op ed review 5/27
Americans are more than twice as likely to identify
themselves as conservative rather than liberal on economic issues, 46% to 20%.
The gap is narrower on social issues, but conservatives still outnumber
liberals, 38% to 28%.
Forty-three Catholic dioceses and organizations across the
country have announced religious liberty lawsuits against the federal
government to challenge the Obama administration’s contraception mandate.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington, D.C.,
said in an open letter that the Obama administration would not have considered
the work of Mother Teresa as "religious" and thus would not have
exempted her charitable organizations from a new federal regulation, issued
under Obamacare, that will force Catholics to act against their faith.
"Under the mandate, even the work of Mother Teresa wouldn't be qualified
as religious," said Cardinal Wuerl in a video.
There seems to be a
media blackout: ABC World News and NBC
Nightly News have given the lawsuit no coverage, and CBS Evening news had 19
seconds of coverage
Their agenda: spend millions on expensive alternative
biofuels. Invest even more in undeveloped “green” technology. Prepare for the
melting of the polar ice caps brought on by climate change. Some aggressive and
well-funded environmentalist group? Nope. It’s the U.S. military.
Federal Priorities: A new report shows we have spent $70
billion on climate change since 2008 while our strapped military is ordered to
become energy-efficient. Imagine weapons that don't harm the environment. Sen.
James Inhofe, R-Okla., took to the Senate floor Thursday to decry the green
agenda being imposed on the military by the Obama administration at the same
time the defense budget is being sacrificed on the altar of runaway deficit
Americans are nearly twice as likely to say they've gotten
financially worse off as better off since Obama became president, according to
a new poll.
Mitt Romney will be joined in Las Vegas next week by two of his backers:
former candidate Newt Gingrich and reality television star Donald Trump.
Somewhere Osama is smiling: A New York City elementary
school will require that students study Arabic.
Barack Obama's literary agents were still listing the U.S
President's birthplace as Kenya
in their online author bios two months after he first announced his run for president
in 2007. Viewed on web.archive.org the April 3rd 2007 listing from Acton &
Dystel for Mr Obama still touts the then-Democratic junior senator from Illinois as 'born in Kenya'.
Maricopa County Sheriff
Joe Arpaio has dispatched his lead Cold Case Posse investigator and a deputy
detective to Hawaii.
The mission to Obama’s purported birthplace comes as the Hawaii Department of
Health continues to resist efforts by Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett to
verify that the Honolulu
agency has a valid birth certificate on file for Obama
Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor at Hope Christian
Church, is leading a coalition of 176 religious leaders against President
Barack Obama’s declared support for gay marriage and the repeal of the Defense
of Marriage Act.
In the last three weeks, she has sparred on national
television with Democrats over Republican policies toward women, been called a
"lying mouthpiece" by a liberal blog, and chided former House speaker
Nancy Pelosi. In recent months Republican Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers has become one of her party's
chief counter-punchers to criticism from Democrats.
An education advocacy group that typically supports
Democrats endorsed Republican Rob McKenna for governor on Friday, saying he has
concrete proposals that would improve outcomes for students. Stand for Children
Washington said McKenna was aligned with the group's policy goals. He drew the
support of board member Jennifer Vranek, a lifelong Democrat who acknowledged
struggling with the decision to back McKenna.
When bald eagles confront danger, most normal Americans
would leap to preserve, protect and defend America’s national symbol. But Team
Obama’s response is different: It wants to give wind-power companies long-term
permits to butcher bald eagles on the altar of green energy….“Lethal take” is
Washington-speak for “federally approved eagle slaughter”
Stella Paul 5/21
The other day, I called a friend and interrupted her
mid-cry. She'd just returned from putting her only son on a plane to China, where he
was moving after giving up on getting a job here. The next day in the
supermarket, I bumped into another friend, looking downcast. She told me her
only son was planning his move to Hong Kong,
after a fruitless year-long search for a job in the financial sector. "Obama's
destroying the economy," she told me; then she looked nervously around at
our hyper-Blue State neighbors. "I feel like I have to whisper, or
they're going to come and arrest me."
Welcome to Obama's America 2012, a joy-free zone in which
the best and brightest youth are flocking to a Communist dictatorship, because
they see more hope of economic opportunity there.
With 1 out of 2 recent college graduates out of work, the
future leaders of the nation are hanging out in Mom's basement, enjoying their
parents' health insurance coverage, while nodding off in a government-induced
But many of the most driven, entrepreneurial types -- the
kind of unstoppable hustlers who built America -- are bolting and may
never return. Why should they when they might land a fine job with that
quintessential American company, Procter & Gamble? Its beauty unit is
slamming the door on Ohio, and moving its
headquarters to Singapore.
Or maybe they'll get a piece of Eduardo Saverin's next
venture. He's the billionaire co-founder of Facebook who just tore up his U.S.
citizenship. Back in the halcyon pre-Obama days, Saverin emigrated here from Brazil, looking
for opportunity. Well, he found it -- and now he's following it to Singapore.
