op ed review 10/30
FBI reopens Clinton probe after new emails found in Anthony
Weiner case.
Trump Has 2-Point Edge in Bloomberg Politics Poll of Florida
WAPO: Donald Trump
has gained on Hillary Clinton during the past week, according to a
new Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll, solidifying support among core
Republican groups as well as political independents.
artificial intelligence system that correctly predicted the last three U.S.
presidential elections puts Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of Democrat rival Hillary
Clinton in the race for the
White House.
Texas Agriculture Commissioner on FOX News Wednesday discussing
the record breaking voter turnout for Donald Trump in the Lone Star State.
The eighth Congressional District of Minnesota is a working
class area that has voted for a Democrat in the last four Presidential
elections. Usually, a Democrat Presidential candidate would win. But a recent
poll held a shock: Trump is beating Hillary by 12 points.
Trump cuts Clinton lead in half in Fox News poll
abuses those who protect her: “One of my
last details was for Hillary when she was Secretary of State….I helped with K9 sweeps
of her DV quarters and staff vehicles. Her words to me? Get that f***ing dog
away from me.” ‘Happens every day, Brother…Hillary doesn’t care about anyone
but Hillary.” “Stay the f*** back, stay the f*** away from me!” the then-–First
Lady screamed at her Secret Service agents. “Don’t come within ten yards of me,
or else! Just f***ing do as I say, okay!!?” Clinton demanded, according to
former FBI agent Gary Aldrich’s Unlimited Access, page 139. “If you want to
remain on this detail, get your f***ing ass over here and grab those bags!”….”Clinton
so abused the chopper’s crew that they christened it Broomstick One.”
“The goal of this website is to open the eyes of the
American public to the corruption that is Hillary Clinton. This list will be
updated every day with new leaks until the election.
Wikileaks is teaching us all about the Clintons:
Dirty tricks operative Robert Creamer participated in daily
calls with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and worked directly with President Obama
to organize “issue campaigns.”
Clinton Camp Crafted Fundraising Pitch, ‘She Will Lock In A
Very Young Liberal (Supreme) Court for Many Decades to Come’
Democratic Party memo demands an "oversampling"
plan for rigging polls of all the demographic districts in the country to exaggerate
support for Hillary.
Leaked Clinton Internal Document: “Discourage Trump Supporters
with Bogus Polls and Declaring Election Over”
The Clinton campaign’s attacks on Trump for his comments
about a beauty queen’s weight problems were carefully planned for months.
Clinton Campaign Talked About ´Trump Swift Boat Project´ 8
Months Ago
A close aide to Bill Clinton arranged for $50 million in
payments for the former president, part of a complicated mingling of lucrative
business deals and charity work of the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Clinton did not disclose ‘expensive gifts,’ free
vacations, and complimentary private jet travel her family received from
business interests while she was at the State Department
Cast as a grassroots Republican movement for Hillary, most
of the money for "Republicans for Clinton" is actually coming from a
key Democrat and co-founder of Facebook.
“……removes any doubt
that the (Clnton) Foundation is little more than an unregistered super PAC
working on the Clintons’ behalf.
How she bought the FBI:
Hillary headlined a major fundraiser for a political action committee
shortly before the group steered nearly $500,000 to the wife of the FBI
official who managed her email investigation,
It is conceivable that if Hillary Clinton is elected she could
nominate Obama to the Supreme Court. When asked by a supporter about it she
said: “Wow, what a great idea!”
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is declining to comply with
an investigation by leading members of Congress about the Obama
administration’s secret efforts to send Iran $1.7 billion in cash earlier this
year, effectively “pleaded the Fifth” to avoid incriminating herself over these
A guest who stayed overnight in the White House and was present
during a discussion of Hillary’s health, reveals that the Obamas think Hillary’s
health is so fragile she has relied on stimulant drugs during her campaign
rallies and three debates with Donald Trump.
“Mass spikes of people crossing the border….told if Hillary
is elected there will be amnesty, if Trump wins the border will be closed.”
275,000 born to illegals in one year, would fill city the
size of Orlando
Border Patrol Agent: Admin Treats Crossings 'Like Traffic
In 2012 the Obama Administration granted temporary legal
status to close to 750,000 illegal immigrants under the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Now they are going door-to-door campaigning
on behalf of Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.
An illegal immigrant, protected by a sanctuary city, who has
been deported five times, sparks a $61M fire in national forest
The nation’s largest Catholic university told a group of
pro-life students that it could not display posters reading “Unborn Lives
Matter,” lest they provoke the Black Lives Matter movement.
Investor’s Business Daily
Hillary Clinton must be glad the election is only 11 days
away, because every day we learn more about the depth of sleaze and corruption
of the Clinton Foundation.The Foundation has been under suspicion for more than
a year for being a "pay to play" operation while Hillary was
Secretary of State, in which governments and big wigs gave money to the
Clinton's charity in exchange for access or favors from the State Department.
