this country to whom we owe our ultimate
allegiance. Every American must ask their Senator where they stand.”
That is, of course, the bottom line: to whom does our
federal government owe its loyalty? To Americans who are struggling in the
evolving world economy, made worse by the current administration’s inept
economic policies? Or to citizens of Mexico, Honduras and other nations, who
already have a home but–understandably!–would prefer to take their chances in
the U.S.? It seems obvious to me that the President of the United States owes a
fiduciary duty, not to human beings generally, wherever they may reside and of
whatever country they already are citizens, but rather to Americans.
But that is not how Barack Obama sees it. Worse, he is
willing to act in an obviously unconstitutional manner, not to benefit
Americans, but to benefit citizens of other countries. It is hard to imagine a
worse betrayal of his oath of office.
“This week, America held its collective breath as it waited
on the grand jury indictment verdict for Officer Darren Wilson. … [F]acts do
not matter to those attempting to rectify what they perceive as an unjust
universe. … Wilson was a white cop; therefore, he was the Racist White
Establishment. Brown was a black teenager; therefore, he was the Innocent Black
Victim. The parts have already been written; Wilson was merely unlucky enough
to land the starring role. And so we expect riots no matter what the outcome of
the indictment. Should Wilson escape indictment due to complete lack of
evidence, the utopians and their rioting henchmen will attribute that acquittal
to the Racist White Establishment. Should he be indicted, the utopians and
their rioting henchmen will cite Wilson as merely the latest example of the
Racist White Establishment. … [A] society that doesn’t value truth cannot
Clint Eastwood’s “Sniper”
"This lefty (Academy
Awards) crowd isn't going to gather around a Navy SEAL best known for killing
The Communist Party USA handed out leaflets at Saint Louis
University on Wednesday. The Communists urged students to “take AmeriKKKa if
the murdering pig walks.”
1,360 cold weather records broken in one week!
Record snowfall in Michigan for November…..The previous
record of 28.2 inches was set in 1895.
Between 3 and 6 feet of snow and plunging temperatures sets
records in New York.
Environmentalists bundled up to withstand the frigid blast
of Arctic weather to protest against Democrats who have pledged to vote in
favor of the $8 billion Keystone XL pipeline.
Two Palestinians
armed with a meat cleaver and a gun killed four people in a Jerusalem synagogue
on Tuesday. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip celebrate by handed out candy and
brandished axes in praise of the deadly attack.
“The reason President Obama and his handmaidens of despotism
cannot say how many illegals they are going to legalize is because they haven’t
yet figured out how many they need. Literally, they need to add up exactly how
many illegals they need in Texas to shut those loud and rowdy Texans up once
and for all. And Florida — how many do they need to get that Election Night
nail-biter solidly into the Democrat column? And what about Ohio? If the
Democrats could just shut down all that plain, middle-America, common-sense
spewing from all those bowling alleys and karaoke bars, then they could have a
fairly iron grip on this country for a long, long time….”
“On November 4, in a healthy exercise of democracy, voters
around the country registered their dismay with the governing party and swept
them out of power in Congress and in scores of state legislatures. Yet, this
president is not only refusing to respect the results of the election, he is
thumbing his nose at the Constitution itself.”
Just a few years ago, a prominent national Democrat (guess who)
firmly and unequivocally rejected the idea that the president of the United
States could singlehandedly enact an amnesty program for millions of illegal
immigrants. In 2011, for example, this Democrat reminded us that “there are
laws on the books that Congress has passed,” and that therefore it would not be
permissible for the president to “suspend deportations through executive
order.” In 2013, this same Democrat noted that granting a unilateral amnesty
for adults residing in our country illegally was “not an option,” because it
would amount to “ignoring the law.”
Caught on Camera: Obama Called Exec Immigration Action Illegal… 25 Times!
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Monday encouraged the
GOP´s newest members of Congress to “embrace compromise.”
How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico.
The Internal Revenue Service, which claims to be so
understaffed that it can’t bother to collect unpaid taxes or search backup
tapes for Lois Lerner’s “missing” e-mails, apparently has plenty of time to
read the comment threads on conservative blogs that have been critical of the
VDH: "The last
but long gasp of the Obama administration is characterized not so much by
deceit and incompetence as by growing chaos. Everything appears to be coming
Obama Then vs Obama Now - a Montage of On-Camera
Kleenex story: Soldier
reunited with the dog that saved his life.
“I bet you can’t handle this much Gruber in one sitting”
Under Obama, U.S. personal freedom ranking slips below France
“[T]he people are always most in
danger when the means of injuring their rights are in the possession of those
of whom they entertain the least suspicion.”
–Alexander Hamilton,
Federalist No. 25