Ah yes, it's the glorious age of Hope and Change -- when
Americans are renouncing their citizenship faster than Obama can grab cash at a
George Clooney fundraiser. In 2011, a record 1,789 Americans gave up their US citizenship,
exceeding the totals from 2007, 2008 and 2009 combined. But even though America
is bleeding jobs and draining brains, talent, and opportunity, don't let Obama
hear you complain. The man gets very mad when you don't genuflect to his hokum.
And if you make a big donation to Romney, expect O's wrath to pour down upon
your cranium good and hard.
The Wall Street Journal tells us that Obama's campaign
website publicly names and shames eight private citizens who gave to
Romney. The president's website accuses these new public enemies of
living "on the wrong side of the law," where they reap illicit
profits at "the expense of so many Americans, " thereby earning
"less-than-reputable records." After Obama denounced Romney donor
Frank VanderSloot of Idaho Falls,
Idaho, something rather curious
happened. Michael Wolf, a former Democratic law clerk from the Senate Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations, began trolling through VanderSloot's divorce
records. What a coincidence!
Yes, for the crime of donating to Obama's opponent, Frank
VanderSloot is getting the full Roto-Rooter treatment, just like Joe the
Plumber. Remember Joe?
When candidate Obama inconveniently told Joe that he wanted
to "spread the wealth," Joe quickly became a target. Helen
Jones-Kelley, head of Ohio's
Department of Jobs and Family Services, authorized searches of confidential state
databases, looking for Joe's child support and unemployment records. Obey
Obama, comrades, or pay the price!
But don't worry. I'm writing this very softly so Obama can't
hear. Because just between you and me, I want to ask: If Obama is pushing
out our best and brightest entrepreneurs to distant shores, who's he pulling
in? Well, here's an interesting fact: a new survey reveals that the number of
Muslims in the U.S.
has soared 67% since the 9/11 attacks. Thanks to our State Department's
massive importation of Muslim immigrants, Islam is now the fastest growing
religion in America,
up from 1 million in 2000 to 2.6 million today.
What could possibly go wrong? Don't you trust the State
Department to sift out wretched refuse like the Times Square bomber, and the
convicted plotters against Fort Dix, the New
York subway system, and JFK airport? Driving out
wealth creators and importing potential destroyers may seem like national
suicide, but it's a winning formula for mansion-dwelling, Marxist
politicians. Just ask François ("3 Homes on the Riviera") Hollande,
who catapulted into the French presidency by garnishing 93% of the Muslim
Now France's
successful citizens are stampeding out the door, desperate to get to England, Israel, or anywhere outside his
sticky clutches. And that means more votes for François next time around!
Meanwhile, back in the former land of the free, Obama plays the same cynical
game, intimidating and threatening opponents, so that even a frightened mother
in the supermarket feels like she has to whisper.
But a million whispers sounds like a roar. Let's roar.
"Well, that didn't take long. No sooner had the idea
surfaced in the house organ of the Obama reelection campaign -- that would be
the New York Times -- that a Romney super PAC funded by conservative
billionaire Joe Ricketts was contemplating attack ads centered on the
president's now-you-see-it, now-you-don't relationship with his 'controversial'
pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, he of 'God d--- America' fame, than it got
shot down in one news cycle by both Romney and Ricketts, with an obligatory
cameo appearance by John McCain. Even by Stupid Party standards, it was an
impressive display of preemptive surrender. I can see why Romney 'repudiated'
the effort; so far, so boilerplate for a cautious candidate like Mitt, who's
clearly going to run on an above-the-fray, 'I can fix this mess' campaign, and
leave the gut-punching to others. But it doesn't help to allay the fears of
conservatives who were appalled by the 'honorable campaign' of 2008 that Romney
doesn't yet realize the mortal threat Obamaism poses, not simply to the economy
but to the nature of the nation. The malevolent phoniness of 'hope and change'
was evident to some of us from the moment it began, and McCain's campaign's
blanket proscription against calling it by name was the real reason he lost so
badly. ... If the Right accepts the liberals' definition of 'negative
campaigning' as simply telling the truth about them, we might as well go home."
-Michael Walsh
Islamists say the Koran is destined to rule America. In
fact, the Muslim takeover of the White House is not just an unfolding action
plan but a directive from Muhammad himself. In an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This
Week,” British radical Muslim activist Anjem Choudary made clear what he and
his Islamist brothers have planned for the West. “We do believe, as Muslims,
the East and the West will one day be governed by the Shariah,” he said.
“Indeed, we believe that one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White
House.” Last week, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the
leading proponent of global Shariah law, held a conference on “Islam and
Muslims in America” in
cooperation with the American Islamic College in Chicago. OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin
Ihsanoglu called on Muslims in the United States to become involved in
all aspects of American life, including local and national politics.