One of the defenses mounted against such criticisms is that
the Clinton's never personally benefitted from the Clinton Foundation.
"They get no money from it, they take no personal benefit from it,"
is how Clinton defender Hilary Rosen put it. But now we know that this, too, is
A 13-page memo written in late 2011 by Douglas Band
describes work he'd done to raise money for the foundation, and how he pushed
foundation donors to cough up big bucks for Bill in addition to the money they
gave his so-called charity. Band perfectly described this as "Bill Clinton
In one case, Band notes how his business partner, Declan
Kelly, got financial services giant UBS to donate money to the foundation and
"invite President Clinton to give several paid speeches." Elsewhere
in the memo, Band notes that UBS paid Clinton $900,000 for two speeches that
year. He goes on to detail how the Dubai-based GEMS Education gave $780,000 to
the foundation and how "that relationship has growth into a business
relationship for President Clinton."
Then there's Laureate International Universities, the
scandal-plagued for-profit college that gave more than $1.4 million to the
foundation. This "evolved into a personal advisory services business
relationship for President Clinton," in which Clinton got paid $3.5
million a year to serve as the company's honorary chairman. While Secretary of
State, Hillary pushed to get Laureate executive Doug Becker on the guest list
of an official State Department dinner.
In a separate email released by WikiLeaks, Band complains
that while he had to sign a conflict-of-interest as a board member of the
foundation, Bill "does not have to sign such a document even though he is
personally paid by 3 (foundation) sponsors, gets many expensive gives from
them." Band writes that he "could add 500 different examples of
things like this." The contents of Band's memo were shocking
enough that even the mainstream press sat up and took notice. "What the
memo makes clear is how inseparable the Clinton Foundation was to business
interests" of Clinton's, noted NBC News' Chuck Todd.
Then there was the other batch of emails released a few days
ago that show how Hillary Clinton had promised to attend a Clinton Foundation
event in Morocco in exchange for Morocco dumping $12 million into the
foundation. Clinton ended up not going, but only because her aides worried
about how it might look, her giving a speech in a country known for egregious
human rights violations just as she was announcing her presidential run.
Clinton aide Huma Abedin complained that Clinton "created this mess and
she knows it." Even the leftist Huffington Post had to admit that this was
a "brutal, clean hit on Hillary Clinton's campaign."
We noted in this space previously that after examining the
Clinton Foundation's dealings for more than a year, Wall Street analyst Charles
Ortel described it a "case study in international charity fraud, of
mammoth proportions."
From the sleazy Whitewater land deal in Arkansas to
Hillary's miraculous returns on cattle futures all the way up to today, the
Clinton's have proved themselves to be sleazy money-grubbing hypocrites who
lack any sort of ethical compass. God help the country if she and Bill get the
chance to bring Clinton Inc. back into the White House.
“The Democrats promised something very unlikely: That we’d
provide more health-care coverage for more people and spend less money doing it
— and that the typical annual health-insurance premium for an American family
would decline substantially, by an average of $2,500 a year. The opposite is
happening: Premium prices have gone up, and they are expected to go up by [an
average of] 25 percent in the coming year. … Is there another product you use
the price of which increases at that rate, or anything like that rate?”
-Kevin Williamson
The Family Policy Institute Voter Guide has layers of info,
if you click on the candidate name – endorsements, donors, questionnaire, etc.
KTTH voters guide:
Todd Herman’s guide:
Pastor Joe’s picks:
Another strategy is to look at the progressive voters’ guide
and vote the opposite.
The growing national debate over whether to liberalize
marijuana laws is being bankrolled by a handful of billionaires and
A new report from the Government Accountability Institute
(GAI) concludes that the Obama administration’s Department of Justice has been
extorting fines from major banks, which are then used to fund leftist groups
that push the Democratic vote.
Throughout this election cycle, Hillary Clinton has insisted
that she doesn’t favor single-payer health care. Prepare yourself for a shock —
she’s lying. As early as 1994, she described the future of our medical delivery
system thus: “I think the momentum for a single-payer system will sweep the
country … if it’s not successful the first time, it will eventually be.”
A Retired FBI Agent Addresses James Comey on the Hillary
Clinton Investigation
Debunking the Vicious False Narratives against Donald Trump
A (Dirty) Laundry List Of The Clinton Foundation’s Most
Questionable Foreign Donations
Cashill: Think You Know How Bad the
Clintons Are?
Search Wikileaks yourself:
How mega-donors helped raise $1 billion for Hillary Clinton
A new digital conservative TV channel called CRTV is
launching this December that will be featuring Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin and
Mark Steyn.
Photos: Christ´s
Burial Place Exposed for First Time in Centuries
“We may look up to Armies for Defence, but Virtue is our
best Security. It is not possible that any state should long remain free, where
Virtue is not supremely honord.”
-Samuel Adams (1775)