A Pakistani surgeon and senior medical administrator, Dr.
Shakil Afridi, who apparently helped the CIA in finding Bin Laden, has been
sentenced by a Pakistani tribal court to 33 years imprisonment for this crime,
and fined 320,000 rupees…..It is a statement so obvious as to be hardly worth
making that playing a part in bringing one of the worst mass-murderers in
history to justice, if true, should be a matter of reward, rather than a
Draconian punishment which if it is carried out must mean a completely ruined
New book on Obama’s high school days: “Barry was quite the accomplished
marijuana enthusiast back in high school and college. Excerpts from David
Maraniss' “Barack Obama:
The Story” dealing with the elaborate drug culture surrounding the
president when he attended Punahou School in Honolulu and
Occidental College
in Los Angeles.
He inhaled. A lot.
Chilling Story: “The
night I could have been killed because of my blogging” The man behind this
terrorism: a leftist convicted felon
named Brett Kimberlin, whose non-profit group is funded by George Soros, Teresa
Heinz-Kerry, Barbra Streisand.
Like a Seurat painting or a pixilated photograph coming into
focus, there are now enough tiny dots of independent data to begin to form a
preliminary picture of Barack Obama’s re-election effort — and the emerging
image is bleak. Tuesday night, two more Democratic primaries brought bad news
to the sitting Democratic president. More than four of every 10 Democrats who
went to the polls in Arkansas and Kentucky voted against
him. Obama was able to secure only 58 percent of the primary vote in each
state. This follows the 41 percent showing in the West Virginia primary
Republican freshmen thrive in primaries
In football, they sometimes refer to the cheerleading and
noise from the fans as the “twelfth man” on the (normally eleven-man) team. The
media are revving themselves up to be Obama’s twelfth man, and the time is
coming for Romney to call them on it, with passion.
Show of hands: Who here still thinks Vice President Joseph
R. Biden will be on the 2012 ticket? Really? All of you? So wrong. The Great
One, Sir Barack Hussein Obama, will replace the bumbling, buffoonish Mr. Biden
with Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, maybe at the Democratic convention, maybe
just before, in a last-ditch effort to win re-election. The wild and crazy move
is all the talk outside the Beltway. One state Democratic leader even tells me
the bumper stickers are already printed, sitting in a warehouse in (where
else?) Little Rock, Ark. Another party bigwig says she is “99.9
percent sure” the increasingly desperate president planned the whole thing from
the beginning. (“C’mon, Hill, be Secretary of State for one term and I’ll make
you veep the next!”)
The welfare state
has little or no bearing on how children turn out, an international research
project has found. Strong families are the key to producing well adjusted and
successful youngsters, it adds. In fact, say the researchers, the children of
married parents are likely to do better than those from broken or single-parent
families – no matter how much state support the family is given. The study
singled out the British welfare state as an example of the failure of state
support to make a difference to the lives and success of children.
Buchanan: The unraveling myth of Watergate
Yes, that really is Barack Obama wearing a regimental coat
and carrying a tricorn hat in his hand. And that flag behind him really is a Gadsden flag, with its
serpent and its "Don't Tread On Me" slogan. You may want to let all
of this sink in a bit, especially if you're a Tea Party-bashing progressive.
The administration begins the push for ratification of a
1982 treaty that would end America's
sovereignty on the high seas, limit our freedoms on land and speed up the
global redistribution of wealth and power. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told
Sen. John Kerry's Senate Foreign Relations Committee last Wednesday that the
freedom of the sea once guaranteed by the British Royal Navy and then the U.S.
Navy should be in the hands of United Nations bureaucrats in Montego Bay, Jamaica,
enforcers of the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) he said we must ratify.
Why the Bishops Are Suing the U.S. Government
Powerful video, send to your friends: “Test of Fire: Election 2012”
Top 10 reasons President Obama
won't be reelected
Celebrities You Probably Didn’t Know Are Republicans
Queen Elizabeth has launched a website documenting her
great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria's
life in her own words. The site contains
40,000 pages of the surviving volumes of Victoria's
journals, along with sketches and paintings she drew to illustrate them.
Leno: The Center
for Responsive Politics reports that President Obama has become the first
politician in history to raise $1 billion in his political career. Imagine how
much more he could have raised if people hadn't lost it all in his economic
plan?.......New research shows that eating organic foods can make people more
arrogant and judgmental. In fact, eating just one handful of organic bean
sprouts has the same effect as driving 1,000 miles in a Prius…… Just two weeks
after a felon in jail got 41 percent of the democratic vote in West Virginia, President Obama got embarrassed again in Arkansas yesterday when
an unknown lawyer got 42 percent. See, that proves once and for all that
there's only a 1 percent difference between a lawyer and a convicted felon.
"War is an ugly
thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral
and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has
nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a
miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by
the exertions of better men than himself."